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### Navigation - [index](# "General Index") - [modules](# "Python Module Index") | - [next](# "Coroutines and concurrency") | - [previous](# "tornado.tcpclient — IOStream connection factory") | - [Tornado 4.4.dev1 documentation](#) » - [Asynchronous networking](#) » # `tornado.tcpserver` — Basic [`IOStream`](# "tornado.iostream.IOStream")-based TCP server A non-blocking, single-threaded TCP server. *class *`tornado.tcpserver.``TCPServer`(*io_loop=None*, *ssl_options=None*, *max_buffer_size=None*, *read_chunk_size=None*)[[source]](#) A non-blocking, single-threaded TCP server. To use [`TCPServer`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer"), define a subclass which overrides the [`handle_stream`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.handle_stream")method. To make this server serve SSL traffic, send the `ssl_options` keywordargument with an [`ssl.SSLContext`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [] object. For compatibility with olderversions of Python `ssl_options` may also be a dictionary of keywordarguments for the [`ssl.wrap_socket`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [] method.: ~~~ ssl_ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ssl_ctx.load_cert_chain(os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.crt"), os.path.join(data_dir, "mydomain.key")) TCPServer(ssl_options=ssl_ctx) ~~~ [`TCPServer`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer") initialization follows one of three patterns: 1. [`listen`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.listen"): simple single-process: ~~~ server = TCPServer() server.listen(8888) IOLoop.current().start() ~~~ 1. [`bind`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.bind")/[`start`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.start"): simple multi-process: ~~~ server = TCPServer() server.bind(8888) server.start(0) # Forks multiple sub-processes IOLoop.current().start() ~~~ When using this interface, an [`IOLoop`](# "tornado.ioloop.IOLoop") must *not* be passedto the [`TCPServer`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer") constructor. [`start`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.start") will always startthe server on the default singleton [`IOLoop`](# "tornado.ioloop.IOLoop"). 1. [`add_sockets`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.add_sockets"): advanced multi-process: ~~~ sockets = bind_sockets(8888) tornado.process.fork_processes(0) server = TCPServer() server.add_sockets(sockets) IOLoop.current().start() ~~~ The [`add_sockets`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.add_sockets") interface is more complicated, but it can beused with [`tornado.process.fork_processes`](# "tornado.process.fork_processes") to give you moreflexibility in when the fork happens. [`add_sockets`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.add_sockets") canalso be used in single-process servers if you want to createyour listening sockets in some way other than[`bind_sockets`](# "tornado.netutil.bind_sockets"). New in version 3.1: The `max_buffer_size` argument. `listen`(*port*, *address=''*)[[source]](#) Starts accepting connections on the given port. This method may be called more than once to listen on multiple ports.[`listen`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.listen") takes effect immediately; it is not necessary to call[`TCPServer.start`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.start") afterwards. It is, however, necessary to startthe [`IOLoop`](# "tornado.ioloop.IOLoop"). `add_sockets`(*sockets*)[[source]](#) Makes this server start accepting connections on the given sockets. The `sockets` parameter is a list of socket objects such asthose returned by [`bind_sockets`](# "tornado.netutil.bind_sockets").[`add_sockets`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.add_sockets") is typically used in combination with thatmethod and [`tornado.process.fork_processes`](# "tornado.process.fork_processes") to provide greatercontrol over the initialization of a multi-process server. `add_socket`(*socket*)[[source]](#) Singular version of [`add_sockets`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.add_sockets"). Takes a single socket object. `bind`(*port*, *address=None*, *family=<AddressFamily.AF_UNSPEC: 0>*, *backlog=128*, *reuse_port=False*)[[source]](#) Binds this server to the given port on the given address. To start the server, call [`start`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.start"). If you want to run this serverin a single process, you can call [`listen`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.listen") as a shortcut to thesequence of [`bind`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.bind") and [`start`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.start") calls. Address may be either an IP address or hostname. If it's a hostname,the server will listen on all IP addresses associated with thename. Address may be an empty string or None to listen on allavailable interfaces. Family may be set to either [`socket.AF_INET`]( "(in Python v3.4)") []or [`socket.AF_INET6`]( "(in Python v3.4)") [] to restrict to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, otherwiseboth will be used if available. The `backlog` argument has the same meaning as for[`socket.listen`]( "(in Python v3.4)") []. This method may be called multiple times prior to [`start`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer.start") to listenon multiple ports or interfaces. `start`(*num_processes=1*)[[source]](#) Starts this server in the [`IOLoop`](# "tornado.ioloop.IOLoop"). By default, we run the server in this process and do not fork anyadditional child process. If num_processes is `None` or <= 0, we detect the number of coresavailable on this machine and fork that number of childprocesses. If num_processes is given and > 1, we fork thatspecific number of sub-processes. Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memorybetween any server code. Note that multiple processes are not compatible with the autoreloadmodule (or the `autoreload=True` option to [`tornado.web.Application`](# "tornado.web.Application")which defaults to True when `debug=True`).When using multiple processes, no IOLoops can be created orreferenced until after the call to `TCPServer.start(n)`. `stop`()[[source]](#) Stops listening for new connections. Requests currently in progress may still continue after theserver is stopped. `handle_stream`(*stream*, *address*)[[source]](#) Override to handle a new [`IOStream`](# "tornado.iostream.IOStream") from an incoming connection. This method may be a coroutine; if so any exceptions it raisesasynchronously will be logged. Accepting of incoming connectionswill not be blocked by this coroutine. If this [`TCPServer`](# "tornado.tcpserver.TCPServer") is configured for SSL, `handle_stream`may be called before the SSL handshake has completed. Use[`SSLIOStream.wait_for_handshake`](# "tornado.iostream.SSLIOStream.wait_for_handshake") if you need to verify the client'scertificate or use NPN/ALPN. Changed in version 4.2: Added the option for this method to be a coroutine. © Copyright 2009-2016, The Tornado Authors. Created using [Sphinx]( 1.3.5.