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# 02.箴言 [TOC=3,5] ## 2 Motto ## 箴言 It is pretty tragic to see that many solutions have already been known for centuries, but they keep getting overlooked. I chose the words of [John Locke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke)\(1963\) as the motto for this text: 看到许多解决方案在几个世纪前就已经为人所知,但却一直被忽视,这是相当可悲的。我选择[约翰·洛克](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Locke)(John Locke, 1963年)的话作为本书的箴言: > None of the things they are to learn, should ever be made a burthen to them, or impos'd on them as a task. Whatever is so propos'd, presently becomes irksome; the mind takes an aversion to it, though before it were a thing of delight or indifferency > > 儿童应学的事情,决不应该变成儿童的一种负担,也不应当当做一种任务去加在他们身上。否则他们立刻便会讨厌它;哪怕他们以前本来喜爱那件事,或者不爱也不憎,他们对他都会感到厌恶。