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# 十、从 tf1.12 转换为 tf2 Google 提供了一个名为 `tf_upgrade_v2`的命令行脚本,该脚本会将 1.12 版文件(`.py`和`.ipynb`文件)转换为 TensorFlow 2 兼容文件。 此转换的语法如下: ```py tf_upgrade_v2 --infile file_to_convert --outfile converted_file ``` [这里是更新脚本的实战演示](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmSNUeBG-PQ&list=PLQY2H8rRoyvzoUYI26kHmKSJBedn3SQuB&index=32&t=71s),以及有关它的更多详细信息,请参见[这里](https://github.com/tensorflow/docs/blob/master/site/en/r2/guide/upgrade.md) 。 重要的是要注意,在运行脚本之前,不应该*手动更新*代码部分。 该脚本不会解决所有问题,但是它生成的报告将标识那些必须手动解决的问题。 特别是,`tf.contrib`已从 TF2 中删除,因此必须跟踪并手动修复以前驻留在其中的函数。 这是脚本生成的报告的示例: ```py Processing file 'Chapter1_TF2_Snippets.ipynb' outputting to 'Chapter1_TF2_alpha' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37:4: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.size' 48:13: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.transpose' 74:0: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.reduce_mean' 75:0: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.reduce_mean' 76:0: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.reduce_mean' 77:0: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.reduce_mean' 78:0: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.reduce_mean' 110:4: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.argmax' 114:4: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.argmin' 121:4: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.argmax' 123:4: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.argmin' 127:4: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.argmax' 129:4: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.argmin' 136:0: ERROR: Using member tf.contrib.integrate.odeint in deprecated module tf.contrib. tf.contrib.integrate.odeint cannot be converted automatically. tf.contrib will not be distributed with TensorFlow 2.0, please consider an alternative in non-contrib TensorFlow, a community-maintained repository, or fork the required code. 162:10: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.transpose' 173:11: INFO: Added keywords to args of function 'tf.reduce_mean' ```