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# Mono Winforms 中的基本控件 > 原文: []( IronPython Mono Winforms 编程教程的这一部分将介绍基本控件。 Winforms 控件是应用的基本构建块。 Winforms 具有广泛的各种控件。 按钮,复选框,轨迹栏,标签等。程序员完成工作所需的一切。 在本教程的这一部分中,我们将描述几个有用的控件。 ## `Label` `Label`是用于显示文本或图像的简单控件。 它没有得到关注。 `` ```py #!/usr/bin/ipy import sys import clr clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Form, Label from System.Drawing import Size, Point, Font text = """Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard Your rolled up sleeves and your skull t-shirt You say why did you do it with him today? And sniffed me out like I was tanqueray Cause you're my fella, my guy Hand me your stella and fly By the time I'm out the door You tear me down like roger moore I cheated myself Like I knew I would I told ya, I was trouble You know that I'm no good Upstairs in bed, with my ex boy He's in a place, but I cant get joy Thinking of you in the final throws, this is when my buzzer goes""" class IForm(Form): def __init__(self): self.Text = "You know I'm No Good" font = Font("Serif", 10) lyrics = Label() lyrics.Parent = self lyrics.Text = text lyrics.Font = font lyrics.Location = Point(10, 10) lyrics.Size = Size(290, 290) self.CenterToScreen() Application.Run(IForm()) ``` 在我们的示例中,我们在表单上显示了一些歌词。 ```py lyrics = Label() ``` `Label`控件已创建。 ```py text = """Meet you downstairs in the bar and heard ... """ ``` 这是我们的文字。 ```py font = Font("Serif", 10) ... lyrics.Font = font ``` 标签文本的字体设置为 10px Serif。 ![Label]( 图:`Label` ## `CheckBox` `CheckBox`是具有两个状态的控件:开和关。 它是带有标签或图像的盒子。 如果选中`CheckBox`,则在方框中用勾号表示。 `CheckBox`可用于在启动时显示或隐藏启动画面,切换工具栏的可见性等。 `` ```py #!/usr/bin/ipy import clr clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Form, CheckBox from System.Drawing import Size, Point class IForm(Form): def __init__(self): self.Text = "CheckBox" self.Size = Size(220, 170) cb = CheckBox() cb.Parent = self cb.Location = Point(30, 30) cb.Text = "Show Title" cb.Checked = True cb.CheckedChanged += self.OnChanged self.CenterToScreen() def OnChanged(self, sender, event): if sender.Checked: self.Text = "CheckBox" else: self.Text = "" Application.Run(IForm()) ``` 我们的代码示例根据窗口的状态显示或隐藏窗口的标题。 ```py cb = CheckBox() ``` `CheckBox`控件已创建。 ```py cb.Text = "Show Title" cb.Checked = True ``` 当应用启动时,我们显示标题。 然后将`CheckBox`控件设置为选中状态。 ```py cb.CheckedChanged += self.OnChanged ``` 当我们单击`CheckBox`控件时,将触发`CheckedChanged`事件。 ```py if sender.Checked: self.Text = "CheckBox" else: self.Text = "" ``` 在这里,我们切换窗口的标题。 ![CheckBox]( 图:`CheckBox` ## `TrackBar` `TrackBar`是一个组件,使用户可以通过在有限的间隔内滑动旋钮来以图形方式选择一个值。 我们的示例将显示音量控制。 `` ```py #!/usr/bin/ipy import sys import clr clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Form, PictureBox from System.Windows.Forms import TrackBar, TickStyle from System.Drawing import Size, Point, Bitmap class IForm(Form): def __init__(self): self.Text = 'TrackBar' self.Size = Size(260, 190) tb = TrackBar() tb.Parent = self tb.Size = Size(150, 30) tb.Location = Point(30, 50) tb.TickStyle = TickStyle.None tb.SetRange(0, 100) tb.ValueChanged += self.OnChanged self.LoadImages() self.pb = PictureBox() self.pb.Parent = self self.pb.Location = Point(210, 50) self.pb.Image = self.mutep self.CenterToScreen() def LoadImages(self): try: self.mutep = Bitmap("mute.png") self.minp = Bitmap("min.png") self.medp = Bitmap("med.png") self.maxp = Bitmap("max.png") except Exception, e: print "Error reading images" print e.msg sys.exit(1) def OnChanged(self, sender, event): val = sender.Value if val == 0: self.pb.Image = self.mutep elif val > 0 and val <= 30: self.pb.Image = self.minp elif val > 30 and val < 80: self.pb.Image = self.medp else: self.pb.Image = self.maxp Application.Run(IForm()) ``` 在代码示例中,我们显示了`TrackBar`和`PictureBox`。 通过拖动轨迹栏,我们可以在`PictureBox`控件上更改图像。 ```py tb = TrackBar() ``` `TrackBar`控件已创建。 ```py tb.TickStyle = TickStyle.None ``` 我们对此`TrackBar`没有显示任何报价。 ```py self.pb = PictureBox() ... self.pb.Image = self.mutep ``` `PictureBox`控件已创建。 它用于显示图像。 开始时,它会显示静音图像。 ```py self.mutep = Bitmap("mute.png") self.minp = Bitmap("min.png") self.medp = Bitmap("med.png") self.maxp = Bitmap("max.png") ``` 在这里,我们将创建四个将要使用的图像。 ```py val = sender.Value if val == 0: self.pb.Image = self.mutep elif val > 0 and val <= 30: self.pb.Image = self.minp elif val > 30 and val < 80: self.pb.Image = self.medp else: self.pb.Image = self.maxp ``` 我们确定`TrackBar`的值。 根据其值,我们更新`PictureBox`控件。 ![TrackBar]( 图:`TrackBar` ## `ComboBox` `ComboBox`是一个组合了按钮或可编辑字段和下拉列表的控件。 用户可以从下拉列表中选择一个值,该列表应用户的要求出现。 如果使组合框可编辑,则组合框将包含一个可编辑字段,用户可以在其中输入值。 `` ```py #!/usr/bin/ipy import clr clr.AddReference("System.Windows.Forms") clr.AddReference("System.Drawing") from System.Windows.Forms import Application, Form from System.Windows.Forms import ComboBox, Label from System.Drawing import Size, Point class IForm(Form): def __init__(self): self.Text = "ComboBox" self.Size = Size(240, 240) cb = ComboBox() cb.Parent = self cb.Location = Point(50, 30) cb.Items.AddRange(("Ubuntu", "Mandriva", "Red Hat", "Fedora", "Gentoo")) cb.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.OnChanged self.label = Label() self.label.Location = Point(50, 140) self.label.Parent = self self.label.Text = "..." self.CenterToScreen() def OnChanged(self, sender, event): self.label.Text = sender.Text Application.Run(IForm()) ``` 我们的代码编程示例显示了一个包含五个项目的组合框。 所选项目显示在标签控件中。 ```py cb = ComboBox() ``` `ComboBox`控件已创建。 ```py cb.Items.AddRange(("Ubuntu", "Mandriva", "Red Hat", "Fedora", "Gentoo")) ``` `ComboBox`控件中充满了项目。 ```py cb.SelectionChangeCommitted += self.OnChanged ``` 如果我们从组合框中选择一个项目,则会触发`SelectionChangeCommitted`事件。 ```py def OnChanged(self, sender, event): self.label.Text = sender.Text ``` 在这里,将从组合框中选择的文本复制到标签。 ![ComboBox]( 图:`ComboBox` 我们已经完成了 IronPython Mono Winforms 教程的这一章,专门讨论基本控件。