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### Navigation - [index](# "General Index") - [modules](# "Python Module Index") | - [next](# "tornado.http1connection – HTTP/1.x client/server implementation") | - [previous](# "tornado.httpclient — Asynchronous HTTP client") | - [Tornado 4.4.dev1 documentation](#) » - [HTTP servers and clients](#) » # `tornado.httputil` — Manipulate HTTP headers and URLs HTTP utility code shared by clients and servers. This module also defines the [`HTTPServerRequest`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest") class which is exposedvia [`tornado.web.RequestHandler.request`](# "tornado.web.RequestHandler.request"). *class *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPHeaders`(**args*, ***kwargs*)[[source]](#) A dictionary that maintains `Http-Header-Case` for all keys. Supports multiple values per key via a pair of new methods,[`add()`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders.add") and [`get_list()`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders.get_list"). The regular dictionary interfacereturns a single value per key, with multiple values joined by acomma. ~~~ >>> h = HTTPHeaders({"content-type": "text/html"}) >>> list(h.keys()) ['Content-Type'] >>> h["Content-Type"] 'text/html' ~~~ ~~~ >>> h.add("Set-Cookie", "A=B") >>> h.add("Set-Cookie", "C=D") >>> h["set-cookie"] 'A=B,C=D' >>> h.get_list("set-cookie") ['A=B', 'C=D'] ~~~ ~~~ >>> for (k,v) in sorted(h.get_all()): ... print('%s: %s' % (k,v)) ... Content-Type: text/html Set-Cookie: A=B Set-Cookie: C=D ~~~ `add`(*name*, *value*)[[source]](#) Adds a new value for the given key. `get_list`(*name*)[[source]](#) Returns all values for the given header as a list. `get_all`()[[source]](#) Returns an iterable of all (name, value) pairs. If a header has multiple values, multiple pairs will bereturned with the same name. `parse_line`(*line*)[[source]](#) Updates the dictionary with a single header line. ~~~ >>> h = HTTPHeaders() >>> h.parse_line("Content-Type: text/html") >>> h.get('content-type') 'text/html' ~~~ *classmethod *`parse`(*headers*)[[source]](#) Returns a dictionary from HTTP header text. ~~~ >>> h = HTTPHeaders.parse("Content-Type: text/html\r\nContent-Length: 42\r\n") >>> sorted(h.items()) [('Content-Length', '42'), ('Content-Type', 'text/html')] ~~~ *class *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPServerRequest`(*method=None*, *uri=None*, *version='HTTP/1.0'*, *headers=None*, *body=None*, *host=None*, *files=None*, *connection=None*, *start_line=None*)[[source]](#) A single HTTP request. All attributes are type [`str`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [] unless otherwise noted. `method` HTTP request method, e.g. “GET” or “POST” `uri` The requested uri. `path` The path portion of [`uri`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest.uri") `query` The query portion of [`uri`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPServerRequest.uri") `version` HTTP version specified in request, e.g. “HTTP/1.1” `headers` [`HTTPHeaders`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders") dictionary-like object for request headers. Acts likea case-insensitive dictionary with additional methods for repeatedheaders. `body` Request body, if present, as a byte string. `remote_ip` Client's IP address as a string. If `HTTPServer.xheaders` is set,will pass along the real IP address provided by a load balancerin the `X-Real-Ip` or `X-Forwarded-For` header. Changed in version 3.1: The list format of `X-Forwarded-For` is now supported. `protocol` The protocol used, either “http” or “https”. If `HTTPServer.xheaders`is set, will pass along the protocol used by a load balancer ifreported via an `X-Scheme` header. `host` The requested hostname, usually taken from the `Host` header. `arguments` GET/POST arguments are available in the arguments property, whichmaps arguments names to lists of values (to support multiple valuesfor individual names). Names are of type [`str`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [], while argumentsare byte strings. Note that this is different from[`RequestHandler.get_argument`](# "tornado.web.RequestHandler.get_argument"), which returns argument values asunicode strings. `query_arguments` Same format as `arguments`, but contains only arguments extractedfrom the query string. New in version 3.2. `body_arguments` Same format as `arguments`, but contains only arguments extractedfrom the request body. New in version 3.2. `files` File uploads are available in the files property, which maps filenames to lists of [`HTTPFile`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPFile"). `connection` An HTTP request is attached to a single HTTP connection, which canbe accessed through the “connection” attribute. Since connectionsare typically kept open in HTTP/1.1, multiple requests can be handledsequentially on a single connection. Changed in version 4.0: Moved from `tornado.httpserver.HTTPRequest`. `supports_http_1_1`()[[source]](#) Returns True if this request supports HTTP/1.1 semantics. Deprecated since version 4.0: Applications are less likely to need this information with theintroduction of [`HTTPConnection`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection"). If you still need it, accessthe `version` attribute directly. `cookies` A dictionary of Cookie.Morsel objects. `write`(*chunk*, *callback=None*)[[source]](#) Writes the given chunk to the response stream. Deprecated since version 4.0: Use `request.connection` and the [`HTTPConnection`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection") methodsto write the response. `finish`()[[source]](#) Finishes this HTTP request on the open connection. Deprecated since version 4.0: Use `request.connection` and the [`HTTPConnection`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection") methodsto write the response. `full_url`()[[source]](#) Reconstructs the full URL for this request. `request_time`()[[source]](#) Returns the amount of time it took for this request to execute. `get_ssl_certificate`(*binary_form=False*)[[source]](#) Returns the client's SSL certificate, if any. To use client certificates, the HTTPServer's[`ssl.SSLContext.verify_mode`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [] field must be set, e.g.: ~~~ ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain("foo.crt", "foo.key") ssl_ctx.load_verify_locations("cacerts.pem") ssl_ctx.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED server = HTTPServer(app, ssl_options=ssl_ctx) ~~~ By default, the return value is a dictionary (or None, if noclient certificate is present). If `binary_form` is true, aDER-encoded form of the certificate is returned instead. SeeSSLSocket.getpeercert() in the standard library for moredetails.[]( *exception *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPInputError`[[source]](#) Exception class for malformed HTTP requests or responsesfrom remote sources. New in version 4.0. *exception *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPOutputError`[[source]](#) Exception class for errors in HTTP output. New in version 4.0. *class *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPServerConnectionDelegate`[[source]](#) Implement this interface to handle requests from [`HTTPServer`](# "tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer"). New in version 4.0. `start_request`(*server_conn*, *request_conn*)[[source]](#) This method is called by the server when a new request has started. <table class="docutils field-list" frame="void" rules="none"><col class="field-name"/><col class="field-body"/><tbody valign="top"><tr class="field-odd field"><th class="field-name">Parameters:</th><td class="field-body"><ul class="first last simple"><li><strong>server_conn</strong> – is an opaque object representing the long-lived(e.g. tcp-level) connection.</li><li><strong>request_conn</strong> – is a <a class="reference internal" href="#tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection" title="tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection"><code class="xref py py-obj docutils literal"><span class="pre">HTTPConnection</span></code></a> object for a singlerequest/response exchange.</li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table> This method should return a [`HTTPMessageDelegate`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPMessageDelegate"). `on_close`(*server_conn*)[[source]](#) This method is called when a connection has been closed. | Parameters: | **server_conn** – is a server connection that has previously beenpassed to `start_request`. | |-----|-----| *class *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPMessageDelegate`[[source]](#) Implement this interface to handle an HTTP request or response. New in version 4.0. `headers_received`(*start_line*, *headers*)[[source]](#) Called when the HTTP headers have been received and parsed. <table class="docutils field-list" frame="void" rules="none"><col class="field-name"/><col class="field-body"/><tbody valign="top"><tr class="field-odd field"><th class="field-name">Parameters:</th><td class="field-body"><ul class="first last simple"><li><strong>start_line</strong> – a <a class="reference internal" href="#tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine" title="tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine"><code class="xref py py-obj docutils literal"><span class="pre">RequestStartLine</span></code></a> or <a class="reference internal" href="#tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine" title="tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine"><code class="xref py py-obj docutils literal"><span class="pre">ResponseStartLine</span></code></a>depending on whether this is a client or server message.</li><li><strong>headers</strong> – a <a class="reference internal" href="#tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders" title="tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders"><code class="xref py py-obj docutils literal"><span class="pre">HTTPHeaders</span></code></a> instance.</li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table> Some [`HTTPConnection`](# "tornado.httputil.HTTPConnection") methods can only be called during`headers_received`. May return a [`Future`](# "tornado.concurrent.Future"); if it does the body will not be readuntil it is done. `data_received`(*chunk*)[[source]](#) Called when a chunk of data has been received. May return a [`Future`](# "tornado.concurrent.Future") for flow control. `finish`()[[source]](#) Called after the last chunk of data has been received. `on_connection_close`()[[source]](#) Called if the connection is closed without finishing the request. If `headers_received` is called, either `finish` or`on_connection_close` will be called, but not both. *class *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPConnection`[[source]](#) Applications use this interface to write their responses. New in version 4.0. `write_headers`(*start_line*, *headers*, *chunk=None*, *callback=None*)[[source]](#) Write an HTTP header block. <table class="docutils field-list" frame="void" rules="none"><col class="field-name"/><col class="field-body"/><tbody valign="top"><tr class="field-odd field"><th class="field-name">Parameters:</th><td class="field-body"><ul class="first last simple"><li><strong>start_line</strong> – a <a class="reference internal" href="#tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine" title="tornado.httputil.RequestStartLine"><code class="xref py py-obj docutils literal"><span class="pre">RequestStartLine</span></code></a> or <a class="reference internal" href="#tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine" title="tornado.httputil.ResponseStartLine"><code class="xref py py-obj docutils literal"><span class="pre">ResponseStartLine</span></code></a>.</li><li><strong>headers</strong> – a <a class="reference internal" href="#tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders" title="tornado.httputil.HTTPHeaders"><code class="xref py py-obj docutils literal"><span class="pre">HTTPHeaders</span></code></a> instance.</li><li><strong>chunk</strong> – the first (optional) chunk of data. This is an optimizationso that small responses can be written in the same call as theirheaders.</li><li><strong>callback</strong> – a callback to be run when the write is complete.</li></ul></td></tr></tbody></table> The `version` field of `start_line` is ignored. Returns a [`Future`](# "tornado.concurrent.Future") if no callback is given. `write`(*chunk*, *callback=None*)[[source]](#) Writes a chunk of body data. The callback will be run when the write is complete. If no callbackis given, returns a Future. `finish`()[[source]](#) Indicates that the last body data has been written. `tornado.httputil.``url_concat`(*url*, *args*)[[source]](#) Concatenate url and arguments regardless of whetherurl has existing query parameters. `args` may be either a dictionary or a list of key-value pairs(the latter allows for multiple values with the same key. ~~~ >>> url_concat("", dict(c="d")) '' >>> url_concat("", dict(c="d")) '' >>> url_concat("", [("c", "d"), ("c", "d2")]) '' ~~~ *class *`tornado.httputil.``HTTPFile`[[source]](#) Represents a file uploaded via a form. For backwards compatibility, its instance attributes are alsoaccessible as dictionary keys. - `filename` - `body` - `content_type` `tornado.httputil.``parse_body_arguments`(*content_type*, *body*, *arguments*, *files*, *headers=None*)[[source]](#) Parses a form request body. Supports `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and`multipart/form-data`. The `content_type` parameter should bea string and `body` should be a byte string. The `arguments`and `files` parameters are dictionaries that will be updatedwith the parsed contents. `tornado.httputil.``parse_multipart_form_data`(*boundary*, *data*, *arguments*, *files*)[[source]](#) Parses a `multipart/form-data` body. The `boundary` and `data` parameters are both byte strings.The dictionaries given in the arguments and files parameterswill be updated with the contents of the body. `tornado.httputil.``format_timestamp`(*ts*)[[source]](#) Formats a timestamp in the format used by HTTP. The argument may be a numeric timestamp as returned by [`time.time`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [],a time tuple as returned by [`time.gmtime`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [], or a [`datetime.datetime`]( "(in Python v3.4)") []object. ~~~ >>> format_timestamp(1359312200) 'Sun, 27 Jan 2013 18:43:20 GMT' ~~~ *class *`tornado.httputil.``RequestStartLine` RequestStartLine(method, path, version) `method` Alias for field number 0 `path` Alias for field number 1 `version` Alias for field number 2 `tornado.httputil.``parse_request_start_line`(*line*)[[source]](#) Returns a (method, path, version) tuple for an HTTP 1.x request line. The response is a [`collections.namedtuple`]( "(in Python v3.4)") []. ~~~ >>> parse_request_start_line("GET /foo HTTP/1.1") RequestStartLine(method='GET', path='/foo', version='HTTP/1.1') ~~~ *class *`tornado.httputil.``ResponseStartLine` ResponseStartLine(version, code, reason) `code` Alias for field number 1 `reason` Alias for field number 2 `version` Alias for field number 0 `tornado.httputil.``parse_response_start_line`(*line*)[[source]](#) Returns a (version, code, reason) tuple for an HTTP 1.x response line. The response is a [`collections.namedtuple`]( "(in Python v3.4)") []. ~~~ >>> parse_response_start_line("HTTP/1.1 200 OK") ResponseStartLine(version='HTTP/1.1', code=200, reason='OK') ~~~ `tornado.httputil.``split_host_and_port`(*netloc*)[[source]](#) Returns `(host, port)` tuple from `netloc`. Returned `port` will be `None` if not present. New in version 4.1. © Copyright 2009-2016, The Tornado Authors. Created using [Sphinx]( 1.3.5.