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# Apache模块 mod_echo | [说明](#calibre_link-11) | 一个很简单的协议演示模块 | | --- | --- | | [状态](#calibre_link-12) | 实验(X) | | [模块名](#calibre_link-13) | echo_module | | [源文件](#calibre_link-14) | mod_echo.c | | [兼容性](#calibre_link-58) | 仅在 Apache 2.0 及以后的版本中可用 | ### 概述 This module provides an example protocol module to illustrate the concept. It provides a simple echo server. Telnet to it and type stuff, and it will echo it. ## ProtocolEcho 指令 | [说明](#calibre_link-18) | Turn the echo server on or off | | --- | --- | | [语法](#calibre_link-19) | `ProtocolEcho On|Off` | | [作用域](#calibre_link-20) | server config, virtual host | | [状态](#calibre_link-21) | 实验(X) | | [模块](#calibre_link-22) | mod_echo | | [兼容性](#calibre_link-137) | ProtocolEcho is only available in 2.0 及以后的版本中可用 | `ProtocolEcho` directive enables or disables the echo server. ### 示例 ``` ProtocolEcho On ```