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## PHPStorm 2017.3关闭提示 this inspection reports exceptions which are neither enclosed in a try-catch... https://my.oschina.net/micalkitty/blog/1581987 PHPStorm 2017.3中新增加了Unhandled Exception 异常提示: 比如使用了throw new Exception("...") 的地方 方法体的phpdoc中没有添加[@throw](https://my.oschina.net/u/2277394)Exception 标签或者在代码块中没有添加try-catch 就会有该提示,官方描述如下: In PhpStorm 2017.3 we’ve added a new inspection Unhandled Exception, which can be found under Settings | Editor | Inspections | PHP | Probable bugs | Unhandled exception. It reports exceptions which are neither enclosed in a try-catch block nor documented using the[@throws](https://my.oschina.net/throws)tag. The inspection helps you find all the places where exceptions could be thrown what would, in turn, lead to Fatal Error. There is a quick fix: “Add[@throws](https://my.oschina.net/throws)tag” and in the next EAP we’re planning to release “Surround with try/catch” quick fix. 如何关掉提示: Preferences->Editor->Inspections-> 搜索框输入“Unhandled Exception” 把后面的框变为未勾选状态 点击OK 即可![输入图片说明](https://static.oschina.net/uploads/img/201711/30105630_104h.png) 同理关掉 `Error handling`