🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
``` /* Camera_for_Selected_Plane.jsx Version 1 After Effects JavaScript by Christopher R. Green (the guy who runs crgreen.com) Places a camera in comp pointed at selected layer 展翅鹰汉化 */ var activeItem = app.project.activeItem; if ( (activeItem == null) || !(activeItem instanceof CompItem) ) { } else { var selectedLayers = activeItem.selectedLayers; var selNum = activeItem.selectedLayers.length; if (!(selNum == 1)) { if (selNum == 0) {selNum = "No"} alert(selNum + " 个层被选择了. 请只选择一个层."); } else { mainPlane = selectedLayers[0]; origMainPlane = null; planesParent=mainPlane.parent; if (!mainPlane.threeDLayer) { alert("这不是一个3D 图层."); }else{ planeName = mainPlane.name; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// app.beginUndoGroup("Place Camera"); if (planesParent != null) { // swicheroo origMainPlane = mainPlane; mainPlane = ( mainPlane.duplicate() ); // 'bake' parented values: mainPlane.parent = null; } startPos = mainPlane.position.value; ori=mainPlane.property("orientation").value; rots=[mainPlane.property("X Rotation").value, mainPlane.property("Y Rotation").value, mainPlane.property("Z Rotation").value]; // there is undoubtedly a formula to calculate the best distance, but for now, do rough back-off ... scFctrX=mainPlane.property("Scale").value[0]*.01; scFctrY=mainPlane.property("Scale").value[1]*.01; // based on size (scale factored in) of plane zAdj=( (mainPlane.width*scFctrX)+(mainPlane.height*scFctrY) )/2; if (planesParent != null) { // switcheroo backeroo doomedLayer = mainPlane; mainPlane=origMainPlane; doomedLayer.remove(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// newName=(planeName.substr(0,27));//truncate for new object's name newCam=activeItem.layers.addCamera((newName + "_cam"), [activeItem.width/2, activeItem.height/2]); newCam.autoOrient = AutoOrientType.NO_AUTO_ORIENT; // light gets positioned at plane's point in space, but backed off a bit in z newCam.property("position").setValue([startPos[0], startPos[1], (startPos[2]-zAdj)]); tempNull = activeItem.layers.addNull(); tempNull.threeDLayer=true; // i don't think this makes any diff, but it's aesthetically pleasing to me (i'm insane) tempNull.property("Anchor Point").setValue([50, 50, 0]); // tempNull is placed at plane's point in space tempNull.property("position").setValue(startPos); // make tempNull light's parent newCam.parent = tempNull; // shake // rotate tempNull so that light is oriented correctly tempNull.property("orientation").setValue(ori); tempNull.property("X Rotation").setValue(rots[0]); tempNull.property("Y Rotation").setValue(rots[1]); tempNull.property("Z Rotation").setValue(rots[2]); // and bake doomedNullSrc=tempNull.source; //note: must delete layer first, then source in order to 'bake' parented values (cannot just remove source) newCam.parent=null; tempNull.remove(); doomedNullSrc.remove(); newCam.selected = true; newCam.selected = true; app.endUndoGroup(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } } ```