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The module defines the following functions: `syslog.``syslog`(*message*)`syslog.``syslog`(*priority*, *message*)Send the string *message* to the system logger. A trailing newline is added if necessary. Each message is tagged with a priority composed of a *facility* and a *level*. The optional *priority* argument, which defaults to `LOG_INFO`, determines the message priority. If the facility is not encoded in *priority* using logical-or (`LOG_INFO | LOG_USER`), the value given in the [`openlog()`](#syslog.openlog "syslog.openlog") call is used. If [`openlog()`](#syslog.openlog "syslog.openlog") has not been called prior to the call to [`syslog()`](#module-syslog "syslog: An interface to the Unix syslog library routines. (Unix)"), `openlog()` will be called with no arguments. `syslog.``openlog`(\[*ident*\[, *logoption*\[, *facility*\]\]\])Logging options of subsequent [`syslog()`](#module-syslog "syslog: An interface to the Unix syslog library routines. (Unix)") calls can be set by calling [`openlog()`](#syslog.openlog "syslog.openlog"). [`syslog()`](#module-syslog "syslog: An interface to the Unix syslog library routines. (Unix)") will call [`openlog()`](#syslog.openlog "syslog.openlog") with no arguments if the log is not currently open. The optional *ident* keyword argument is a string which is prepended to every message, and defaults to `sys.argv[0]` with leading path components stripped. The optional *logoption* keyword argument (default is 0) is a bit field -- see below for possible values to combine. The optional *facility*keyword argument (default is `LOG_USER`) sets the default facility for messages which do not have a facility explicitly encoded. 在 3.2 版更改: In previous versions, keyword arguments were not allowed, and *ident* was required. The default for *ident* was dependent on the system libraries, and often was `python` instead of the name of the Python program file. `syslog.``closelog`()Reset the syslog module values and call the system library `closelog()`. This causes the module to behave as it does when initially imported. For example, [`openlog()`](#syslog.openlog "syslog.openlog") will be called on the first [`syslog()`](#module-syslog "syslog: An interface to the Unix syslog library routines. (Unix)") call (if [`openlog()`](#syslog.openlog "syslog.openlog") hasn't already been called), and *ident* and other [`openlog()`](#syslog.openlog "syslog.openlog") parameters are reset to defaults. `syslog.``setlogmask`(*maskpri*)Set the priority mask to *maskpri* and return the previous mask value. Calls to [`syslog()`](#module-syslog "syslog: An interface to the Unix syslog library routines. (Unix)") with a priority level not set in *maskpri* are ignored. The default is to log all priorities. The function `LOG_MASK(pri)`calculates the mask for the individual priority *pri*. The function `LOG_UPTO(pri)` calculates the mask for all priorities up to and including *pri*. The module defines the following constants: Priority levels (high to low):`LOG_EMERG`, `LOG_ALERT`, `LOG_CRIT`, `LOG_ERR`, `LOG_WARNING`, `LOG_NOTICE`, `LOG_INFO`, `LOG_DEBUG`. Facilities:`LOG_KERN`, `LOG_USER`, `LOG_MAIL`, `LOG_DAEMON`, `LOG_AUTH`, `LOG_LPR`, `LOG_NEWS`, `LOG_UUCP`, `LOG_CRON`, `LOG_SYSLOG`, `LOG_LOCAL0` to `LOG_LOCAL7`, and, if defined in `<syslog.h>`, `LOG_AUTHPRIV`. Log options:`LOG_PID`, `LOG_CONS`, `LOG_NDELAY`, and, if defined in `<syslog.h>`, `LOG_ODELAY`, `LOG_NOWAIT`, and `LOG_PERROR`. ## 示例 ### Simple example A simple set of examples: ``` import syslog syslog.syslog('Processing started') if error: syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_ERR, 'Processing started') ``` An example of setting some log options, these would include the process ID in logged messages, and write the messages to the destination facility used for mail logging: ``` syslog.openlog(logoption=syslog.LOG_PID, facility=syslog.LOG_MAIL) syslog.syslog('E-mail processing initiated...') ``` ### 导航 - [索引](../genindex.xhtml "总目录") - [模块](../py-modindex.xhtml "Python 模块索引") | - [下一页](superseded.xhtml "被取代的模块") | - [上一页](nis.xhtml "nis --- Interface to Sun's NIS (Yellow Pages)") | - ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a721fc7ec672275e257bbbfde49a4d4e_16x16.png) - [Python](https://www.python.org/) » - zh\_CN 3.7.3 [文档](../index.xhtml) » - [Python 标准库](index.xhtml) » - [Unix 专有服务](unix.xhtml) » - $('.inline-search').show(0); | © [版权所有](../copyright.xhtml) 2001-2019, Python Software Foundation. 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