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命令行 ~~~ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -r 10 -b:a 32k output.mp4 ~~~ 介绍 有的视频,如一些视频学习教程通常画面都是不大变化的,和变动速度快的打斗视频所需要的帧数完全不同,音质也不需要很高。可以降低fps和音频码率的方法大大压缩文件大小,而清晰度不变! 通常转成.mp4,采用H.264视频压缩算法和AAC音频压缩算法,视频帧率10fps,音频码率32k Additional options that might be worth considering is setting the Constant Rate Factor, which lowers the average bit rate, but retains better quality. Vary the CRF between around 18 and 24 — the lower, the higher the bitrate. ~~~ ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 output.mp4 ~~~