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# 四、文本序列到 TFRecords 大家好! 在本教程中,我将向你展示如何将原始文本数据解析为 TFRecords。 我知道很多人都卡在输入处理流水线,尤其是当你开始着手自己的个人项目时。 所以我真的希望它对你们任何人都有用! 教程的流程图 ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/53/34/5334fa341d36ab8fb52404865ea0f9d6_1056x288.png) ### 虚拟的IMDB文本数据 在实践中,我从斯坦福大学提供的大型电影评论数据集中选择了一些数据样本。 ### 在这里导入有用的库 ```py from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize import tensorflow as tf import pandas as pd import pickle import random import glob import nltk import re try: nltk.data.find('tokenizers/punkt') except LookupError: nltk.download('punkt') ``` ### 将数据解析为 TFRecords ```py def imdb2tfrecords(path_data='datasets/dummy_text/', min_word_frequency=5, max_words_review=700): ''' 这个脚本处理数据 并将其保存为默认的 TensorFlow 文件格式:tfrecords。 Args: path_data: the path where the imdb data is stored. min_word_frequency: the minimum frequency of a word, to keep it in the vocabulary. max_words_review: the maximum number of words allowed in a review. ''' # 获取正面/负面评论的文件名 pos_files = glob.glob(path_data + 'pos/*') neg_files = glob.glob(path_data + 'neg/*') # 连接正负评论的文件名 filenames = pos_files + neg_files # 列出数据集中的所有评论 reviews = [open(filenames[i],'r').read() for i in range(len(filenames))] # 移除 HTML 标签 reviews = [re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', ' ', review) for review in reviews] # 将每个评论分词 reviews = [word_tokenize(review) for review in reviews] # 计算每个评论的的长度 len_reviews = [len(review) for review in reviews] # 展开嵌套列表 reviews = [word for review in reviews for word in review] # 计算每个单词的频率 word_frequency = pd.value_counts(reviews) # 仅仅保留频率高于最小值的单词 vocabulary = word_frequency[word_frequency>=min_word_frequency].index.tolist() # 添加未知,起始和终止记号 extra_tokens = ['Unknown_token', 'End_token'] vocabulary += extra_tokens # 创建 word2idx 词典 word2idx = {vocabulary[i]: i for i in range(len(vocabulary))} # 将单词的词汇表写到磁盘 pickle.dump(word2idx, open(path_data + 'word2idx.pkl', 'wb')) def text2tfrecords(filenames, writer, vocabulary, word2idx, max_words_review): ''' 用于将每个评论解析为部分,并作为 tfrecord 写入磁盘的函数。 Args: filenames: the paths of the review files. writer: the writer object for tfrecords. vocabulary: list with all the words included in the vocabulary. word2idx: dictionary of words and their corresponding indexes. ''' # 打乱 filenames random.shuffle(filenames) for filename in filenames: review = open(filename, 'r').read() review = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', ' ', review) review = word_tokenize(review) # 将 review 归约为最大单词 review = review[-max_words_review:] # 将单词替换为来自 word2idx 的等效索引 review = [word2idx[word] if word in vocabulary else word2idx['Unknown_token'] for word in review] indexed_review = review + [word2idx['End_token']] sequence_length = len(indexed_review) target = 1 if filename.split('/')[-2]=='pos' else 0 # Create a Sequence Example to store our data in ex = tf.train.SequenceExample() # 向我们的示例添加非顺序特性 ex.context.feature['sequence_length'].int64_list.value.append(sequence_length) ex.context.feature['target'].int64_list.value.append(target) # 添加顺序特征 token_indexes = ex.feature_lists.feature_list['token_indexes'] for token_index in indexed_review: token_indexes.feature.add().int64_list.value.append(token_index) writer.write(ex.SerializeToString()) ########################################################################## # Write data to tfrecords.This might take a while. ########################################################################## writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(path_data + 'dummy.tfrecords') text2tfrecords(filenames, writer, vocabulary, word2idx, max_words_review) imdb2tfrecords(path_data='datasets/dummy_text/') ``` ### 将 TFRecords 解析为 TF 张量 ```py def parse_imdb_sequence(record): ''' 解析 imdb tfrecords 的脚本 Returns: token_indexes: sequence of token indexes present in the review. target: the target of the movie review. sequence_length: the length of the sequence. ''' context_features = { 'sequence_length': tf.FixedLenFeature([], dtype=tf.int64), 'target': tf.FixedLenFeature([], dtype=tf.int64), } sequence_features = { 'token_indexes': tf.FixedLenSequenceFeature([], dtype=tf.int64), } context_parsed, sequence_parsed = tf.parse_single_sequence_example(record, context_features=context_features, sequence_features=sequence_features) return (sequence_parsed['token_indexes'], context_parsed['target'], context_parsed['sequence_length']) ``` 如果你希望我在本教程中添加任何内容,请告诉我,我将很乐意进一步改善它。