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# QXmlStreamAttributes Class Reference ## [[QtCore](index.htm) module] The QXmlStreamAttributes class represents a vector of [QXmlStreamAttribute](qxmlstreamattribute.html). [More...](#details) ### Methods * `__init__ (self)` * `__init__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes)` * `append (self, QString namespaceUri, QString name, QString value)` * `append (self, QString qualifiedName, QString value)` * `append (self, QXmlStreamAttribute attribute)` * `QXmlStreamAttribute at (self, int i)` * `clear (self)` * `bool contains (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `int count (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `int count (self)` * `sip.voidptr data (self)` * `fill (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value, int size = -1)` * `QXmlStreamAttribute first (self)` * `bool hasAttribute (self, QString qualifiedName)` * `bool hasAttribute (self, QString namespaceUri, QString name)` * `int indexOf (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value, int from = 0)` * `insert (self, int i, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `bool isEmpty (self)` * `QXmlStreamAttribute last (self)` * `int lastIndexOf (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value, int from = -1)` * `prepend (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `remove (self, int i)` * `remove (self, int i, int count)` * `replace (self, int i, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `int size (self)` * `QStringRef value (self, QString namespaceUri, QString name)` * `QStringRef value (self, QString qualifiedName)` ### Special Methods * `int __contains__ (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `__delitem__ (self, int i)` * `__delitem__ (self, slice slice)` * `bool __eq__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes other)` * `QXmlStreamAttribute __getitem__ (self, int i)` * `QXmlStreamAttributes __getitem__ (self, slice slice)` * `QXmlStreamAttributes __iadd__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes other)` * `QXmlStreamAttributes __iadd__ (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `__len__ (self)` * `bool __ne__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes other)` * `__setitem__ (self, int i, QXmlStreamAttribute value)` * `__setitem__ (self, slice slice, QXmlStreamAttributes list)` * * * ## Detailed Description The QXmlStreamAttributes class represents a vector of [QXmlStreamAttribute](qxmlstreamattribute.html). Attributes are returned by a [QXmlStreamReader](qxmlstreamreader.html) in [attributes()](qxmlstreamreader.html#attributes) when the reader reports a [start element](qxmlstreamreader.html#TokenType-enum). The class can also be used with a [QXmlStreamWriter](qxmlstreamwriter.html) as an argument to [writeAttributes()](qxmlstreamwriter.html#writeAttributes). The convenience function [value](qxmlstreamattributes.html#value)() loops over the vector and returns an attribute value for a given namespaceUri and an attribute's name. 新的属性可以被添加[append](qxmlstreamattributes.html#append)( ) 。 * * * ## Method Documentation ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.__init__ (self) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.__init__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.append (self, QString namespaceUri, QString name, QString value) ``` 附加一个新的属性_name_在与所描述的命名空间_namespaceUri_和值_value_。该_namespaceUri_可以为空。 ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.append (self, QString qualifiedName, QString value) ``` 添加给定的_attribute_向矢量的末端。 **See also** [QVector.append](index.htm#append)( ) 。 ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.append (self, QXmlStreamAttribute attribute) ``` 这是一个重载函数。 与追加限定名的新属性_qualifiedName_和值_value_。 ``` QXmlStreamAttribute (self, int i) ``` [ ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.clear (self) ``` ``` bool QXmlStreamAttributes.contains (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` ``` int QXmlStreamAttributes.count (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` ``` int QXmlStreamAttributes.count (self) ``` ``` sip.voidptr (self) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.fill (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value, int size = -1) ``` ](qxmlstreamattribute.html) ``` QXmlStreamAttribute QXmlStreamAttributes.first (self) ``` [ ``` bool QXmlStreamAttributes.hasAttribute (self, QString qualifiedName) ``` ](qxmlstreamattribute.html) [返回True如果](qxmlstreamattribute.html)[QXmlStreamAttributes](qxmlstreamattributes.html)有一个属性的限定名是_qualifiedName_否则返回False 。 请注意,这不是名称空间感知。举例来说,如果此[QXmlStreamAttributes](qxmlstreamattributes.html)包含一个属性,它的词汇叫“ XLINK : HREF ”这不告诉一个名为属性`href`在XLink的命名空间不存在,因为`xlink`前缀可以绑定到任何命名空间。使用采用命名空间URI和本地名称作为参数,名称空间感知的代码超载。 此功能被引入Qt的4.5 。 ``` bool QXmlStreamAttributes.hasAttribute (self, QString namespaceUri, QString name) ``` 这是一个重载函数。 此功能被引入Qt的4.5 。 ``` int QXmlStreamAttributes.indexOf (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value, int from = 0) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.insert (self, int i, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` ``` bool QXmlStreamAttributes.isEmpty (self) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttribute QXmlStreamAttributes.last (self) ``` [ ``` int QXmlStreamAttributes.lastIndexOf (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value, int from = -1) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.prepend (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.remove (self, int i) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.remove (self, int i, int count) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.replace (self, int i, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` ``` int QXmlStreamAttributes.size (self) ``` ``` QStringRef QXmlStreamAttributes.value (self, QString namespaceUri, QString name) ``` 返回属性的值_name_在与所描述的命名空间_namespaceUri_,或一个空字符串引用,如果该属性没有定义。该_namespaceUri_可以为空。 ``` QStringRef QXmlStreamAttributes.value (self, QString qualifiedName) ``` 这是一个重载函数。 返回属性的值_name_在与所描述的命名空间_namespaceUri_,或一个空字符串引用,如果该属性没有定义。该_namespaceUri_可以为空。 ``` int QXmlStreamAttributes.__contains__ (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.__delitem__ (self, int i) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.__delitem__ (self, slice slice) ``` ``` bool QXmlStreamAttributes.__eq__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes other) ``` ](qxmlstreamattribute.html) ``` QXmlStreamAttribute QXmlStreamAttributes.__getitem__ (self, int i) ``` [](qxmlstreamattribute.html) ``` QXmlStreamAttributes QXmlStreamAttributes.__getitem__ (self, slice slice) ``` [](qxmlstreamattributes.html) ``` QXmlStreamAttributes QXmlStreamAttributes.__iadd__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes other) ``` [](qxmlstreamattributes.html) ``` QXmlStreamAttributes QXmlStreamAttributes.__iadd__ (self, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` [ ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.__len__ (self) ``` ``` bool QXmlStreamAttributes.__ne__ (self, QXmlStreamAttributes other) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.__setitem__ (self, int i, QXmlStreamAttribute value) ``` ``` QXmlStreamAttributes.__setitem__ (self, slice slice, QXmlStreamAttributes list) ``` ](qxmlstreamattributes.html)