💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
# 6. 注释 可以用注释加入描述性文本,他们并不在模板引擎中输出。注释可以有助于你的记忆或者想其他人解释你的VTL语句正在做什么。 ``` ## This is a single line comment. ``` 单行注释以\#\#开始,并在本行结束。如果需要加入多行注释,并不需要加入很多的单行注释。多行注释,以\#\*开始并以\*\#结束可以处理这种情况。 ``` This is text that is outside the multi-line comment. Online visitors can see it. #* Thus begins a multi-line comment. Online visitors won't see this text because the Velocity Templating Engine will ignore it. *# Here is text outside the multi-line comment; it is visible. ``` 下面事一些例子说明单行注释和多行注释如何工作。 ``` This text is visible. ## This text is not. This text is visible. This text is visible. #* This text, as part of a multi-line comment, is not visible. This text is not visible; it is also part of the multi-line comment. This text still not visible. *# This text is outside the comment, so it is visible. ## This text is not visible. ``` 还有第三种注释, VTL 注释块,可以用来存储诸如文档作者、版本信息等。 ``` #** This is a VTL comment block and may be used to store such information as the document author and versioning information: @author @version 5 *# ```