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# 17.3 复杂性理论 下面要介绍的程序的前身是由Larry O'Brien原创的一些代码,并以由Craig Reynolds于1986年编制的“Boids”程序为基础,当时是为了演示复杂性理论的一个特殊问题,名为“凸显”(Emergence)。 这儿要达到的目标是通过为每种动物都规定少许简单的规则,从而逼真地再现动物的群聚行为。每个动物都能看到看到整个环境以及环境中的其他动物,但它只与一系列附近的“群聚伙伴”打交道。动物的移动基于三个简单的引导行为: (1) 分隔:避免本地群聚伙伴过于拥挤。 (2) 方向:遵从本地群聚伙伴的普遍方向。 (3) 聚合:朝本地群聚伙伴组的中心移动。 更复杂的模型甚至可以包括障碍物的因素,动物能预知和避免与障碍冲突的能力,所以它们能围绕环境中的固定物体自由活动。除此以外,动物也可能有自己的特殊目标,这也许会造成群体按特定的路径前进。为简化讨论,避免障碍以及目标搜寻的因素并未包括到这里建立的模型中。 尽管计算机本身比较简陋,而且采用的规则也相当简单,但结果看起来是真实的。也就是说,相当逼真的行为从这个简单的模型中“凸显”出来了。 程序以组合到一起的应用程序/程序片的形式提供: ``` //: // Demonstration of complexity theory; simulates // herding behavior in animals. Adapted from // a program by Larry O'Brien import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; import java.util.*; class Beast { int x, y, // Screen position currentSpeed; // Pixels per second float currentDirection; // Radians Color color; // Fill color FieldOBeasts field; // Where the Beast roams static final int GSIZE = 10; // Graphic size public Beast(FieldOBeasts f, int x, int y, float cD, int cS, Color c) { field = f; this.x = x; this.y = y; currentDirection = cD; currentSpeed = cS; color = c; } public void step() { // You move based on those within your sight: Vector seen = field.beastListInSector(this); // If you're not out in front if(seen.size() > 0) { // Gather data on those you see int totalSpeed = 0; float totalBearing = 0.0f; float distanceToNearest = 100000.0f; Beast nearestBeast = (Beast)seen.elementAt(0); Enumeration e = seen.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { Beast aBeast = (Beast) e.nextElement(); totalSpeed += aBeast.currentSpeed; float bearing = aBeast.bearingFromPointAlongAxis( x, y, currentDirection); totalBearing += bearing; float distanceToBeast = aBeast.distanceFromPoint(x, y); if(distanceToBeast < distanceToNearest) { nearestBeast = aBeast; distanceToNearest = distanceToBeast; } } // Rule 1: Match average speed of those // in the list: currentSpeed = totalSpeed / seen.size(); // Rule 2: Move towards the perceived // center of gravity of the herd: currentDirection = totalBearing / seen.size(); // Rule 3: Maintain a minimum distance // from those around you: if(distanceToNearest <= field.minimumDistance) { currentDirection = nearestBeast.currentDirection; currentSpeed = nearestBeast.currentSpeed; if(currentSpeed > field.maxSpeed) { currentSpeed = field.maxSpeed; } } } else { // You are in front, so slow down currentSpeed = (int)(currentSpeed * field.decayRate); } // Make the beast move: x += (int)(Math.cos(currentDirection) * currentSpeed); y += (int)(Math.sin(currentDirection) * currentSpeed); x %= field.xExtent; y %= field.yExtent; if(x < 0) x += field.xExtent; if(y < 0) y += field.yExtent; } public float bearingFromPointAlongAxis ( int originX, int originY, float axis) { // Returns bearing angle of the current Beast // in the world coordiante system try { double bearingInRadians = Math.atan( (this.y - originY) / (this.x - originX)); // Inverse tan has two solutions, so you // have to correct for other quarters: if(x < originX) { if(y < originY) { bearingInRadians += - (float)Math.PI; } else { bearingInRadians = (float)Math.PI - bearingInRadians; } } // Just subtract the axis (in radians): return (float) (axis - bearingInRadians); } catch(ArithmeticException aE) { // Divide by 0 error possible on this if(x > originX) { return 0; } else return (float) Math.PI; } } public float distanceFromPoint(int x1, int y1){ return (float) Math.sqrt( Math.pow(x1 - x, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y, 2)); } public Point position() { return new Point(x, y); } // Beasts know how to draw themselves: public void draw(Graphics g) { g.setColor(color); int directionInDegrees = (int)( (currentDirection * 360) / (2 * Math.PI)); int startAngle = directionInDegrees - FieldOBeasts.halfFieldOfView; int endAngle = 90; g.fillArc(x, y, GSIZE, GSIZE, startAngle, endAngle); } } public class FieldOBeasts extends Applet implements Runnable { private Vector beasts; static float fieldOfView = (float) (Math.PI / 4), // In radians // Deceleration % per second: decayRate = 1.0f, minimumDistance = 10f; // In pixels static int halfFieldOfView = (int)( (fieldOfView * 360) / (2 * Math.PI)), xExtent = 0, yExtent = 0, numBeasts = 50, maxSpeed = 20; // Pixels/second boolean uniqueColors = true; Thread thisThread; int delay = 25; public void init() { if (xExtent == 0 && yExtent == 0) { xExtent = Integer.parseInt( getParameter("xExtent")); yExtent = Integer.parseInt( getParameter("yExtent")); } beasts = makeBeastVector(numBeasts, uniqueColors); // Now start the beasts a-rovin': thisThread = new Thread(this); thisThread.start(); } public void run() { while(true) { for(int i = 0; i < beasts.size(); i++){ Beast b = (Beast) beasts.elementAt(i); b.step(); } try { thisThread.sleep(delay); } catch(InterruptedException ex){} repaint(); // Otherwise it won't update } } Vector makeBeastVector( int quantity, boolean uniqueColors) { Vector newBeasts = new Vector(); Random generator = new Random(); // Used only if uniqueColors is on: double cubeRootOfBeastNumber = Math.pow((double)numBeasts, 1.0 / 3.0); float colorCubeStepSize = (float) (1.0 / cubeRootOfBeastNumber); float r = 0.0f; float g = 0.0f; float b = 0.0f; for(int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { int x = (int) (generator.nextFloat() * xExtent); if(x > xExtent - Beast.GSIZE) x -= Beast.GSIZE; int y = (int) (generator.nextFloat() * yExtent); if(y > yExtent - Beast.GSIZE) y -= Beast.GSIZE; float direction = (float)( generator.nextFloat() * 2 * Math.PI); int speed = (int)( generator.nextFloat() * (float)maxSpeed); if(uniqueColors) { r += colorCubeStepSize; if(r > 1.0) { r -= 1.0f; g += colorCubeStepSize; if( g > 1.0) { g -= 1.0f; b += colorCubeStepSize; if(b > 1.0) b -= 1.0f; } } } newBeasts.addElement( new Beast(this, x, y, direction, speed, new Color(r,g,b))); } return newBeasts; } public Vector beastListInSector(Beast viewer) { Vector output = new Vector(); Enumeration e = beasts.elements(); Beast aBeast = (Beast)beasts.elementAt(0); int counter = 0; while(e.hasMoreElements()) { aBeast = (Beast) e.nextElement(); if(aBeast != viewer) { Point p = aBeast.position(); Point v = viewer.position(); float bearing = aBeast.bearingFromPointAlongAxis( v.x, v.y, viewer.currentDirection); if(Math.abs(bearing) < fieldOfView / 2) output.addElement(aBeast); } } return output; } public void paint(Graphics g) { Enumeration e = beasts.elements(); while(e.hasMoreElements()) { ((Beast)e.nextElement()).draw(g); } } public static void main(String[] args) { FieldOBeasts field = new FieldOBeasts(); field.xExtent = 640; field.yExtent = 480; Frame frame = new Frame("Field 'O Beasts"); // Optionally use a command-line argument // for the sleep time: if(args.length >= 1) field.delay = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); frame.addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } }); frame.add(field, BorderLayout.CENTER); frame.setSize(640,480); field.init(); field.start(); frame.setVisible(true); } } ///:~ ``` 尽管这并非对Craig Reynold的“Boids”例子中的行为完美重现,但它却展现出了自己独有的迷人之外。通过对数字进行调整,即可进行全面的修改。至于与这种群聚行为有关的更多的情况,大家可以访问Craig Reynold的主页——在那个地方,甚至还提供了Boids一个公开的3D展示版本: 为了将这个程序作为一个程序片运行,请在HTML文件中设置下述程序片标志: ``` <applet code=FieldOBeasts width=640 height=480> <param name=xExtent value = "640"> <param name=yExtent value = "480"> </applet> ```