合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
## `Ctrl + / ` 单行注释 ## `Ctrl+Shift+/` 区域注释 >You can comment and uncomment lines and blocks of code using Ctrl+斜杠 and Ctrl+Shift+斜杠. Ctrl+斜杠 comments or uncomments the current line or selected block with single line comments (//...). Ctrl+Shift+斜杠 encloses the selected block in a block comment (/*...*/). To uncomment a commented block, press Ctrl+Shift+斜杠 anywhere inside it. ![mark](http://qiniu.newthink.cc/blog/20171207-143314117.png)