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## PHP安装MongoDB扩展驱动 window上安装 MongoDB PHP扩展: <!--more--> Github上已经提供了用于window平台的预编译php mongodb驱动二进制包([下载地址](,你可以下载与你php对应的版本,但是你需要注意以下几点问题: 1.安装的版本要与安装的PHP版本一致,例如php_mongo-1.6.8-5.4-vc9.dll运行环境是PHP5.4_ts_x86版本,且系统环境至少为vc9。 2.'Thread safe'(线程安全)是运行在Apache上以模块的PHP上,如果你以CGI的模式运行PHP,请选择非线程安全模式(' non-thread safe')。 3.下载完你需要的二进制包后,解压压缩包,将'php_mongo.dll'文件添加到你的PHP扩展目录中(ext)。ext目录通常在PHP安装目录下的ext目录。 打开php配置文件 php.ini 添加以下配置: ``` extension=php_mongo.dll ``` 重启服务器。 通过浏览器访问phpinfo,如果安装成功,就会看到mongo。 ## PHP操作mongodb PHP已经提供了一系列的Mongo操作类: `MongoClient类` 这个类用于创建和管理连接。 `MongoClient` 基本用法 ``` <?php $m = new MongoClient(); // 连接 $db = $m->foo; // 获取名称为 "foo" 的数据库 ?> ``` ``` Table of Contents MongoClient::close — 关闭连接 MongoClient::connect — 连接到数据库服务器 MongoClient::__construct — 创建一个新的数据库连接对象 MongoClient::dropDB — 删除一个数据库 [已废弃] MongoClient::__get — 取得一个数据库 MongoClient::getConnections — 返回所有已打开连接的信息 MongoClient::getHosts — 更新所有关联主机的状态信息 MongoClient::getReadPreference — 获取此连接的读取首选项 MongoClient::getWriteConcern — Get the write concern for this connection MongoClient::killCursor — Kills a specific cursor on the server MongoClient::listDBs — 列出所有有效数据库 MongoClient::selectCollection — 获取数据库的文档集 MongoClient::selectDB — 获取一个数据库 MongoClient::setReadPreference — 为该连接设置读取选项 MongoClient::setWriteConcern — Set the write concern for this connection MongoClient::__toString — 该连接的字符串表达方式 ``` `MongoDB类` 该类的实例用于和数据库进行交互。例如:要获取一个数据库: ``` <?php $m = new MongoClient(); // 连接 $db = $m->selectDB("test"); ?> ``` ``` Table of Contents MongoDB::authenticate — 登录到数据库 MongoDB::command — 执行一条 Mongo 指令 MongoDB::__construct — 选择一个数据库 MongoDB::createCollection — 创建一个集合 MongoDB::createDBRef — 创建数据库引用 MongoDB::drop — 丢弃数据库 MongoDB::dropCollection — Drops a collection [deprecated] MongoDB::execute — 在数据库服务器上运行JavaScript ... ``` `MongoCollection类` 提供对集合的操作,如增删查改。 ``` Table of Contents MongoCollection::aggregate — Perform an aggregation using the aggregation framework MongoCollection::aggregateCursor — Execute an aggregation pipeline command and retrieve results through a cursor MongoCollection::batchInsert — Inserts multiple documents into this collection MongoCollection::__construct — 创建一个新的集合 MongoCollection::count — 返回集合中的文档数量 MongoCollection::createDBRef — 创建一个数据库引用 MongoCollection::createIndex — Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist. MongoCollection::deleteIndex — Deletes an index from this collection MongoCollection::deleteIndexes — 删除集合的所有索引 MongoCollection::distinct — 获取集合里指定键的不同值的列表。 MongoCollection::drop — 删除该集合 MongoCollection::ensureIndex — Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist. MongoCollection::find — 查询该集合,并返回结果集的 MongoCursor MongoCollection::findAndModify — Update a document and return it MongoCollection::findOne — Queries this collection, returning a single element MongoCollection::__get — Gets a collection MongoCollection::getDBRef — Fetches the document pointed to by a database reference MongoCollection::getIndexInfo — Returns information about indexes on this collection MongoCollection::getName — 返回这个集合的名称 MongoCollection::getReadPreference — Get the read preference for this collection MongoCollection::getSlaveOkay — Get slaveOkay setting for this collection MongoCollection::getWriteConcern — Get the write concern for this collection MongoCollection::group — Performs an operation similar to SQL GROUP BY command MongoCollection::insert — 插入文档到集合中 MongoCollection::parallelCollectionScan — Returns an array of cursors to iterator over a full collection in parallel MongoCollection::remove — 从集合中删除记录 MongoCollection::save — 保存一个文档到集合 MongoCollection::setReadPreference — Set the read preference for this collection MongoCollection::setSlaveOkay — Change slaveOkay setting for this collection MongoCollection::setWriteConcern — Set the write concern for this database MongoCollection::toIndexString — Converts keys specifying an index to its identifying string MongoCollection::__toString — String representation of this collection MongoCollection::update — Update records based on a given criteria MongoCollection::validate — Validates this collection ``` `MongoCursor类` 用来遍历结果。例如: ``` <?php $cursor = $collection->find(); var_dump(iterator_to_array($cursor)); ?> ``` ## 实战 ``` <?php $m = new MongoClient(); $db = $m->test; //选择test数据库 $c = $db->user; //选择一个集合 //find function get($c){ $list = $c->find(); if(is_object($list)) foreach($list as $k=>$vo){ $data = array( //'id' => $vo['_id'], 'name' => $vo['name'], 'age' => $vo['age'], 'birthday' => $vo['birthday'] ); if(empty($vo['age'])) unset($data['age']); if(empty($vo['birthday'])) unset($data['birthday']); $res[] = $data; } return $res; } function gets($c){ $list = $c->find(); var_dump(iterator_to_array($list)); } $list = get($c); //var_dump($list); //update $where = array('name'=>'yjc'); $new_arr = array( 'name' => 'yjc', 'age' => 25, 'birthday' => '1992-02-18' ); //echo $res = $c->update($where, $new_arr); //全量更新,必须跟全部字段 //局部更新 $where = array('birthday'=>'1992-02-18'); $new_arr = array('$set' =>array('name' => 'yujc', 'age' => 25)); //注意用法,全部写在$set修改器数组里 //$res = $c->update($where, $new_arr); //新增 $arr = array( 'name' => 'jiancai2', 'age' => 21, 'birthday' => '1993-02-18' ); //$res = $c->insert($arr); var_dump($res); //删除 $where = array('name'=>'jiancai2'); $res = $c->remove($where); var_dump($res); //count $user_num = $c->count(); var_dump($user_num); //var_dump(get($c)); gets($c); ```