ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
## 1.6\. 使用grunt创建项目 [grunt](是基于任务的构建工具,和make,rake,ant,cake,maven,gradle等是一样的 ### 1.6.1\. 前置条件 前置条件需要有nodejs和npm,请确保已安装成功: ``` npm install -g grunt npm install -g grunt-init git clone ~/.grunt-init/jquery grunt-init jquery ``` 如果是万恶的window系统,请修改: ``` git clone %USERPROFILE%/.grunt-init/jquery ``` 另外如果是linux或者mac,使用-g安装的时候可能需要sudo权限,具体自己看日志 ### 1.6.2\. 创建项目 ``` ➜ jquery_plugin git:(master) ✗ mkdir plugin_grunt ➜ jquery_plugin git:(master) ✗ cd plugin_grunt ➜ plugin_grunt git:(master) ✗ grunt-init jquery Running "init:jquery" (init) task This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based on the environment and the answers to a few questions. Note that answering "?" to any question will show question-specific help and answering "none" to most questions will leave its value blank. "jquery" template notes: Project name should not contain "jquery" or "js" and should be a unique ID not already in use at Project title should be a human-readable title, and doesn't need to contain the word "jQuery", although it may. For example, a plugin titled "Awesome Plugin" might have the name "awesome-plugin". For more information, please see the following documentation: Naming Your Plugin Publishing Your Plugin Package Manifest Please answer the following: [?] Project name (plugin_grunt) i5ting-mobile [?] Project title (I5ting Mobile) [?] Description (The best jQuery plugin ever.) this is a test jq plugin [?] Version (0.1.0) [?] Project git repository (git:// [?] Project homepage ( [?] Project issues tracker ( [?] Licenses (MIT) [?] Author name (shiren1118) i5ting [?] Author email ( [?] Author url (none) [?] Required jQuery version (*) [?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N) Writing .gitignore...OK Writing .jshintrc...OK Writing Writing Gruntfile.js...OK Writing Writing libs/jquery-loader.js...OK Writing libs/jquery/jquery.js...OK Writing libs/qunit/qunit.css...OK Writing libs/qunit/qunit.js...OK Writing src/.jshintrc...OK Writing src/i5ting-mobile.js...OK Writing test/.jshintrc...OK Writing test/i5ting-mobile.html...OK Writing test/i5ting-mobile_test.js...OK Writing LICENSE-MIT...OK Writing package.json...OK Writing i5ting-mobile.jquery.json...OK Initialized from template "jquery". You should now install project dependencies with npm install. After that, you may execute project tasks with grunt. For more information about installing and configuring Grunt, please see the Getting Started guide: Done, without errors. ➜ plugin_grunt git:(master) ✗ ``` ### 1.6.3\. 安装依赖 切换到plugin_grunt根目录,通过下面命令安装grunt依赖的包 ``` ➜ plugin_grunt git:(master) npm install ``` qunit 依赖phantomjs,需要翻墙,自备梯子或者 []( ### 1.6.4\. 测试 grunt的task是在Gruntfile.js里定义的,所以看最后的2句 ``` // Default task. grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'qunit', 'clean', 'concat', 'uglify']); ``` 通过上面可以知道grunt默认的tast包括'jshint', 'qunit', 'clean', 'concat', 'uglify',也就是说执行grunt命令会依次执行这些task。 任务说明 * jshint 语法校验 * qunit 单元测试 * clean 清理历史 * concat 合并多个src到一个文件中 * uglify 将concat的文件进行混淆 当然你也可以分别运行,比如,运行单元测试: ``` grunt qunit ``` 比如,运行混淆代码 ``` grunt uglify ``` 没有error,通过即可。