💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
``` function InputStream(input) { var pos = 0, line = 1, col = 0; return { next: next, peek: peek, eof: eof, croak: croak, }; function next() { var ch = input.charAt(pos++); if (ch == "\n") line++, col = 0; else col++; return ch; } function peek() { return input.charAt(pos); } function eof() { return peek() == ""; } function croak(msg) { throw new Error(msg + " (" + line + ":" + col + ")"); } } function TokenStream(input) { var current = null; var keywords = " if then else lambda λ true false "; return { next: next, peek: peek, eof: eof, croak: input.croak }; function is_keyword(x) { return keywords.indexOf(" " + x + " ") >= 0; } function is_digit(ch) { return /[0-9]/i.test(ch); } function is_id_start(ch) { return /[a-zλ_]/i.test(ch); } function is_id(ch) { return is_id_start(ch) || "?!-<>=0123456789".indexOf(ch) >= 0; } function is_op_char(ch) { return "+-*/%=&|<>!".indexOf(ch) >= 0; } function is_punc(ch) { return ",;(){}[]".indexOf(ch) >= 0; } function is_whitespace(ch) { return " \t\n".indexOf(ch) >= 0; } function read_while(predicate) { var str = ""; while (!input.eof() && predicate(input.peek())) str += input.next(); return str; } function read_number() { var has_dot = false; var number = read_while(function (ch) { if (ch == ".") { if (has_dot) return false; has_dot = true; return true; } return is_digit(ch); }); return { type: "num", value: parseFloat(number) }; } function read_ident() { var id = read_while(is_id); return { type: is_keyword(id) ? "kw" : "var", value: id }; } function read_escaped(end) { var escaped = false, str = ""; input.next(); while (!input.eof()) { var ch = input.next(); if (escaped) { str += ch; escaped = false; } else if (ch == "\\") { escaped = true; } else if (ch == end) { break; } else { str += ch; } } return str; } function read_string() { return { type: "str", value: read_escaped('"') }; } function skip_comment() { read_while(function (ch) { return ch != "\n" }); input.next(); } function read_next() { read_while(is_whitespace); if (input.eof()) return null; var ch = input.peek(); if (ch == "#") { skip_comment(); return read_next(); } if (ch == '"') return read_string(); if (is_digit(ch)) return read_number(); if (is_id_start(ch)) return read_ident(); if (is_punc(ch)) return { type: "punc", value: input.next() }; if (is_op_char(ch)) return { type: "op", value: read_while(is_op_char) }; input.croak("Can't handle character: " + ch); } function peek() { return current || (current = read_next()); } function next() { var tok = current; current = null; return tok || read_next(); } function eof() { return peek() == null; } } function parse(input) { var PRECEDENCE = { "=": 1, "||": 2, "&&": 3, "<": 7, ">": 7, "<=": 7, ">=": 7, "==": 7, "!=": 7, "+": 10, "-": 10, "*": 20, "/": 20, "%": 20, }; var FALSE = { type: "bool", value: false }; return parse_toplevel(); function is_punc(ch) { var tok = input.peek(); return tok && tok.type == "punc" && (!ch || tok.value == ch) && tok; } function is_kw(kw) { var tok = input.peek(); return tok && tok.type == "kw" && (!kw || tok.value == kw) && tok; } function is_op(op) { var tok = input.peek(); return tok && tok.type == "op" && (!op || tok.value == op) && tok; } function skip_punc(ch) { if (is_punc(ch)) input.next(); else input.croak("Expecting punctuation: \"" + ch + "\""); } function skip_kw(kw) { if (is_kw(kw)) input.next(); else input.croak("Expecting keyword: \"" + kw + "\""); } function skip_op(op) { if (is_op(op)) input.next(); else input.croak("Expecting operator: \"" + op + "\""); } function unexpected() { input.croak("Unexpected token: " + JSON.stringify(input.peek())); } function maybe_binary(left, my_prec) { var tok = is_op(); if (tok) { var his_prec = PRECEDENCE[tok.value]; if (his_prec > my_prec) { input.next(); return maybe_binary({ type: tok.value == "=" ? "assign" : "binary", operator: tok.value, left: left, right: maybe_binary(parse_atom(), his_prec) }, my_prec); } } return left; } function delimited(start, stop, separator, parser) { var a = [], first = true; skip_punc(start); while (!input.eof()) { if (is_punc(stop)) break; if (first) first = false; else skip_punc(separator); if (is_punc(stop)) break; a.push(parser()); } skip_punc(stop); return a; } function parse_call(func) { return { type: "call", func: func, args: delimited("(", ")", ",", parse_expression), }; } function parse_varname() { var name = input.next(); if (name.type != "var") input.croak("Expecting variable name"); return name.value; } function parse_if() { skip_kw("if"); var cond = parse_expression(); if (!is_punc("{")) skip_kw("then"); var then = parse_expression(); var ret = { type: "if", cond: cond, then: then, }; if (is_kw("else")) { input.next(); ret. else = parse_expression(); } return ret; } function parse_lambda() { return { type: "lambda", vars: delimited("(", ")", ",", parse_varname), body: parse_expression() }; } function parse_bool() { return { type: "bool", value: input.next().value == "true" }; } function maybe_call(expr) { expr = expr(); return is_punc("(") ? parse_call(expr) : expr; } function parse_atom() { return maybe_call(function () { if (is_punc("(")) { input.next(); var exp = parse_expression(); skip_punc(")"); return exp; } if (is_punc("{")) return parse_prog(); if (is_kw("if")) return parse_if(); if (is_kw("true") || is_kw("false")) return parse_bool(); if (is_kw("lambda") || is_kw("λ")) { input.next(); return parse_lambda(); } var tok = input.next(); if (tok.type == "var" || tok.type == "num" || tok.type == "str") return tok; unexpected(); }); } function parse_toplevel() { var prog = []; while (!input.eof()) { prog.push(parse_expression()); if (!input.eof()) skip_punc(";"); } return { type: "prog", prog: prog }; } function parse_prog() { var prog = delimited("{", "}", ";", parse_expression); if (prog.length == 0) return FALSE; if (prog.length == 1) return prog[0]; return { type: "prog", prog: prog }; } function parse_expression() { return maybe_call(function () { return maybe_binary(parse_atom(), 0); }); } } function Environment(parent) { this.vars = Object.create(parent ? parent.vars : null); this.parent = parent; } Environment.prototype = { extend: function () { return new Environment(this); }, lookup: function (name) { var scope = this; while (scope) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(scope.vars, name)) return scope; scope = scope.parent; } }, get: function (name) { if (name in this.vars) return this.vars[name]; throw new Error("Undefined variable " + name); }, set: function (name, value) { var scope = this.lookup(name); if (!scope && this.parent) throw new Error("Undefined variable " + name); return (scope || this).vars[name] = value; }, def: function (name, value) { return this.vars[name] = value; } }; function evaluate(exp, env) { switch (exp.type) { case "num": case "str": case "bool": return exp.value; case "var": return env.get(exp.value); case "assign": if (exp.left.type != "var") throw new Error("Cannot assign to " + JSON.stringify(exp.left)); return env.set(exp.left.value, evaluate(exp.right, env)); case "binary": return apply_op(exp.operator, evaluate(exp.left, env), evaluate(exp.right, env)); case "lambda": return make_lambda(env, exp); case "if": var cond = evaluate(exp.cond, env); if (cond !== false) return evaluate(exp.then, env); return exp. else ?evaluate(exp. else, env): false; case "prog": var val = false; exp.prog.forEach(function (exp) { val = evaluate(exp, env) }); return val; case "call": var func = evaluate(exp.func, env); return func.apply(null, exp.args.map(function (arg) { return evaluate(arg, env); })); default: throw new Error("I don't know how to evaluate " + exp.type); } } function apply_op(op, a, b) { function num(x) { if (typeof x != "number") throw new Error("Expected number but got " + x); return x; } function div(x) { if (num(x) == 0) throw new Error("Divide by zero"); return x; } switch (op) { case "+": return num(a) + num(b); case "-": return num(a) - num(b); case "*": return num(a) * num(b); case "/": return num(a) / div(b); case "%": return num(a) % div(b); case "&&": return a !== false && b; case "||": return a !== false ? a : b; case "<": return num(a) < num(b); case ">": return num(a) > num(b); case "<=": return num(a) <= num(b); case ">=": return num(a) >= num(b); case "==": return a === b; case "!=": return a !== b; } throw new Error("Can't apply operator " + op); } function make_lambda(env, exp) { function lambda() { var names = exp.vars; var scope = env.extend(); for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) scope.def(names[i], i < arguments.length ? arguments[i] : false); return evaluate(exp.body, scope); } return lambda; } /* -----[ entry point for NodeJS ]----- */ var globalEnv = new Environment(); globalEnv.def("time", function (func) { try { console.time("time"); return func(); } finally { console.timeEnd("time"); } }); if (typeof process != "undefined")(function () { var util = require("util"); globalEnv.def("println", function (val) { util.puts(val); }); globalEnv.def("print", function (val) { util.print(val); }); var code = ""; process.stdin.setEncoding("utf8"); process.stdin.on("readable", function () { var chunk = process.stdin.read(); if (chunk) code += chunk; }); process.stdin.on("end", function () { var ast = parse(TokenStream(InputStream(code))); evaluate(ast, globalEnv); }); })(); ```