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# QSysInfo Class Reference ## [[QtCore](index.htm) module] 该QSysInfo类提供有关系统的信息。[More...](#details) ### Types * `enum Endian { BigEndian, LittleEndian, ByteOrder }` * `enum Sizes { WordSize }` ### Methods * `__init__ (self)` * `__init__ (self, QSysInfo)` * * * ## Detailed Description 该QSysInfo类提供有关系统的信息。 * [WordSize](qsysinfo.html#Sizes-enum) specifies the size of a pointer for the platform on which the application is compiled. * [ByteOrder](qsysinfo.html#Endian-enum) specifies whether the platform is big-endian or little-endian. * [WindowsVersion](qsysinfo.html#WindowsVersion-var) specifies the version of the Windows operating system on which the application is run (Windows only) * [MacintoshVersion](qsysinfo.html#MacintoshVersion-var) specifies the version of the Macintosh operating system on which the application is run (Mac only). 一些常量只在某些平台上定义的。您可以使用预处理器符号[Q_WS_WIN](index.htm#Q_WS_WIN)和[Q_WS_MAC](index.htm#Q_WS_MAC)要测试该应用程序的Windows或Mac下编译。 * * * ## Type Documentation ``` QSysInfo.Endian ``` | Constant | Value | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | `QSysInfo.BigEndian` | `0` | big-endian字节顺序(也称为网络字节顺序) | | `QSysInfo.LittleEndian` | `1` | little-endian字节顺序 | | `QSysInfo.ByteOrder` | `<platform-dependent>` | 等于大尾端或LittleEndian ,取决于该平台的字节顺序。 | ``` QSysInfo.Sizes ``` 此枚举提供有关数据结构所使用的底层架构的大小平台特定的信息。 | Constant | Value | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | `QSysInfo.WordSize` | `( sizeof( void * ) <<3 )` | 在指针上编译应用程序平台( 32或64 )的位的大小。 | * * * ## Method Documentation ``` QSysInfo.__init__ (self) ``` ``` QSysInfo.__init__ (self, QSysInfo) ```