企业🤖AI智能体构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
该扩展提供了针对Sphinx搜索客户端开发库的绑定. Sphinx是一个独立的搜索引擎系统,其目的是为其他相关程序和应用提供快速的、规模可扩展的全文搜索功能. Sphinx有着良好的设计,可以很方便的与SQL数据库结合,并使用脚本语言调用. SPhinx 以及 其客户端库 可以从[» 官方站点](获取,中文用户也可以从[» Coreseek](获取支持中文的版本和服务。 []( 2015年停止维护维护 * [SphinxClient::addQuery](— Add query to multi-query batch * [SphinxClient::buildExcerpts](— Build text snippets * [SphinxClient::buildKeywords](— Extract keywords from query * [SphinxClient::close](— 关闭先前打开的持久连接 * [SphinxClient::\_\_construct](— Create a new SphinxClient object * [SphinxClient::escapeString](— Escape special characters * [SphinxClient::getLastError](— Get the last error message * [SphinxClient::getLastWarning](— Get the last warning * [SphinxClient::open](— 建立到搜索服务端的持久连接 * [SphinxClient::query](— 执行搜索查询 * [SphinxClient::resetFilters](— Clear all filters * [SphinxClient::resetGroupBy](— Clear all group-by settings * [SphinxClient::runQueries](— Run a batch of search queries * [SphinxClient::setArrayResult](— 控制搜索结果集的返回格式 * [SphinxClient::setConnectTimeout](— Set connection timeout * [SphinxClient::setFieldWeights](— Set field weights * [SphinxClient::setFilter](— 增加整数值过滤器 * [SphinxClient::setFilterFloatRange](— Add new float range filter * [SphinxClient::setFilterRange](— Add new integer range filter * [SphinxClient::setGeoAnchor](— Set anchor point for a geosphere distance calculations * [SphinxClient::setGroupBy](— Set grouping attribute * [SphinxClient::setGroupDistinct](— Set attribute name for per-group distinct values count calculations * [SphinxClient::setIDRange](— Set a range of accepted document IDs * [SphinxClient::setIndexWeights](— Set per-index weights * [SphinxClient::setLimits](— 设置返回结果集偏移量和数目 * [SphinxClient::setMatchMode](— 设置全文查询的匹配模式 * [SphinxClient::setMaxQueryTime](— Set maximum query time * [SphinxClient::setOverride](— Sets temporary per-document attribute value overrides * [SphinxClient::setRankingMode](— Set ranking mode * [SphinxClient::setRetries](— Set retry count and delay * [SphinxClient::setSelect](— Set select clause * [SphinxClient::setServer](— 设置searchd的主机名和TCP端口 * [SphinxClient::setSortMode](— Set matches sorting mode * [SphinxClient::status](— Queries searchd status * [SphinxClient::updateAttributes](— Update document attributes 例子 ``` $s = new SphinxClient; $s->setServer("localhost", 6712); $s->setMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ANY); $s->setMaxQueryTime(3); $result = $s->query("test"); var_dump($result); ```