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[TOC] ***** ## 6 codegen.js 代码生成 >[info] import ~~~ ;(导入)事件解析,引用指令,解析助手 import { genHandlers } from './events' import { ref } from './directives/ref' import { baseWarn } from './helpers' ~~~ >[info] module ~~~ ;基础指令 const baseDirectives = { ref, cloak: function () {} // noop } ;代码生成配置选项 let warn let platformDirectives let isPlatformReservedTag let staticRenderFns let currentOptions ;代码生成接口 export function generate (ast, options) { ;保存静态渲染函数 const prevStaticRenderFns = staticRenderFns ;初始化当前渲染 const currentStaticRenderFns = staticRenderFns = [] ;选项控制 currentOptions = options warn = options.warn || baseWarn platformDirectives = options.directives || {} isPlatformReservedTag = options.isReservedTag || (() => false) ;ast生成代码 const code = ast ? genElement(ast) : '__h__("div")' ;恢复静态渲染函数 staticRenderFns = prevStaticRenderFns ;返回当前生成渲染函数 return { render: `with (this) { return ${code}}`, staticRenderFns: currentStaticRenderFns } } ;生成函数入口 function genElement (el) { if (el.for) { return genFor(el) } else if (el.if) { return genIf(el) } else if (el.tag === 'template' && !el.slotTarget) { return genChildren(el) } else if (el.tag === 'render') { return genRender(el) } else if (el.tag === 'slot') { return genSlot(el) } else if (el.tag === 'component') { return genComponent(el) } else { const children = el.inlineTemplate ? 'undefined' : genChildren(el, !isPlatformReservedTag(el.tag) /* asThunk */) const namespace = el.ns ? `,'${el.ns}'` : '' const code = `__h__('${el.tag}', ${genData(el)}, ${children}${namespace})` if (el.staticRoot) { staticRenderFns.push(`with(this){return ${code}}`) return `_staticTrees[${staticRenderFns.length - 1}]` } else { return code } } } ;生成if渲染函数 function genIf (el) { const exp = el.if el.if = false // avoid recursion return `(${exp}) ? ${genElement(el)} : ${genElse(el)}` } ;生成else函数 function genElse (el) { return el.elseBlock ? genElement(el.elseBlock) : 'null' } ;生成for函数 function genFor (el) { const exp = el.for const alias = el.alias const iterator = el.iterator el.for = false // avoid recursion return `(${exp})&&__renderList__((${exp}), ` + `function(${alias},$index,${iterator || '$key'}){` + `return ${genElement(el)}` + '})' } ;生成data函数 function genData (el) { if (el.plain) { return 'undefined' } let data = '{' // directives first. // directives may mutate the el's other properties before they are generated. if (el.directives) { const dirs = genDirectives(el) if (dirs) data += dirs + ',' } // pre if (el.pre) { data += 'pre:true,' } // key if (el.key) { data += `key:${el.key},` } // slot target if (el.slotTarget) { data += `slot:${el.slotTarget},` } // class if (el.staticClass) { data += `staticClass:${el.staticClass},` } if (el.classBinding) { data += `class:${el.classBinding},` } // style if (el.styleBinding) { data += `style:${el.styleBinding},` } // transition if (el.transition) { data += `transition:{definition:(${el.transition}),appear:${el.transitionOnAppear}},` } // v-show, used to avoid transition being applied // since v-show takes it over if (el.attrsMap['v-show'] || el.show) { data += 'show:true,' } // props if (el.props) { data += `props:{${genProps(el.props)}},` } // attributes if (el.attrs) { data += `attrs:{${genProps(el.attrs)}},` } // static attributes if (el.staticAttrs) { data += `staticAttrs:{${genProps(el.staticAttrs)}},` } // hooks if (el.hooks) { data += `hook:{${genHooks(el.hooks)}},` } // event handlers if (el.events) { data += `${genHandlers(el.events)},` } // inline-template if (el.inlineTemplate) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && ( el.children.length > 1 || !el.children[0].tag )) { warn('Inline-template components must have exactly one child element.') } const inlineRenderFns = generate(el.children[0], currentOptions) data += `inlineTemplate:{render:function(){${ inlineRenderFns.render }},staticRenderFns:[${ inlineRenderFns.staticRenderFns.map(code => `function(){${code}}`).join(',') }]}` } return data.replace(/,$/, '') + '}' } ;生成指令函数 function genDirectives (el) { const dirs = el.directives let res = 'directives:[' let hasRuntime = false let i, l, dir, needRuntime for (i = 0, l = dirs.length; i < l; i++) { dir = dirs[i] needRuntime = true const gen = platformDirectives[dir.name] || baseDirectives[dir.name] if (gen) { // compile-time directive that manipulates AST. // returns true if it also needs a runtime counterpart. needRuntime = !!gen(el, dir) } if (needRuntime) { hasRuntime = true res += `{name:"${dir.name}"${ dir.value ? `,value:(${dir.value})` : '' }${ dir.arg ? `,arg:"${dir.arg}"` : '' }${ dir.modifiers ? `,modifiers:${JSON.stringify(dir.modifiers)}` : '' }},` } } if (hasRuntime) { return res.slice(0, -1) + ']' } } ;生成子节点数组函数 function genChildren (el, asThunk) { if (!el.children.length) { return 'undefined' } const code = '[' + el.children.map(genNode).join(',') + ']' return asThunk ? `function(){return ${code}}` : code } ;生成子节点函数 function genNode (node) { if (node.tag) { return genElement(node) } else { return genText(node) } } ;生成文本函数 function genText (text) { return text.expression ? `(${text.expression})` : JSON.stringify(text.text) } ;<render>生成函数 function genRender (el) { return `${el.renderMethod}(${el.renderArgs || 'null'},${genChildren(el)})` } ;<slot>生成函数 function genSlot (el) { const name = el.slotName || '"default"' return `($slots[${name}] || ${genChildren(el)})` } ;<component>生成函数 function genComponent (el) { return `__h__(${el.component}, ${genData(el)}, ${genChildren(el, true)})` } ;生成props函数 function genProps (props) { let res = '' for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i] res += `"${prop.name}":${prop.value},` } return res.slice(0, -1) } ;生成hooks函数 function genHooks (hooks) { let res = '' for (const key in hooks) { res += `"${key}":function(n1,n2){${hooks[key].join(';')}},` } return res.slice(0, -1) } ~~~ >[info] export ~~~ ;(导出)代码生成接口 export function generate (ast, options) {} ~~~