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# 22.术语表 This terminology is used in [my]( articles on [education](, [sleep](, and [creatvity]( \(some of this terminology is my own\): 这个术语集是[我](在关于[教育](、[睡眠](和[创造力](的文章中使用过的(其中一些术语是我自己定义的): * [Abstractness]( - dissociation from detail that increases [applicability]( of knowledge * [抽象性](——提高知识[通用性](的,从细节中的分离 * [Acquisition rate]( - speed of learning * [习得速率](——学习的速度 * [Active recall]( - bringing knowledge back up from memory \(e.g. as opposed to passive reading\) * [主动回忆](——从记忆中寻找知识(举例,与被动阅读相反) * [Applicability]( - range of usability of knowledge * [通用性](——知识可用的范围 * [Behavioral space]( - set of behaviors that result in no penalty * [行为空间](——不会受到惩罚的一系列行为 * [Behavioral system]( - set of behaviors that develop in a set social context * [行为系统](——在一定的社会背景下发展起来的一系列行为 * [Biphasic sleep]( - sleep in two blocks: night and siesta * [双相睡眠](——分两个时间段的睡眠:夜间睡眠和午睡 * [Circadian cycle]( - ~24h cycle of changes in the state of body and mind * [昼夜周期](——身心状态变化的 24 小时周期 * [Circadian phase]( - the time of day measured in hours since natural waking * [昼夜相位](——一天中自然醒来后,以小时为单位测量的时间 * [Circadian sleep propensity]( - sleepiness determined by the body clock * [昼夜睡眠倾向](——由生物钟决定的睡意 * [Childhood amnesia]( - natural long-term memory deficit in children * [童年健忘症](——儿童的自然长期记忆缺陷 * [Chronic stress]( - harmful stress that does not go away * [慢性压力](——持续的有害压力 * [Cloze deletion]( - question in the form of a sentence in which a keyword is replaced with 3 dots * [完形填空](——以句子的形式出现的问题,其中每个关键词被替换成\[...\] * [Coherence]( - degree of meaningful connectedness of knowledge that makes remembering easy * [连贯性](——使记忆变得容易的有意义的知识关联性的程度 * [Consistency]( - degree in which knowledge is free of contradictory information * [一致性](——知识没有矛盾信息的程度 * [Consolidation]( - increase in [memory stability]( as a result of [review]( or in sleep * [巩固](——[复习](或睡眠导致的[记忆稳定性](增加 * [Democratic school]( - school run by kids with minimum adult supervision * [民主学校](——在最少的成人监督下的,由儿童管理的学校 * [Deschooling]( - [free education]( without compulsory schooling * [非学校教育](——不受义务学校教育压迫的[自由学习]( * [Factory model of education]( - education based on mass production philosophy * [工厂教育模式](——基于大规模生产理念的教育 * [Forgetting curve]( - curve showing loss of knowledge over time * [遗忘曲线](——显示知识随时间遗忘的曲线 * [Free learning]( - [self-directed learning]( without constraints and [coercion]( * [自由学习](——不受限制和[强迫](的[自主学习]( * [Free running sleep]( - sleep that is not artificially regulated \(e.g. with alarm clocks, medication, etc.\) * [自由运转睡眠](——不受人为调节的睡眠(如闹钟、药物等) * [Fundamental law of learning]( - law stating that efficient learning is always pleasurable * [学习的基本规律](——规律表明有效的学习总是令人愉快的 * [Generalization]( - process in which details are forgotten for the big picture to emerge * [泛化](——为了让整体图景浮现而忘记细节的过程。 * [Homeostatic sleep propensity]( - fatigue caused by _tiredness of waking_ * [稳态睡眠倾向](——因_醒着的时候的疲劳_而引起的睡意 * [Homeschooling]( - home-based education * [在家上学](——以家庭为基础的教育 * [Idiocracy problem]( - problem of smart people having few or late children * [蠢蛋进化论问题](——聪明的人少生或晚生孩子的问题 * [Increading]( - reading [incrementally]( * [渐进的阅读](——在渐进阅读工具集帮助下的阅读 * [Incremental learning]( - method for mastering knowledge from the web \(fast and durable\) * [渐进学习](——从网络上掌握知识的方法(快速且持久) * [Incremental reading]( - method of converting books and articles into durable knowledge in student's mind * [渐进阅读](——将书籍和文章转化为学生头脑中持久的知识的方法 * [Incremental video]( - method of massive learning and review of lectures \(e.g. from YouTube\) * [渐进视频](——大规模学习和复习讲座的方法(例如来自 YouTube ) * [Interference]( - forgetting induced by new learning * [干扰](——学习新知识导致的遗忘 * [Learn drive]( - natural curiosity that drives learning * [学习内驱力](——推动学习的天生好奇心 * [Learned helplessness]( - loss of drives in conditions of loss of control * [习得性无助](——在失控情况下失去内驱力 * [Learntropy]( - measure of attractiveness of a lecture, book, etc. * [学习熵](——演讲、书籍等学习材料的吸引力的度量 * [Knowledge darwinism]( - competition of memories for the best place in the [jigsaw puzzle]( of memory * [知识进化论](——记忆在竞争记忆[拼图](中的最佳位置 * [Knowledge redundancy]( - memorizing same memories in different contexts to boost [recall]( * [知识冗余](——在不同的情境中记忆相同的记忆,以促进[回忆]( * [Knowledge valuation network]( - any neural subsystem capable of estimating the value of knowledge * [知识评估网络](——任何能够评估知识价值的神经子系统 * [Memory complexity]( - complexity of memory that determines how difficult it is to retain it * [记忆复杂度](——记忆的复杂性,决定了要记住这段记忆的困难程度 * [Memory optimization]( - process in which memories get better organized in sleep * [记忆优化](——记忆在睡眠中得到更好的组织的过程 * [Minimum information principle]( - claim that simple memories are easy to retain for longer * [最小信息原理](——简单的记忆容易保留更长时间的声明 * [Natural creativity cycle]( - undisturbed sleep-wake cycle that maximizes creativity * [自然创造力周期](——不受干扰的最大限度地发挥创造力的睡眠-醒来周期 * [Passive review]( - undemanding processing of knowledge \(e.g. reading as opposed to [active recall](\) * [被动复习](——对知识的简单加工(例如阅读而不是[主动回忆]( * [Pattern completion]( - ability of a neural network to recognize incomplete input \(e.g. a blurry picture\) * [模式完成](——神经网络识别不完整输入(如模糊图片)的能力 * [Permastore]( - everlasting memory * [永久记忆](——永久的记忆 * [Polyphasic sleep]( - unhealthy sleep practice in which sleep is dispersed in many small blocks throughout the day * [多相睡眠](——不健康的睡眠实践,睡眠在一天中分散为许多短时段 * [Problem valuation network]( - any neural subsystem capable of estimating the expected reward in problem solving * [问题评估网络](——任何能够评估问题解决过程中预期奖励的神经子系统。 * [Push zone]( - range of external pressure that may improve learning outcomes * [推动区](——可能改善学习效果的外部压力范围 * [Priority queue]( - sequence of pieces of knowledge sorted by priority * [优先级队列](——按优先级排序的知识片段序列 * [Rational procrastination]( - strategic procrastination that affects jobs of lower priority * [理性拖延](——影响优先级较低的工作的战略性拖延 * [Redundancy]( - extra load of knowledge that may add to its quality * [冗余](——可能会增加知识质量的额外知识负载 * [Regress zone]( - range of external pressure that undermines learning outcomes * [回归区](——逐渐削弱学习效果的外部压力范围 * [Retrievability]( - probability of recall of a given memory * [可提取性](——对特定记忆的回忆概率 * [Self-directed learning]( - self-learning in which materials and goals are determined by the student * [自我导向学习](——由学生决定材料和目标的自学 * [Self-learning]( - learning on one's own \(without a teacher\) * [自学](——自己学习(没有老师) * [Sleep phase]( - positioning of the preferred waking time \(in clock hours\) * [睡眠相位](—— 首选的醒来时间的定位(以时钟小时计) * [Spaced repetition]( - learning technique that ensures long-term retention of knowledge * [间隔重复](——确保知识长期记忆的学习技巧 * [Spacing effect]( - better memory effect of review delayed in time * [间隔效应](——延迟复习的记忆效果更好 * [Spacing effect gain]( - mathematical definition of the [spacing effect]( * [间隔效应增益](——间隔效应的数学定义 * [Stability]( - durability of a given memory * [稳定性](——特定记忆的持久性 * [Stabilization curve]( - the most important curve in the optimization of learning: [stabilization]( as a function of [retrievability]( * [稳定化曲线](——优化学习中的最重要的曲线:[稳定性](是[可提取性](的函数 * [Stabilization decay]( - gradual decrease in the potential for [stability increase]( in memories with high [stability]( * [稳定化衰减](——在[稳定性](较高的记忆中,其[稳定性增加](的可能性逐渐降低 * [Toxic memory]( - persistent memory that leads to anxiety * [毒性记忆](——导致焦虑的顽固记忆 * [Two-component model of long-term memory]( - model of memory based on [retrievability]( and [stability]( of memories * [长期记忆的双组分模型](——基于记忆[可提取性](和[稳定性](的记忆模型 * [Two-process model of sleep regulation]( - model that explains why and when we fall asleep * [睡眠调节的双过程模型](——解释我们为什么以及何时进入睡眠状态的模型 * [Unschooling]( - learning without the pressure of the curriculum * [非学校教育](——没有课程压力的学习 * [Variable reward]( - intermittent reward that underlies gambling * [可变奖励](——赌博背后的间歇性奖励 * [War of the networks]( - contradictory signaling that may lead to the impairment in neural control * [网络战争](——可能导致神经控制功能受损的矛盾信号