ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
### site.php 升级步骤 #### 步骤 1: 引入必要的组件文件 ~~~ load()->Xxx('xx'); ~~~ #### 步骤 2: 用户身份验证 在需要粉丝用户或操作员身份验证时,调用以下方法。 ##### Web端 - checklogin() 在 Web 端,操作用户登录方可执行的页面功能,在入口须调用 ‘‘checklogin()’’,验证失败,操作用户须登录,方可向下执行。 ##### App端 - checkauth() 在 App 端,粉丝用户登录方可操作的页面功能 #### 步骤 3: 数据库操作 不要执行直接拼接的 sql 语句,请使用 ‘‘pdo_query( $sql, $params);’’ 等带参数的方法,以防 SQL 注入漏洞。 #### 步骤 4: 读取模块配置信息 在模块内部直接访问 **$this->module[‘config’]** 即可. #### 0.6 代码 可以将 site.php 中大量定义的入口方法分离单独的文件中 **(文件名称为小写单词, 如: )** * doWebXxx 分离到 wxwall/inc/web/ * doMobileXxx 分离到 wxwall/inc/mobile/ 如下: ~~~ <?php /** * 微信墙模块 * * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2013 WE7.CC */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); /** * 微信墙内容 */ /*************************************************** ** 此文件等价于在 site.php 中定义 doWebDetail 方法. ** ** 此文件代码可以随意使用 WxwallModuleSite 中定义的所有方法. ** ****************************************************/ global $_GPC, $_W; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $wall = $this->getWall($id); $wall['onlinemember'] = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".tablename('wxwall_members')." WHERE rid = :rid ", array(':rid'=>$wall['rid'])); $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, content, from_user, type, createtime FROM ".tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE rid = :rid AND isshow = '2' AND from_user <> '' ORDER BY createtime DESC", array(':rid'=>$wall['rid'])); $this->formatMsg($list); include $this->template('detail'); ~~~ ~~~ <?php /** * 微信墙模块 * * [WeEngine System] Copyright (c) 2013 WE7.CC */ defined('IN_IA') or exit('Access Denied'); class WxwallModuleSite extends WeModuleSite { /** * 微信墙内容 */ // 未定义的 doWebDetail 方法, 等价于引用 ./addons/wxwall/inc/web/ 文件 // public function doWebDetail() { // require 'inc/web/'; // } /** * 内容管理 */ public function doWebManage() { global $_GPC, $_W; checklogin(); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $isshow = isset($_GPC['isshow']) ? intval($_GPC['isshow']) : 0; if (checksubmit('verify') && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { foreach ($_GPC['select'] as &$row) { $row = intval($row); } $sql = 'UPDATE '.tablename('wxwall_message')." SET isshow=1 WHERE rid=:rid AND id IN ('".implode("','", $_GPC['select'])."')"; pdo_query($sql, array(':rid' => $id)); message('审核成功!', $this->createWebUrl('manage', array('id' => $id, 'isshow'=>$isshow, 'page' => $_GPC['page']))); } if (checksubmit('delete') && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { foreach ($_GPC['select'] as &$row) { $row = intval($row); } $sql = 'DELETE FROM'.tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE rid=:rid AND id IN ('".implode("','", $_GPC['select'])."')"; pdo_query($sql, array(':rid' => $id)); message('删除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('manage', array('id' => $id, 'isshow'=>$isshow, 'page' => $_GPC['page']))); } $condition = ''; if($isshow == 0) { $condition .= 'AND isshow = '.$isshow; } else { $condition .= 'AND isshow > 0'; } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $wall = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, isshow, rid FROM ".tablename('wxwall_reply')." WHERE rid = '{$id}' LIMIT 1"); $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT * FROM ".tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE rid = '{$wall['rid']}' {$condition} ORDER BY createtime DESC LIMIT ".($pindex - 1) * $psize.",{$psize}"); if (!empty($list)) { $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('wxwall_message') . " WHERE rid = '{$wall['rid']}' {$condition}"); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); foreach ($list as &$row) { if ($row['type'] == 'link') { $row['content'] = iunserializer($row['content']); $row['content'] = '<a href="'.$row['content']['link'].'" target="_blank" title="'.$row['content']['description'].'">'.$row['content']['title'].'</a>'; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'image') { $row['content'] = '<img src="'.$_W['attachurl'] . $row['content'].'" />'; } else { $row['content'] = emotion($row['content']); } $userids[] = $row['from_user']; } unset($row); if (!empty($userids)) { $userids = array_unique($userids); $member = array(); load()->model('mc'); $member = mc_fetch($userids, array('nickname','avatar')); $blacklist = pdo_fetchall("SELECT from_user, isblacklist FROM ".tablename('wxwall_members')." WHERE rid=:rid AND from_user IN ('".implode("','", $userids)."')", array(':rid'=>$id), 'from_user'); foreach ($member as $key => &$row) { $row['isblacklist'] = $blacklist[$key]['isblacklist']; } unset($row); } } include $this->template('manage'); } /** * 增量数据调用 */ public function doWebIncoming() { global $_GPC, $_W; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $lastmsgtime = intval($_GPC['lastmsgtime']); $sql = "SELECT id, content, from_user, type, createtime FROM ".tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE rid = :rid "; $params = array(':rid'=>$id); $page = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); if (!empty($lastmsgtime)) { $sql .= " AND createtime >= :createtime AND isshow > 0 ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT ".($page-1).", 1"; $params[':createtime'] = $lastmsgtime; } else { $sql .= " AND isshow = '1' ORDER BY createtime ASC LIMIT 1"; } $list = pdo_fetchall($sql,$params); if (!empty($list)) { $this->formatMsg($list); $row = $list[0]; pdo_update('wxwall_message', array('isshow' => '2'), array('id' => $row['id'])); $row['content'] = emotion($row['content'], '48px'); message($row, '', 'ajax'); } } /** * 黑名单 */ public function doWebBlacklist() { global $_W, $_GPC; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (checksubmit('delete') && isset($_GPC['select']) && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { foreach ($_GPC['select'] as &$row) { $row = intval($row); } $sql = 'UPDATE ' . tablename('wxwall_members') . " SET isblacklist=0 WHERE rid=:rid AND id IN ('".implode("','", $_GPC['select'])."')"; pdo_query($sql, array(':rid'=>$id)); message('黑名单解除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('blacklist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page']))); } if (!empty($_GPC['from_user'])) { $isshow = isset($_GPC['isshow']) ? intval($_GPC['isshow']) : 0; pdo_update('wxwall_members', array('isblacklist' => intval($_GPC['switch'])), array('from_user' => $_GPC['from_user'], 'rid'=>$id)); message('黑名单操作成功!', $this->createWebUrl('manage', array('id' => $id, 'isshow' => $isshow))); } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, from_user, lastupdate FROM ".tablename('wxwall_members')." WHERE isblacklist = '1' AND rid=:rid ORDER BY lastupdate DESC LIMIT ".($pindex - 1) * $psize.",{$psize}", array(':rid' => $id), 'from_user'); $total = pdo_fetchcolumn('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . tablename('wxwall_members') . " WHERE isblacklist = '1' AND rid=:rid ", array(':rid' => $id)); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); load()->model('mc'); $member = mc_fetch(array_keys($list), array('nickname', 'avatar')); include $this->template('blacklist'); } /** * 二维码 */ public function doWebQrcode() { global $_GPC, $_W; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $wall = $this->getWall($id); include $this->template('qrcode'); } /** * 抽奖 */ public function doWebLottery() { global $_GPC, $_W; checklogin(); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $type = intval($_GPC['type']); $wall = $this->getWall($id); if ($type == 1) { $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, content, from_user, type, createtime FROM ".tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE rid = '{$wall['rid']}' AND isshow = '2' AND from_user <> '' ORDER BY createtime DESC"); } else { $list = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id, content, from_user, type, createtime FROM ".tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE rid = '{$wall['rid']}' AND isshow = '2' AND from_user <> '' GROUP BY from_user ORDER BY createtime DESC LIMIT 10"); } $this->formatMsg($list); include $this->template('lottery'); } /** * 抽奖 */ public function doWebAward() { global $_GPC, $_W; checklogin(); $message = pdo_fetch("SELECT * FROM ".tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE id = :id LIMIT 1", array(':id'=>intval($_GPC['mid']))); if (empty($message)) { message('抱歉,参数不正确!', '', 'error'); } $data = array( 'rid' => $message['rid'], 'from_user' => $message['from_user'], 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP, 'status' => 0, ); pdo_insert('wxwall_award', $data); message('', '', 'success'); } /** * 中奖列表 */ public function doWebAwardlist() { global $_GPC, $_W; checklogin(); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); if (checksubmit('delete') && !empty($_GPC['select'])) { pdo_delete('wxwall_award', " id IN ('".implode("','", $_GPC['select'])."')"); message('删除成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page']))); } if (!empty($_GPC['wid'])) { $wid = intval($_GPC['wid']); pdo_update('wxwall_award', array('status' => intval($_GPC['status'])), array('id' => $wid)); message('标识领奖成功!', $this->createWebUrl('awardlist', array('id' => $id, 'page' => $_GPC['page']))); } $pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page'])); $psize = 20; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".tablename('wxwall_award')." WHERE rid = :rid ORDER BY status ASC LIMIT ".($pindex - 1) * $psize.",{$psize}"; $list = pdo_fetchall($sql, array(':rid'=>$id)); if (!empty($list)) { $total = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".tablename('wxwall_award')." WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid'=>$id)); $pager = pagination($total, $pindex, $psize); foreach ($list as $row) { $users[$row['from_user']] = $row['from_user']; } load()->model('mc'); $users = mc_fetch($users, array('nickname', 'avatar')); } include $this->template('awardlist'); } /** * 获取微信墙附加字段信息 * @param int $id * @return array */ private function getWall($id) { $wall = pdo_fetch("SELECT id, acid, isshow, rid, syncwall, logo, background FROM ".tablename('wxwall_reply')." WHERE rid = :rid LIMIT 1", array(':rid'=>$id)); $wall['syncwall'] = unserialize($wall['syncwall']); $wall['rule'] = pdo_fetch("SELECT name, uniacid FROM ".tablename('rule')." WHERE id = :rid LIMIT 1", array(':rid'=>$id)); load()->model('account'); $accounts = uni_accounts(); $wall['account'] = $accounts[$wall['acid']]; $wall['keyword'] = pdo_fetchall("SELECT content FROM ".tablename('rule_keyword')." WHERE rid = :rid ", array(':rid'=>$id)); return $wall; } /** * 格式化输出微信墙信息 * @param array $list 消息集合 */ private function formatMsg(&$list) { global $_W; if (empty($list)) { return false; } $uids = $members = array(); foreach ($list as &$row) { $uids[$row['from_user']] = $row['from_user']; if ($row['type'] == 'link') { $row['content'] = iunserializer($row['content']); $row['content'] = '<a href="'.$row['content']['link'].'" target="_blank" title="'.$row['content']['description'].'">'.$row['content']['title'].'</a>'; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'image') { $row['content'] = '<img src="'.$_W['attachurl'] . $row['content'].'" />'; } elseif ($row['type'] == 'txwall') { $content = unserialize($row['content']); $row['content'] = $content['content']; $row['avatar'] = $content['avatar']; $row['nickname'] = $content['nickname']; } $row['content'] = emotion($row['content'], '48px'); } unset($row); if (!empty($uids)) { load()->model('mc'); $members = mc_fetch($uids, array('nickname', 'avatar')); } if (!empty($members)) { foreach ($list as $index => &$row) { if ($row['type'] == 'txwall') { continue; } $row['nickname'] = $members[$row['from_user']]['nickname']; $row['avatar'] = $members[$row['from_user']]['avatar']; } unset($row); } } /** * 异步处理腾讯墙信息 */ public function doWebIncomingTxWall() { global $_W, $_GPC; $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $result = array('status' => 0); $lastmsgtime = intval($_GPC['lastmsgtime']); $lastuser = ''; $wall = pdo_fetchcolumn("SELECT syncwall FROM ".tablename('wxwall_reply')." WHERE rid = :rid LIMIT 1", array(':rid'=>$id)); if (empty($wall)) { message($result, '', 'ajax'); } $wall = unserialize($wall); if (empty($wall['tx']['status'])) { message($result, '', 'ajax'); } $response = ihttp_request(''.$wall['tx']['subject'].'&fk=&fn=&rnd='.TIMESTAMP); if (empty($response['content'])) { $result['status'] = -1; message($result, '', 'ajax'); } $last = pdo_fetch("SELECT createtime, from_user FROM ".tablename('wxwall_message')." WHERE createtime >= :createtime AND type = 'txwall' AND rid = :rid ORDER BY createtime DESC LIMIT 1", array(':createtime'=>$lastmsgtime, ':rid'=>$id)); if (!empty($last)) { $lastmsgtime = $last['createtime']; $lastuser = $last['from_user']; } $list = json_decode($response['content'], true); if (!empty($list['data']['info'])) { foreach ($list['data']['info'] as $row) { if ($row['timestamp'] < $lastmsgtime || ($lastmsgtime == $row['timestamp'] && !empty($lastuser) && $lastuser == $row['name'])) { break; } $content = array('nickname' => $row['nick'], 'avatar' => !empty($row['head']) ? $row['head'] . '/120' : '', 'content' => $row['text']); $insert[] = array( 'rid' => $id, 'content' => serialize($content), 'from_user' => $row['name'], 'type' => 'txwall', 'isshow' => 1, 'createtime' => $row['timestamp'], ); } unset($row); $insert = array_reverse($insert); foreach ($insert as $row) { pdo_insert('wxwall_message', $row); } $lastmsgtime = $row['timestamp']; $result = array( 'status' => 1, 'lastmsgtime' => $lastmsgtime, ); message($result, '', 'ajax'); } else { message($result, '', 'ajax'); } } /** * 腾讯墙信息登记 */ public function doMobileRegister() { global $_GPC, $_W; $title = '微信墙登记'; // 验证用户注册, 注册后方能进如活动 checkauth(); if (!empty($_GPC['submit'])) { $data = array( 'nickname' => $_GPC['nickname'], ); if (empty($data['nickname'])) { die('<script>alert("请填写您的昵称!");location.reload();</script>'); } if (!empty($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'])) { load()->func('file'); $upload = file_upload($_FILES['avatar']); if (is_error($upload)) { die('<script>alert("登记失败!请重试!");location.reload();</script>'); } $data['avatar'] = $upload['path']; } else { $data['avatar'] = $_GPC['avatar_radio']; } load()->model('mc'); mc_update($_W['member']['uid'], $data); die('<script>alert("登记成功!现在进入话题发表内容!");location.href = "'.$this->createMobileUrl('register').'";</script>'); } $member = mc_fetch($_W['member']['uid'], array('nickname', 'avatar')); if (empty($member['avatar'])) { $member['avatar'] = 'images/global/noavatar_middle.gif'; } load()->func('tpl'); include $this->template('register'); } } ~~~