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# Change Log ## v1.1.0 — _05 Dec 2013_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v1.0...v1.1.0) ### Notable changes * IE10+ support * [Huge speed optimizations](http://jsperf.com/zepto-1-0-vs-1-1-performance/2) for simple CSS selectors (classname, ID) and DOM element creation * Provide `$.Callbacks` and `$.Deferred` in optional modules * Removed `fx` and `detect` modules from default build ### Ajax * New supported `$.ajax()` options: * `xhrFields` * `mimeType` * `jsonpCallback` * `username` & `password` * Promise interface supported when loading the optional “callbacks” and “deferred” modules: * `xhr.done(function(data, status, xhr){ ... })` * `xhr.fail(function(xhr, errorType, error){ ... })` * `xhr.always(function(){ ... })` * Enable mutating Ajax settings in the `beforeSend` callback * Fix JSONP callbacks for errored responses on Android * Ensure consistent `Accept` request HTTP header across browsers * Fix `$.param()` for jQuery compatibility when handling complex nested objects * Support IIS JavaScript MIME type * Pass “abort” and “timeout” status to global `ajaxError` event handlers ### Event * Provide `isDefaultPrevented()`, `stopImmediatePropagation()`, and related methods for all events * Support the `data` argument in `.bind()`, `.on()`, and `.one()` * Support CSS selector argument in `.one()` for event delegation * Support `.on('ready')` as an alias for `.ready()` * Enable event handlers on plain old JS objects * Many fixes related to event delegation ### Data * Cleanup `.data()` values on DOM element removal with `.remove/empty()` * `.data()` now assumes that numbers that begin with zeroes are strings * `.removeData()` (no argument) now removes all data on the element * Enable reading `data-*` attributes that have underscores in the name ### Misc. * Support simple DOM property names in `.prop(name)` such as `for`, `class`, `readonly`… * Implement the `.scrollLeft([value])` method * Support setting `.scrollTop(value)` * Fix `$(document).width/height()` * Support fetching multiple CSS values via array in `.css(['prop1', 'prop2', ...])` * Support setting CSS transition delay via `delay` option for `.animate()` * Ensure that `.animate()` callback always firesParty like it’s one-oh!_ ## v1.0 — _02 Mar 2013_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v1.0rc1...v1.0) _Party like it’s one-oh!_ ### Notable changes * Zepto is now compatible with Twitter Bootstrap * Portable, completely new node.js-based build system * Fully automated tests with PhantomJS and Travis CI * Removed `touch` module from default distribution ### New features * `$.fn.filter(function(index){ ... })` * `$.fn.contents()` * `$.fn.wrapInner()` * `$.fn.scrollTop()` * `$.contains()` * `$.fn.has()` * `$.fn.position()` * `$.fn.offsetParent()` * `$.parseJSON()` * `$.camelCase()` * `$.isWindow()` * `$.grep()` (interface to `Array.filter`) * Support `$(html, attributes)` syntax for element creation * Emulate `mouseenter` and `mouseleave` events * Bootstrap compat: support `$.fn.offset(coordinates)` * Bootstrap compat: implement `$.fn.detach()` * Add support for Ajax `cache: false` option * Prevent scrolling when horizontal swipe events are detected * `cancelTouch` for tap events * `prev` and `next` now support an optional selector argument * `$.fn.find` and `$.fn.closest` now support Zepto objects as arguments * Enable deep copy via `$.extend(true, target, source)` * Enable nested structures for `$.fn.wrap()` and `$.fn.wrapAll()` * Enable function arguments for `$.fn.wrap()` and `$.fn.wrapInner()` * Support number, boolean, JSON types in data attributes * Support manipulating classnames on SVG elements * Enable named durations for `animate`, e.g. `slow`. * Support `timing-function` for `animate` * Support event properties passed to `$.fn.trigger()` or `$.Event()` * Selector module: support child `> *` queries * Add detect support for mobile Chrome browser * Add `$.os.phone` and `$.os.tablet` (booleans) * Detect Firefox mobile, Playbooks and BB10 ### Fixes * Fix passing null selector to `on` or `off` * Fixed bug where self-closing html tags would act as open tags * Fix `val` for multiple select * Fix various touch and gesture bugs. * Corrected parameters of `load` success callback to match jQuery. * Fix `css` with 0 values and falsy values * Fix a `css` performance issues with string values * Fix `$.ajaxJSONP` when invoked directly * Fix `animate` with 0 durations. * Fix `toggle` and `fadeToggle` for multiple elements. * Fix ajax `$.fn.load` behavior with selector * Make `attr(name, null)` unset attribute * Fix `animate` in Firefox * Fix `animate` for elements just added to DOM * Fix an escaping issue with `$.param` * Respect `traditional: true` option in `$.ajax` * Fix `focus` & `blur` event delegation and enable unbind * Simple wrapping for any object passed to `$()` * Enable `children` method for XML documents * Don’t eval `<script>` content when `src` is present * Support `processData` option for `$.ajax()` * Enable passing `contentType: false` to `$.ajax()` * Apply `focus()` and `blur()` to all elements in collection * Change `$.fn.map()` to return a Zepto collection * Selector argument for `on(evt, selector, fn)` can be false * Don’t raise error on `$('#')` * Provide empty object in `$.support` * `return false` in event handler calls stopPropagation() * Fix `$.isPlainObject()` for `window` in Opera * `$.ajax` error callback correctly reports `abort` status * Fix `hasClass` in collections of multiple elements * Stop iteration in `each()` when the callback returns false * Add ability to set `xhr` factory per-request * Have `get()` method accept negative index * Support for multiple class names in `toggleClass()` * Fix error callbacks for `ajaxJSONP` * Support optional `data` argument for various Ajax methods * Fix DOM insertion operators for null values * Fix dataType being set for `$.getJSON` ## v1.0rc1 — _09 Apr 2012_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.8...v1.0rc1) The _semicolon-free_ edition! That’s right, we removed all trailing semicolons from the source and tests. [They were never needed anyway](http://mislav.uniqpath.com/2010/05/semicolons/ "Semicolons in JavaScript are optional"). New methods: * [clone](#clone) * [prop](#prop) * [$.isPlainObject](#$.isPlainObject) * [$.inArray](#$.inArray) * [$.trim](#$.trim) * [$.proxy](#$.proxy) New module: * “selector.js” with experimental support for jQuery CSS pseudo-selectors such as `:visible` and `:first` ### Improvements in core: * added missing methods for Ember.js compatibility * improved creating DOM fragments from HTML with [$()](#$()) * enable [append](#append) & family to accept multiple arguments * fix [$.each](#$.each) context * fix calling [get](#get) without index * fix calling [val](#val) on empty collection * using `css(property, '')` removes the property * fix [filter](#filter), [is](#is), and [closest](#closest) when operating on nodes that are detached from the document * remove `end` & `andSelf` from core to the new “stack.js” plugin * exposed important internal Zepto functions through the `$.zepto` object for extending or overriding Zepto functionality. * [data](#data) method returns undefined when there is no data * support camelized names in [data](#data) method Apart from improving the basic `data` method in core, the “data.js” module got improvements as well: * better jQuery compatibility * ability to store functions * new `removeData` method ### Ajax: * have correct ajaxComplete argument order for JSONP abort and timeout * JSONP requests that hit a 404 will now correctly invoke the error callback * add support for `dataType: 'jsonp'` in [$.ajax](#$.ajax) * add support for `data` in [$.ajaxJSONP](#$.ajaxJSONP) * HTTP 304 status is treated as success instead of an error * made [load](#load) more compatible with jQuery * allow Content-Type to be set via request headers * respect Content-Type of the response if `dataType` isn’t set * work around Chrome CORS bug when data is empty ### Changes in other modules: * fix [animate](#animate) for edge cases such as when there is an animation within an animated element, and improve handling of transition CSS properties * new “singleTap” event * improved “longTap” detection ## 0.8 — _03 Nov 2011_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.7...v0.8) * CSS transitions for every browser with `animate()` method; * unified event handling with `fn.on()` & `off()`; * Ajax global events & timeout support; * performance boost for selectors. See [full release notes](https://gist.github.com/1337487 "Zepto 0.8 release notes"). ## 0.7 — _01 Aug 2011_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.6...v0.7) * add `$.each`, `$.map`, `$.slice`; * add `.serializeArray()`, `.serialize()`; * add `.triggerHandler()`; * add `.wrap`, `.wrapAll`, `.unwrap`, `.width/height` setters, `.append` (and friends) improvements; * add “longTap” event; * `.anim()` accepts CSS transform properties; * `return false` in event handlers cancels browser event behavior. ## 0.6 — _14 May 2011_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.5...v0.6) * add `.add`, `.appendTo`, `.prependTo`, `.replaceWith`, `.empty`, `.submit`; * allow function args for `.add/.remove/.toggleClass`; * improvements to events and xhr. ## 0.5 — _01 Mar 2011_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.4...v0.5) * add `.not`, `.children`, `.siblings`, `$.param`; * improve `.attr` & `.html`; * support callback for `.anim`. ## 0.4 — _21 Jan 2011_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.3...v0.4) * JSONP; * better `.find`, `.each`, `.closest`; * add `.eq`, `.size`, `.parent`, `.parents`, `.removeAttr`, `.val`; * support function args in `.html`, `.attr`; * adjacency methods now take Zepto objects. ## 0.3 — _17 Dec 2010_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.2...v0.3) * add `.toggleClass`, `.attr` setter, `.last`, `.undelegate`, `.die`; * proxied event objects for event delegation; * support `$` fragments. ## 0.2 — _01 Dec 2010_ — [diff](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/compare/v0.1...v0.2) * now compatible with [backbone.js](http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/); * support event unbind; * ajax posts with data. ## 0.1 — _26 Oct 2010_ [First. Release.](https://github.com/madrobby/zepto/blob/v0.1/src/zepto.js) Ever.