🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
1. 模糊查询 ~~~ <select id="getUsersByName" parameterType="String" resultType="Userinfo"> select * from userinfo where name like "%"#{name}"%" </select> ~~~ 2. 参数为多个 2.1 以索引的方式 ~~~ <select id="getUserByCondition" resultType="Userinfo"> select * from userinfo where username = #{0} and sex = #{1} </select> ~~~ 2.2 入参为map类型 ~~~ <select id="getUsersByCondition2" parameterType="map" resultType="Userinfo"> select * from userinfo where name = #{name} and sex = #{sex} </select> ~~~ 2.3 入参为对象类型 ~~~ <select id="getUsersByCondition" parameterType="Userinfo" resultType="Userinfo"> select * from userinfo where name = #{name} and sex = #{sex} </select> ~~~ 5. 插入操作 插入操作 - MySQL ~~~ <insert id="addUser" parameterType="Userinfo"> insert into userinfo values(null, #{name}, #{sex}, #{birthday},#{sal}) <selectKey keyProperty="id" order="AFTER" resultType="int"> select LAST_INSERT_ID() </selectKey> </insert> ~~~ 插入操作 - Oracle ~~~ <insert id="addEnterprise" parameterType="com.neuedu.model.po.Enterprise"> insert into enterprise values(xx.nextval, #{name},#{videopath},#{introduction},#{jczs}) <selectKey keyProperty="qid" order="AFTER" resultType="int"> select xx.curval from dual </selectKey> </insert> ~~~ 或者 ~~~ <insert id="addEnterprise" parameterType="com.neuedu.model.po.Enterprise"> insert into enterprise values(xx.currval, #{name},#{videopath},#{introduction},#{jczs}) <selectKey keyProperty="qid" order="BEFORE" resultType="int"> select xx.nextval from dual </selectKey> </insert> ~~~ 6. 更新操作 ~~~ <update id="updateUser" parameterType="Userinfo"> update userinfo set name = #{name}, sex=#{sex}, birthday=#{birthday}, sal=#{sal} where id=#{id} </update> ~~~ 7. 删除操作 ~~~ <delete id="deleteUser" parameterType="int"> delete from userinfo where id = #{id} </delete> ~~~ 注意: 1. MyBatis的事务不是自动提交的,对于增删改,需要提交事务,session.commit 2. MyBatis的事务控制 ~~~ public static void addEnterprise() { //1. 得到一个SqlSession() SqlSession session = DBUtils.getSession(); //2. 由sqlSession得到Mapper接口的实现类 EnterpriseMapper enterpriseMapper = session.getMapper(EnterpriseMapper.class); SwiperMapper swiperMapper = session.getMapper(SwiperMapper.class); //3. 创建一个lesson try { //add enterprise Enterprise item = new Enterprise(); item.setIntroduction("xxxx"); item.setJczs("xxx"); item.setName("xxx"); item.setVideopath("qqq"); enterpriseMapper.addEnterprise(item); System.out.println(item.getQid()); Integer.parseInt("aa"); //add images swiperMapper.addSwiper(item.getQid(),"AA.jpg","A"); swiperMapper.addSwiper(item.getQid(),"BB.jpg","A"); swiperMapper.addSwiper(item.getQid(),"CC.jpg","A"); //提交 session.commit(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); session.rollback(); } finally { session.close(); } } ~~~