ThinkChat2.0新版上线,更智能更精彩,支持会话、画图、阅读、搜索等,送10W Token,即刻开启你的AI之旅 广告
[原文网址]( [Open API Model Messages .proto file]( **ProtoOAAsset** *The asset entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | assetId | The unique asset ID. | | required | string | name | The asset name. | | optional | string | displayName | User friendly name. | **ProtoOASymbol** *Trading symbol entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the symbol in specific server environment within cTrader platform. Different servers have different IDs. | | required | int32 | digits | Number of price digits to be displayed. | | required | int32 | pipPosition | Pip position on digits. | | optional | bool | enableShortSelling | If TRUE then the short selling with the symbol is enabled. | | optional | bool | guaranteedStopLoss | If TRUE then setting of guaranteedStopLoss is available for limited risk accounts. | | optional | ProtoOADayOfWeek | swapRollover3Days | Day of the week when 3x rollover is charged. | | optional | double | swapLong | SWAP charge for the long positions. | | optional | double | swapShort | SWAP charge for the short positions. | | optional | int64 | maxVolume | Maximum allowed volume for an order with a symbol. | | optional | int64 | minVolume | Minimum allowed volume for an order with a symbol. | | optional | int64 | stepVolume | Multiplier of the volume for an order. | | optional | uint64 | maxExposure | Value of max exposure per symbol, per account. Blocks execution if breached. | | repeated | ProtoOAInterval | schedule | Symbol trading interval, specified in seconds starting from SUNDAY 00:00 in specified time zone. | | required | int64 | commission | Commission base amount. Total commission depends on commissionType. | | optional | ProtoOACommissionType | commissionType | Commission type. See ProtoOACommissionType for details. | | optional | uint32 | slDistance | Minimum allowed distance between stop loss and current market price. | | optional | uint32 | tpDistance | Minimum allowed distance between take profit and current market price. | | optional | uint32 | gslDistance | Minimum allowed distance between guaranteed stop loss and current market price. | | optional | int64 | gslCharge | Guaranteed Stop Loss fee. | | optional | ProtoOASymbolDistanceType | distanceSetIn | Unit of the distance measure for slDistance, tpDistance, gslDistance. | | optional | int64 | minCommission | Minimum commission amount per trade. | | optional | ProtoOAMinCommissionType | minCommissionType | Minimum commission Type. See ProtoOAMinCommissionType for details. | | optional | string | minCommissionAsset | Currency for minimum commission. (USD or quote currency). | | optional | int64 | rolloverCommission | Amount of commission per trade for the Shariah Compliant accounts in deposit currency (swapFree = TRUE). | | optional | int32 | skipRolloverDays | Initial period before the first rolloverCommission will be charged on the account. | | optional | string | scheduleTimeZone | Time zone for the symbol trading intervals. | | optional | ProtoOATradingMode | tradingMode | Rules for trading with the symbol. See ProtoOATradingMode for details. | | optional | ProtoOADayOfWeek | rolloverCommission3Days | Day of the week (in UTC) when Administrative Fee charge amount will be tripled. Applied only if RolloverChargePeriod = 0 or 1. | **ProtoOALightSymbol** *Lightweight symbol entity*. | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the symbol in specific server environment within cTrader platform. Different servers have different IDs. | | optional | string | symbolName | Name of the symbol (e.g. EUR/USD). | | optional | bool | enabled | If TRUE then symbol is visible for traders. | | optional | int64 | baseAssetId | Base asset. | | optional | int64 | quoteAssetId | Quote asset. | | optional | int64 | symbolCategoryId | Id of the symbol category used for symbols grouping. | | optional | int64 | description | | **ProtoOASymbolCategory** *Symbol category entity*. | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | id | The unique identifier of the symbol category. | | required | int64 | assetClassId | Link to the asset class. One asset class can have many symbol categories. | | required | string | name | Category name. | **ProtoOAInterval** *Symbol trading session entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | uint32 | startSecond | Interval start, specified in seconds starting from SUNDAY 00:00 in specified time zone (inclusive to the interval). | | required | uint32 | endSecond | Interval end, specified in seconds starting from SUNDAY 00:00 in specified time zone (exclusive from the interval). | **ProtoOATrader** *Trading account entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | The unique Trader's Account ID used to match the responses to the Trader's Account. | | required | int64 | balance | Current account balance in cents (e.g. If USD 100.00 then value = 10000). | | optional | int64 | balanceVersion | Balance version used to identify the final balance. Increments each time when the trader's account balance is changed. | | optional | int64 | managerBonus | The amount of broker's bonus allocated to the account in cents. | | optional | int64 | ibBonus | The amount of introducing broker bonus allocated to the account cents. | | optional | int64 | nonWithdrawableBonus | Broker's bonus that cannot be withdrew from the account as cash. | | optional | ProtoOAAccessRights | accessRights | Access rights that an owner has to the account in cTrader platform. See ProtoOAAccessRights for details. | | required | int64 | depositAssetId | Deposit currency of the account. | | optional | bool | swapFree | If TRUE than account is Shariah compliant. | | optional | uint32 | leverageInCents | Account leverage (e.g. If leverage = 1:50 then value = 5000). | | optional | ProtoOATotalMarginCalculationType | totalMarginCalculationType | Margin computation type for the account (MAX, SUM, NET). | | optional | uint32 | maxLeverage | Maximum allowed leverage for the account. Used as validation when a Trader can change leverage value. | | optional | bool | frenchRisk | If TRUE then account is AMF compliant. | | optional | int64 | traderLogin | ID of the account that is unique per server (Broker). | | optional | ProtoOAAccountType | accountType | Account type: HEDGED, NETTED, etc. | | optional | string | brokerName | Some white label assigned to trader by broker at the moment of account creation. | | optional | int64 | registrationTimestamp | Unix timestamp of the account registration. Should be used as minimal date in historical data requests. | **ProtoOAPosition** *The trading position entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | uint64 | positionId | The unique ID of the position. Note that a trader may have two positions with the same IDs, if the positions are taken from the different brokers accounts. | | required | ProtoOATradeData | tradeData | Position details. See ProtoOATradeData for details. | | required | ProtoOAPositionStatus | positionStatus | Current status of the position. | | required | int64 | swap | Total amount of charged swap on open position. | | optional | double | price | VWAP price of the position based on all executions (orders) linked to the position. | | optional | double | stopLoss | Current Stop Loss price. | | optional | double | takeProfit | Current Take Profit price. | | optional | int64 | utcLastUpdateTimestamp | The exact UTC time of the last change of the position, including amending Stop Loss or Take Profit of the position, execution of the related order, cancelling of the related order, etc. | | optional | int64 | commission | Current unrealized commission related to the position. | | optional | double | marginRate | The rate for used margin computation. Represented as Base/Deposit. | | optional | int64 | mirroringCommission | The amount of unrealized commission for copying the strategy. | | optional | bool | guaranteedStopLoss | If TRUE then the position Stop Loss is guaranteedStopLoss. | | optional | int64 | usedMargin | The amount of margin used for the position in the deposit currency. | | optional | ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod | stopLossTriggerMethod | The stop trigger method for Stop Loss and Take Profit of the position. | **ProtoOATradeData** The position/order trading details entity. | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the symbol in specific server environment within cTrader platform. Different brokers have different IDs. | | required | int64 | volume | Volume in cents. | | required | ProtoOATradeSide | tradeSide | Trading direction - Buy or Sell. | | optional | int64 | openTimestamp | The exact time when the position was opened or the order was created. | | optional | string | label | The text label specified during the order request. | | optional | bool | guaranteedStopLoss | If TRUE then the position/order Stop Loss is guaranteedStopLoss. | **ProtoOAOrder** *Trade order entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | orderId | The unique ID of the order. Note: trader might have two orders with the same ID if orders are taken from accounts from different brokers. | | required | ProtoOATradeData | tradeData | Detailed trader data. | | required | ProtoOAOrderType | orderType | Order type. | | required | ProtoOAOrderStatus | orderStatus | Order status. | | optional | int64 | expirationTimestamp | If the order has time in force GTD then expiration is specified. | | optional | double | executionPrice | Price at which an order was executed. For order with FILLED status. | | optional | int64 | executedVolume | Part of the volume that was filled. | | optional | int64 | utcLastUpdateTimestamp | The exact UTC time the order was last updated. | | optional | double | baseSlippagePrice | Used for the Market Range order with combination of slippageInPoints to specify the price range where the order can be executed. | | optional | int64 | slippageInPoints | Used for the Market Range and the STOP\_LIMIT orders to specify the price range where the order can be executed. | | optional | bool | closingOrder | If TRUE then the order is closing the part of the whole position. Should have specified positionId. | | optional | double | limitPrice | Valid only for the LIMIT orders. | | optional | double | stopPrice | Valid only for the STOP and the STOP\_LIMIT orders. | | optional | double | stopLoss | The absolute Stop Loss price. | | optional | double | takeProfit | The absolute Take Profit price. | | optional | string | clientOrderId | Optional Client Order ID. Maximum length - 50 characters. | | optional | ProtoOATimeInForce | timeInForce | Order's Time in Force. Depends on the order type. | | optional | int64 | positionId | The unique ID of the position linked to the order (e.g. closing order, order that increase volume of a specific position, etc.) | | optional | int64 | relativeStopLoss | Relative Stop Loss that can be specified instead of absolute one. Specified in 1/100'000 of a unit of the price. For BUY stopLoss = Entry Price - Relative Stop Loss. For SELL Stop Loss = Entry Price + Relative Stop Loss. | | optional | int64 | relativeTakeProfit | Relative Take Profit that can be specified instead of the absolute one. Specified in 1/100'000 of a unit of the price. For BUY Take Profit = Entry Price + Relative Take Profit. For SELL Take Profit = Entry Price - Relative Take Profit. | | optional | bool | isStopOut | If TRUE then order was stopped out from server side. | | optional | bool | trailingStopLoss | If TRUE then the order is a Trailing Stop Loss. Valid for the STOP\_LOSS\_TAKE\_PROFIT orders. | | optional | ProtoOAOrderTriggerMethod | stopTriggerMethod | Trigger method for the order. Valid only for the STOP and the STOP\_LIMIT orders. | **ProtoOABonusDepositWithdraw** *Bonus deposit/withdrawal entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | ProtoOAChangeBonusType | operationType | Type of the operation - Deposit or Withdrawal. | | required | int64 | bonusHistoryId | The unique ID of the bonus deposit/withdrawal operation. | | required | int64 | managerBonus | The total amount of the broker's bonus after the operation. | | required | int64 | managerDelta | The amount of bonus deposited/withdrew by a manager. | | required | int64 | ibBonus | The total amount of an introducing broker's bonus after the operation. | | required | int64 | ibDelta | The amount of bonus deposited/withdrew by an introducing broker. | | required | int64 | changeBonusTimestamp | The time when the bonus operation was executed. | | required | int64 | externalNote | The note added to the operation. Visible to a trader. | | required | int64 | introducingBrokerId | The unique ID of an introducing broker who deposited/withdrew the bonus. | **ProtoOADepositWithdraw** *The account deposit/withdrawal operation entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | ProtoOAChangeBalanceType | operationType | The operation type - deposit or withdrawal. | | required | int64 | balanceHistoryId | The unique ID of the deposit/withdrawal operation. | | required | int64 | balance | Account balance after the operation was executed. | | required | int64 | delta | The amount of deposit or withdrawal operation. | | required | int64 | changeBalanceTimestamp | The exact time when deposit or withdrawal operation was executed. | | optional | string | externalNote | The note added to an operation. Visible to a trader. | | required | int64 | balanceVersion | The balance version used to identify the final balance. Increments each time when a trader's account balance is changed. | | required | int64 | equity | The total account equity after a balance operation was executed. | **ProtoOADeal** *The execution entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | dealId | The unique ID of the execution deal. | | required | int64 | orderId | Source order of the deal. | | required | int64 | positionId | Source position of the deal. | | required | int64 | volume | Volume sent for execution, in cents. | | required | int64 | filledVolume | Filled volume in cents. | | required | int64 | symbolId | The unique identifier of the symbol in specific server environment within cTrader platform. Different servers have different IDs. | | required | int64 | createTimestamp | The exact time when the deal was sent for execution. | | required | int64 | executionTimestamp | The exact time when the deal was executed. | | optional | int64 | utcLastUpdateTimestamp | The exact time when the deal was created, executed or rejected. | | optional | double | executionPrice | Execution price. | | required | ProtoOATradeSide | tradeSide | The trading direction - Buy or Sell. | | required | ProtoOADealStatus | dealStatus | The current status of the deal. | | optional | double | marginRate | The rate for used margin computation. Represented as Base/Deposit. | | optional | int64 | commission | The amount of trading commission associated with the deal. | | optional | double | baseToUsdConversionRate | Base to USD conversion rate on the time of deal execution. | | optional | ProtoOAClosePositionDetail | closePositionDetail | Closing position details. Valid only for the closing deal. | **ProtoOAClosePositionDetail** *Trading details for closing deal.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | double | entryPrice | Position price at the moment of filling the closing order. | | required | int64 | grossProfit | The amount of realized gross profit after the closing deal execution. | | required | int64 | swap | The amount of realized swap in cents related to the closed volume. | | required | int64 | commission | Amount of realized commission in cents related to closed volume. | | required | int64 | balance | Account balance after the closing deal execution. | | optional | double | quoteToDepositConversionRate | Quote/Deposit currency conversion rate on the time of closing deal execution. | | optional | int64 | closedVolume | Closed volume in cents. | | optional | int64 | alanceVersion | Balance version of the account related to the closing deal operation. | **ProtoOATrendbar** *Historical Trendbar entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | volume | The bar volume in ticks. | | optional | ProtoOATrendbarPeriod | period | Bar period. | | optional | int64 | low | The low price of the bar. | | optional | uint64 | deltaOpen | The delta between the open and the low price. Open = Low + Delta Open. | | optional | uint64 | deltaClose | The delta between the open and the low price. Close = Low + Delta Close. | | optional | uint64 | deltaHigh | The delta between the open and the low price. High = Low + Delta High. | | optional | uint32 | utcTimestampInMinutes | The timestamp of the bar. Equals to the timestamp of the open tick. | **ProtoOAExpectedMargin** *Expected margin computation entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | volume | The volume used for computation. | | required | int64 | buyMargin | Buy margin amount in cents. | | required | int64 | sellMargin | Sell margin amount in cents. | **ProtoOATickData** *Historical tick data type.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | timestamp | The tick timestamp. | | required | int64 | tick | The tick price. | **ProtoOACtidProfile** *Trader profile entity. Empty due to GDPR.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | userId | The unique user ID. | **ProtoOACtidTraderAccount** *Trader account entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | int64 | ctidTraderAccountId | Unique identifier of the trader's account. Used to match responses to trader's accounts.cTrader platform. Different brokers might have different ids | | optional | bool | isLive | If TRUE then the account is belong to Live environment and live host must be used to authorize it | | optional | int64 | traderLogin | Trading account number | **ProtoOAAssetClass** *The asset class entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | optional | int64 | id | The unique asset ID. | | optional | string | name | The asset class name. | **ProtoOADepthQuote** *The depth of market entity.* | **Required** | **Type** | **Field Name** | **Description** | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | required | uint64 | id | The quote ID. | | required | uint64 | size | The quote size in cents. | | required | uint64 | bid | The bid price for bid quotes. | | required | uint64 | ask | The ask price for ask quotes. |