ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
``` composer命令 ``` ``` 可以直接使用composer命令。 D:\\phpStudy>cd www D:\\phpStudy\\WWW>cd 20210429 D:\\phpStudy\\WWW\\20210429>composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://mirr D:\\phpStudy\\WWW\\20210429>composer require zoujingli/weopen-developer Search for a package: zoujingli/weopen-developer Warning from You are using an outdated version of Compose r. Composer 2 is now available and you should upgrade. See https://getcomposer.o rg/2 Enter the version constraint to require (or leave blank to use the latest versio n): dev-master Search for a package:直接回车 ./composer.json has been updated Loading composer repositories with package information Warning from You are using an outdated version of Compose r. Composer 2 is now available and you should upgrade. See https://getcomposer.o rg/2 Updating dependencies (including require-dev) \- Installing topthink/think-installer (v2.0.5) Loading from cache \- Installing zoujingli/wechat-developer (v1.2.31) Downloading: 100% \- Installing zoujingli/weopen-developer (dev-master 4d0d3c0) Cloning 4d0d3c064e54556621453845fc65ba52de58a880 Failed to download zoujingli/weopen-developer from source: Failed to clone h ttps://, git was not found, check that i t is installed and in your PATH env. 'git' 不是内部或外部命令,也不是可运行的程序 或批处理文件。 Now trying to download from dist \- Installing zoujingli/weopen-developer (dev-master 4d0d3c0) Downloading: 100% \- Installing topthink/framework (v5.1.41) Loading from cache Writing lock file Generating autoload files D:\\phpStudy\\WWW\\20210429> ```