# 前言
+ [1\. 序言](#calibre_link-149)
+ [2\. 本书的阅读对象](#calibre_link-148)
+ [3\. 感谢](#calibre_link-150)
+ [4\. 文档约定](#calibre_link-151)
+ [5\. 如何获得本书最新版本?](#calibre_link-152)
+ [6\. 反馈](#calibre_link-153)
## 1. 序言
Wireshark 是一种适合网络管理员使用的程序。但因为一直缺乏足够的文档资料阻碍了它的广泛流传。 提高Wireshark易用性,Wireshark团队作出诸多努力,本书即是其中的的一部分。
## 2. 本书的阅读对象
本书将会讲解Wireshark的所有基本功能以及一些特性。 与原先的版本相比,今天Wireshark已经拥有非常丰富的功能,当然也变得更加复杂了。也许有些功能在本书中会略过不做讲解。!
本书不尝试揭示网络嗅探(Network sniffing)的原理(译者注:此处翻译不尽人意)。 很多有用的信息可以在Wireshark的WiKI网站上找到 http://wiki.wireshark.org [[1](#calibre_link-155)]
通过阅读本书,你将会了解如何安装Wireshark,如何使用图形界面的各单元(比如菜单), 以及一些不能直接发现的高级功能。本书将会初学者(有时甚至一些高手)解决使用中碰到的一些常见问题.
[[1](#calibre_link-156)] 译者注:个人认为该网站还比较简陋
## 3. 感谢
The authors would like to thank the whole Wireshark team for their assistance. In particular, the authors would like to thank:
* Gerald Combs, for initiating the Wireshark project and funding to do this documentation.
* Guy Harris, for many helpful hints and a great deal of patience in reviewing this document.
* Gilbert Ramirez, for general encouragement and helpful hints along the way.
The authors would also like to thank the following people for their helpful feedback on this document:
* Pat Eyler, for his suggestions on improving the example on generating a backtrace.
* Martin Regner, for his various suggestions and corrections.
* Graeme Hewson, for a lot of grammatical corrections.
The authors would like to acknowledge those man page and README authors for the Wireshark project from who sections of this document borrow heavily:
* Scott Renfro from whose mergecap man page Section D.7, “mergecap: Merging multiple capture files into one ” is derived.
* Ashok Narayanan from whose text2pcap man page Section D.8, “text2pcap: Converting ASCII hexdumps to network captures ” is derived.
* Frank Singleton from whose README.idl2wrs Section D.9, “idl2wrs: Creating dissectors from CORBA IDL files ” is derived.
## 4. 文档约定
本书由Wireshark基金会提供经费,Richard Sharpe编写。经ED Warnicke更新,最近大多数更新,重新排版由UlfLamping进行。
> 警告
> 看到警告时你需要加以注意了,可能会有数据丢失发生
> 注意
> 指出一些常见错误,或者一些不明显的东西
> 提示
> 提示对日常使用Wireshark很有用
[[2](#calibre_link-163)] 译者注:未来的文档标准,适合书籍,资料之类的发布,有兴趣的可以google搜索 一下,译文不是用这个写的
## 5. 从哪里可以得到Wireshark
你可以从我们的网站下载最新版本的[Wireshark http://www.wireshark.org/download.html](http://www.wireshark.org/download.html).网站上您可以选择适合您的镜像站点。
如果您想获得Wireshark发布的消息通知,你可以订阅Wireshark-announce邮件列表。详见[第 1.6.4 节 “邮件列表”](#calibre_link-166 "1.6.4. 邮件列表")
## 6. 反馈