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It is similar to the parameter for [`compressobj()`](#zlib.compressobj "zlib.compressobj"), but accepts more ranges of values: - +8 to +15: The base-two logarithm of the window size. The input must include a zlib header and trailer. - 0: Automatically determine the window size from the zlib header. Only supported since zlib - −8 to −15: Uses the absolute value of *wbits* as the window size logarithm. The input must be a raw stream with no header or trailer. - +24 to +31 = 16 + (8 to 15): Uses the low 4 bits of the value as the window size logarithm. The input must include a gzip header and trailer. - +40 to +47 = 32 + (8 to 15): Uses the low 4 bits of the value as the window size logarithm, and automatically accepts either the zlib or gzip format. When decompressing a stream, the window size must not be smaller than the size originally used to compress the stream; using a too-small value may result in an [`error`](#zlib.error "zlib.error") exception. The default *wbits* value corresponds to the largest window size and requires a zlib header and trailer to be included. *bufsize* is the initial size of the buffer used to hold decompressed data. If more space is required, the buffer size will be increased as needed, so you don't have to get this value exactly right; tuning it will only save a few calls to `malloc()`. 在 3.6 版更改: *wbits* and *bufsize* can be used as keyword arguments. `zlib.``decompressobj`(*wbits=MAX\_WBITS*\[, *zdict*\])Returns a decompression object, to be used for decompressing data streams that won't fit into memory at once. The *wbits* parameter controls the size of the history buffer (or the "window size"), and what header and trailer format is expected. It has the same meaning as [described for decompress()](#decompress-wbits). The *zdict* parameter specifies a predefined compression dictionary. If provided, this must be the same dictionary as was used by the compressor that produced the data that is to be decompressed. 注解 If *zdict* is a mutable object (such as a [`bytearray`](stdtypes.xhtml#bytearray "bytearray")), you must not modify its contents between the call to [`decompressobj()`](#zlib.decompressobj "zlib.decompressobj") and the first call to the decompressor's `decompress()` method. 在 3.3 版更改: Added the *zdict* parameter. 压缩对象支持以下方法: `Compress.``compress`(*data*)压缩 *data* 并返回 bytes 对象,这个对象含有 *data* 的部分或全部内容的已压缩数据。所得的对象必须拼接在上一次调用 [`compress()`](#zlib.compress "zlib.compress") 方法所得数据的后面。缓冲区中可能留存部分输入以供下一次调用。 `Compress.``flush`(\[*mode*\])压缩所有缓冲区的数据并返回已压缩的数据。参数 *mode* 可以传入的常量为:`Z_NO_FLUSH`、`Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH`、`Z_SYNC_FLUSH`、`Z_FULL_FLUSH`、`Z_BLOCK` (zlib 或 `Z_FINISH`。默认值为 `Z_FINISH`。`Z_FINISH` 关闭已压缩数据流并不允许再压缩其他数据,`Z_FINISH` 以外的值皆允许这个对象继续压缩数据。调用 [`flush()`](#zlib.Compress.flush "zlib.Compress.flush") 方法并将 *mode* 设为 `Z_FINISH` 后会无法再次调用 [`compress()`](#zlib.compress "zlib.compress"),此时只能删除这个对象。 `Compress.``copy`()返回此压缩对象的一个拷贝。它可以用来高效压缩一系列拥有相同前缀的数据。 解压缩对象支持以下方法: `Decompress.``unused_data`A bytes object which contains any bytes past the end of the compressed data. That is, this remains `b""` until the last byte that contains compression data is available. If the whole bytestring turned out to contain compressed data, this is `b""`, an empty bytes object. `Decompress.``unconsumed_tail`A bytes object that contains any data that was not consumed by the last [`decompress()`](#zlib.decompress "zlib.decompress") call because it exceeded the limit for the uncompressed data buffer. This data has not yet been seen by the zlib machinery, so you must feed it (possibly with further data concatenated to it) back to a subsequent [`decompress()`](#zlib.decompress "zlib.decompress") method call in order to get correct output. `Decompress.``eof`A boolean indicating whether the end of the compressed data stream has been reached. This makes it possible to distinguish between a properly-formed compressed stream, and an incomplete or truncated one. 3\.3 新版功能. `Decompress.``decompress`(*data*, *max\_length=0*)Decompress *data*, returning a bytes object containing the uncompressed data corresponding to at least part of the data in *string*. This data should be concatenated to the output produced by any preceding calls to the [`decompress()`](#zlib.decompress "zlib.decompress") method. Some of the input data may be preserved in internal buffers for later processing. If the optional parameter *max\_length* is non-zero then the return value will be no longer than *max\_length*. This may mean that not all of the compressed input can be processed; and unconsumed data will be stored in the attribute [`unconsumed_tail`](#zlib.Decompress.unconsumed_tail "zlib.Decompress.unconsumed_tail"). This bytestring must be passed to a subsequent call to [`decompress()`](#zlib.decompress "zlib.decompress") if decompression is to continue. If *max\_length* is zero then the whole input is decompressed, and [`unconsumed_tail`](#zlib.Decompress.unconsumed_tail "zlib.Decompress.unconsumed_tail") is empty. 在 3.6 版更改: *max\_length* can be used as a keyword argument. `Decompress.``flush`(\[*length*\])All pending input is processed, and a bytes object containing the remaining uncompressed output is returned. After calling [`flush()`](#zlib.Decompress.flush "zlib.Decompress.flush"), the [`decompress()`](#zlib.decompress "zlib.decompress") method cannot be called again; the only realistic action is to delete the object. The optional parameter *length* sets the initial size of the output buffer. `Decompress.``copy`()Returns a copy of the decompression object. This can be used to save the state of the decompressor midway through the data stream in order to speed up random seeks into the stream at a future point. 通过下列常量可获取模块所使用的 zlib 库的版本信息: `zlib.``ZLIB_VERSION`构建此模块时所用的 zlib 库的版本字符串。它的值可能与运行时所加载的 zlib 不同。运行时加载的 zlib 库的版本字符串为 [`ZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSION`](#zlib.ZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSION "zlib.ZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSION")。 `zlib.``ZLIB_RUNTIME_VERSION`解释器所加载的 zlib 库的版本字符串。 3\.3 新版功能. 参见 模块 [`gzip`](gzip.xhtml#module-gzip "gzip: Interfaces for gzip compression and decompression using file objects.")读写 **gzip** 格式的文件。 <http://www.zlib.net>zlib 库项目主页。 <http://www.zlib.net/manual.html>zlib 库用户手册。提供了库的许多功能的解释和用法。 ### 导航 - [索引](../genindex.xhtml "总目录") - [模块](../py-modindex.xhtml "Python 模块索引") | - [下一页](gzip.xhtml "gzip --- 对 gzip 格式的支持") | - [上一页](archiving.xhtml "数据压缩和存档") | - ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a721fc7ec672275e257bbbfde49a4d4e_16x16.png) - [Python](https://www.python.org/) » - zh\_CN 3.7.3 [文档](../index.xhtml) » - [Python 标准库](index.xhtml) » - [数据压缩和存档](archiving.xhtml) » - $('.inline-search').show(0); | © [版权所有](../copyright.xhtml) 2001-2019, Python Software Foundation. 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