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# Valitron 教程 > 原文: [https://zetcode.com/php/valitron/](https://zetcode.com/php/valitron/) PHP Valitron 教程展示了如何使用 Valitron 验证包验证 PHP 值。 ## Valitron Valitron 是一个简单,最小且优雅的独立验证库,没有依赖项。 ## 安装 ```php $ composer require vlucas/valitron $ composer require tightenco/collect ``` 我们安装了 Valitron 套件和 Laravel 的集合套件。 ## 简单的例子 在第一个示例中,我们展示了如何进行非常简单的验证。 `simple.php` ```php <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Valitron\Validator; $validator = new Validator(['name' => 'John Doe']); $validator->rule('required', 'name'); if($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $coll = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $coll->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } } ``` 该示例验证一个必需值。 ```php use Valitron\Validator; ``` 我们包括验证器。 ```php $validator = new Validator(['name' => 'John Doe']); ``` 我们创建`Validator`的实例,并将其传递给要验证的值。 ```php $validator->rule('required', 'name'); ``` 我们用`rule()`方法指定`required`规则。 ```php if($validator->validate()) { ``` 验证通过`validate()`执行。 ```php $coll = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $coll->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } ``` 如果验证失败,我们将得到错误并显示。 ```php $ php simple.php Validation passed ``` 这是输出。 ## 验证规则 Valitron 包含一组预定义规则,例如`required`,`email`,`min`,`max`或`url`。 规则可以与`|`字符结合使用。 `multiple_rules.php` ```php <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Valitron\Validator; $rules = [ 'required' => ['name', 'email'], 'alphaNum' => 'name', 'integer' => 'age', 'min' => [['age', 1]], 'email' => 'email' ]; $validator = new Validator(['name' => 'John Doe', 'age' => 34]); $validator->rules($rules); if ($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $errors = $validator->errors(); foreach ($errors as $arr) { foreach ($arr as $error) { echo $error . "\n"; } }; } ``` 该示例使用了多个验证规则。 ```php $rules = [ 'required' => ['name', 'email'], 'alphaNum' => 'name', 'integer' => 'age', 'min' => [['age', 1]], 'email' => 'email' ]; ``` 我们有四个验证规则。 需要`name`和`email`。 `name`必须为字母数字值,`age`必须为整数,最小值为 1。最后,`email`必须为有效的电子邮件地址。 ```php $ php multiple_rules.php Email is required Email is not a valid email address Name must contain only letters a-z and/or numbers 0-9 ``` 该示例以三个验证失败结束。 ## Valitron 链接规则 可以通过链接`rule()`方法来添加规则。 `chaining.php` ```php <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Valitron\Validator; $validator = new Validator(['name' => 'John Doe', 'email' => 'johndoe#gmail.com']); $validator->rule('required', 'name')->rule('email', 'email'); if($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $coll = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $coll->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } } ``` 该示例链接了两个规则。 ```php $validator->rule('required', 'name')->rule('email', 'email'); ``` 我们通过链接`rule()`方法添加了两个验证规则。 ## 验证日期 日期有四个验证规则:`date`,`dateFormat`,`dateBefore`和`dateAfter`。 `date_before.php` ```php <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Valitron\Validator; $validator = new Validator(['created_at' => '2019-03-01']); $validator->rule('dateBefore', 'created_at', '2018-10-13'); if ($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $coll = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $coll->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } } ``` 该示例使用`dateBefore`规则验证两个日期。 ```php $validator = new Validator(['created_at' => '2019-03-01']); $validator->rule('dateBefore', 'created_at', '2018-10-13'); ``` 使用`dateBefore`规则,我们验证给定日期早于其他日期。 ```php $ php date_before.php Created At must be date before '2018-10-13' ``` This is the output. ## 验证 IP 地址 IP 地址使用`ip`规则进行验证。 `ipaddress.php` ```php <?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Valitron\Validator; $vals = ['ip1' => '', 'ip2' => 'FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329', 'ip3' => 'FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329', 'ip4' => '0.0.1']; $coll = collect($vals); $coll->each(function ($value, $key) { $validator = new Validator([$key => $value]); $validator->rule('ip', $key); if ($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed for $key with $value" . "\n"; } else { $errs = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $errs->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } } }); ``` 该示例验证 IP v4 IP v6 地址。 ```php $ php ipaddress.php Validation passed for ip1 with Validation passed for ip2 with FE80:0000:0000:0000:0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 Validation passed for ip3 with FE80::0202:B3FF:FE1E:8329 Ip4 is not a valid IP address ``` This is the output. ## 自定义消息 我们可以提供自定义验证消息。 消息通过`message()`传递。 `custom_message.php` ```php <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Valitron\Validator; $validator = new Validator(['name' => '']); $validator->rule('required', 'name')->message('{field} is compulsory')->label("name"); $validator->rule('lengthMin', 'name', 2)->message('{field} must have at least 2 characters') ->label("name"); if($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $coll = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $coll->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } } ``` 该示例添加了自定义消息。 ```php $validator->rule('required', 'name')->message('{field} is compulsory')->label("name"); ``` 使用链接的方法调用,我们添加了自定义验证消息。 ```php $ php custom_message.php name is compulsory name must have at least 2 characters ``` This is the output. ## 值的验证子集 值的子集使用`subset`规则进行验证。 `subsets.php` ```php <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Valitron\Validator; $vals = ['colors' => ['green', 'blue', 'black']]; $validator = new Validator($vals); $validator->rule('subset', 'colors', ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'yellow']); if ($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $coll = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $coll->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } } ``` 该示例检查`$vals`变量是否包含来自定义的颜色值子集的颜色。 ## 验证 GET 数据 在以下示例中,我们验证 GET 数据。 `get_data.php` ```php <?php require('vendor/autoload.php'); use Valitron\Validator; $validator = new Validator($_GET); $validator->rule('required', ['name', 'email']); $validator->rule('email', 'email'); if ($validator->validate()) { echo "Validation passed"; } else { $coll = collect($validator->errors()); $messages = $coll->flatten(); foreach ($messages as $message) { echo $message . "\n"; } } ``` 该示例验证来自 GET 请求的名称和电子邮件参数。 ```php $validator = new Validator($_GET); ``` 全局`$_GET`变量传递给`Validator`。 ```php $ php -S localhost:8000 PHP 7.2.11 Development Server started at Sat Feb 23 17:24:05 2019 Listening on http://localhost:8000 Document root is C:\Users\Jano\Documents\php-progs\valitron Press Ctrl-C to quit. ``` 我们启动内置的 Web 服务器。 ```php $ curl "localhost:8000/get_data.php?name=John%20Doe&email=john.doe#gmail.com" Email is not a valid email address ``` 我们使用`curl`工具创建带有两个参数的 GET 请求。 您可能也对以下相关教程感兴趣: [PHP Respect 验证教程](/php/respectvalidation/), [PHP Rakit 验证教程](/php/rakitvalidation/), [PHP PDO 教程](/php/pdo/), [PHP 文件系统函数](/articles/phpfilesystemfunctions/) , [PHP 教程](/lang/php/)。 在本教程中,我们使用了 Valitron 来验证 PHP 值。