💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
### 异常处理 Clojure代码里面抛出来的异常都是运行时异常。当然从Clojure代码里面调用的java代码还是可能抛出那种需要检查的异常的。 `try` , `catch` , `finally` 以及 `throw` 提供了和java里面类似的功能: ``` (defn collection? [obj] (println "obj is a" (class obj)) ; Clojure collections implement clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection. (or (coll? obj) ; Clojure collection? (instance? java.util.Collection obj))) ; Java collection? (defn average [coll] (when-not (collection? coll) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "expected a collection"))) (when (empty? coll) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. "collection is empty"))) ; Apply the + function to all the items in coll, ; then divide by the number of items in it. (let [sum (apply + coll)] (/ sum (count coll)))) (try (println "list average =" (average '(2 3))) ; result is a clojure.lang.Ratio object (println "vector average =" (average [2 3])) ; same (println "set average =" (average #{2 3})) ; same (let [al (java.util.ArrayList.)] (doto al (.add 2) (.add 3)) (println "ArrayList average =" (average al))) ; same (println "string average =" (average "1 2 3 4")) ; illegal argument (catch IllegalArgumentException e (println e) ;(.printStackTrace e) ; if a stack trace is desired ) (finally (println "in finally"))) ``` 上面代码的输出是这样的: ``` obj is a clojure.lang.PersistentList list average = 5/2 obj is a clojure.lang.LazilyPersistentVector vector average = 5/2 obj is a clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet set average = 5/2 obj is a java.util.ArrayList ArrayList average = 5/2 obj is a java.lang.String #<IllegalArgumentException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: expected a collection> in finally ```