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[TOC] # MongoDB # *D:\wamp\www\xue.test\xuetang\protected\config\common.php* ``` 'mongodb' => array( 'class' => 'EMongoClient', 'server' => 'mongodb://'.MONGO_HOST.':'.MONGO_PORT, 'db' => MONGO_DB, 'options' => array( 'connect' => true , //'username' => MONGO_USER, // 'password' => MONGO_PWD , ) ), ``` *D:\wamp\www\xue.test\xuetang\protected\service\service2\V2StatisticsService.php* ``` $mongo = Yii::app()->mongodb; $collection = $mongo->selectCollection(WK::XT_EXAM_RECORD_COLLECTION); // const XT_EXAM_RECORD_COLLECTION = 'xt_exam_record'; // 答卷记录 ``` ## MongoDB 聚合 MongoDB中聚合(aggregate)主要用于处理数据(诸如统计平均值,求和等),并返回计算后的数据结果。有点类似sql语句中的 count(*)。 http://www.runoob.com/mongodb/mongodb-aggregate.html ``` $res = $collection->aggregate(array( array( '$match' => array( 'uid' => array('$in' => $args['uid']), 'end' => array( '$gte' => $args['begin'], '$lte' => $args['end'] ) ) ), array( '$group' => array( '_id' => array('uid' => '$uid'), 'total' => array('$sum' => 1), 'rate' => array('$avg' => '$score_rate'), ) ), array( '$project' => array( 'rate' => '$rate', 'total' => '$total', 'uid' => '$_id.uid', '_id' => 0 ) ) )); ``` ## 模型类 ## *D:\wamp\www\xue.test\xuetang\protected\models\mongo\XtExamRecord.php* ~~~ <?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Qmore * Date: 16-8-16 * Time: 上午9:42 */ class XtExamRecord extends EMongoDocument{ /** * Returns the static model of the specified AR class. * @param string $className active record class name. * @return XtExamRecord the static model class */ public static function model($className=__CLASS__) { return parent::model($className); } function relations(){ return array( 'xtExerRecords' => array('many', 'XtExerRecord', 'aeid','on'=>'aeid') ); } /** * Returns the collection name as a string * * @example * * return 'users'; * * @return string */ public function collectionName(){ return WK::XT_EXAM_RECORD_COLLECTION; } } ~~~ ## 测试结果 ``` public function actionTest() { $recommends = wkeRecommend::model()->findAll('fdreferrerID=:uid',array('uid'=>Yii::app()->user->id)); if ($recommends) { $studentIDs = array_map(function($r){return $r->fdUserID;}, $recommends); } $begin = '1547913600000'; $end = '1550505599999'; // 练习记录 $examRecords = V2StatisticsService::factory()->getUsersExamRecordStat([ 'end' => $end, 'begin' => $begin, 'uid' => $studentIDs, ]); p($examRecords); // 过滤没有答题的学生,减少mongo查询 $availableUIDs = []; foreach ($examRecords as $uid => $record) { if ($record['total']) { $availableUIDs[] = $uid; } } // 答题记录 $exerRecords = []; if ($availableUIDs) { $exerRecords = V2StatisticsService::factory()->getUsersExerRecordStat([ 'end' => $end, 'begin' => $begin, 'uid' => $availableUIDs, ]); } p($exerRecords); } ``` 结果: ``` array ( 474602 => array ( 'total' => 9 'rate' => 66.811111111111 'uid' => 474602 ) 474598 => array ( 'total' => 7 'rate' => 57.385714285714 'uid' => 474598 ) ) --------------------------------------------- array ( 474602 => array ( 'total' => 117 'uid' => 474602 ) 474598 => array ( 'total' => 66 'uid' => 474598 ) ) --------------------------------------------- ``` ![](./img/2019-02-18_153931.png) ## PHP操作MongoDB ``` $mongo = new MongoClient("mongodb://"); var_dump($mongo->getHosts()); //返回主机名称、端口号、健康程度、状态、ping耗时、前一次ping的时间戳 /* array (size=1) ';-;.;4676' => array (size=6) 'host' => string '' (length=9) 'port' => int 27017 'health' => int 1 'state' => int 0 'ping' => int 1 'lastPing' => int 1550545309 */ var_dump($mongo->listDBs()); //列出所有数据库,返回数据库名称、大小、是否为空以及总大小、ok状态 /* array (size=3) 'databases' => array (size=3) 0 => array (size=3) 'name' => string 'admin' (length=5) 'sizeOnDisk' => float 143360 'empty' => boolean false 1 => array (size=3) 'name' => string 'local' (length=5) 'sizeOnDisk' => float 94208 'empty' => boolean false 2 => array (size=3) 'name' => string 'weike' (length=5) 'sizeOnDisk' => float 11886944256 'empty' => boolean false 'totalSize' => float 11887181824 'ok' => float 1 */ $db = $mongo->weike; //选择数据库,返回数据库对象 var_dump($db->listCollections()); //返回全部的集合对象 var_dump($db->getCollectionNames()); /* array (size=32) 0 => string 'teaching_activity_log' (length=21) 1 => string 'album_operation_log' (length=19) 2 => string 'jobtracker_data' (length=15) 3 => string 'admin_operation_log' (length=19) 4 => string 'xt_register_log' (length=15) 5 => string 'xt_login_log' (length=12) 6 => string 'xt_exam_record' (length=14) 7 => string 'tag_history' (length=11) 8 => string 'user_last_tag' (length=13) 9 => string 'exam_record' (length=11) 10 => string 'content_record' (length=14) 11 => string 'app_statistics' (length=14) 12 => string 'exam_cahe' (length=9) 13 => string 'exercise_basket' (length=15) 14 => string 'class_op_log' (length=12) 15 => string 'exer_record' (length=11) 16 => string 'system_message' (length=14) 17 => string 'operation_log' (length=13) 18 => string 'w_admin_op_log' (length=14) 19 => string 'action' (length=6) 20 => string 'dasai_system_message' (length=20) 21 => string 'pushNotification' (length=16) 22 => string 'kt_command_log' (length=14) 23 => string 'behavior_record' (length=15) 24 => string 'number_predict_history' (length=22) 25 => string 'xk_visit_log' (length=12) 26 => string 'activity_log' (length=12) 27 => string 'exam_cache' (length=10) 28 => string 'xt_exer_record' (length=14) 29 => string 'play_record' (length=11) 30 => string 'submit_exam_log' (length=15) 31 => string 'download_record' (length=15) */ $col = $db->selectCollection("xt_exam_record"); //选择表(集合),返回文档集合对象 $n = 0; foreach ($col->find() as $item) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($item); echo "</pre>"; $n++; if ($n > 10) die; } /* Array ( [_id] => MongoId Object ( [$id] => 5b57e68492e87e8e6f4bdc9c ) [uid] => 1878564 [class] => Array ( ) [grade] => 6 [school] => 18748 [city] => 1148 [dist] => [prov] => 8 [total] => 59 [schooltype] => 1 [alias] => 0 [book] => [subject] => 2 [e_eid] => 169477 [e_name] => 小学数学小数的简单运算考点练习 [aeid] => 1824709 [source] => 16 [total_obj] => 41 [rate] => 100 [score_rate] => 100 [date] => MongoDate Object ( [sec] => 1532068205 [usec] => 0 ) [start] => MongoDate Object ( [sec] => 1532068203 [usec] => 0 ) [end] => MongoDate Object ( [sec] => 1532068259 [usec] => 0 ) [consume] => 33000 [scene] => 101 [status] => 1 [schedule] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 26 [tagid] => 53438 [level] => 3 ) [1] => Array ( [id] => 25 [tagid] => 53437 [level] => 2 ) [2] => Array ( [id] => 21 [tagid] => 53428 [level] => 1 ) ) [targetID] => 2 [score] => 59 [score_obj] => 0 ) */ ```