# Heap Sort - 堆排序
堆排序通常基于[**二叉堆**](http://algorithm.yuanbin.me/zh-cn/basics_data_structure/heap.html)实现,以大根堆为例,堆排序的实现过程分为两个子过程。第一步为取出大根堆的根节点(当前堆的最大值), 由于取走了一个节点,故需要对余下的元素重新建堆。重新建堆后继续取根节点,循环直至取完所有节点,此时数组已经有序。基本思想就是这样,不过实现上还是有些小技巧的。
### 堆的操作
1. 最大堆调整(Max_Heapify):将堆的末端子节点作调整,使得子节点永远小于父节点
1. 创建最大堆(Build_Max_Heap):将堆所有数据重新排序
1. 堆排序(HeapSort):移除位在第一个数据的根节点,并做最大堆调整的递归运算

建堆时可以自顶向下,也可以采取自底向上,以下先采用自底向上的思路分析。我们可以将数组的后半部分节点想象为堆的最下面的那些节点,由于是单个节点,故显然满足二叉堆的定义,于是乎我们就可以从中间节点向上逐步构建二叉堆,每前进一步都保证其后的节点都是二叉堆,这样一来前进到第一个节点时整个数组就是一个二叉堆了。下面用 C++ 实现一个堆的类。
### C++
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class HeapSort {
// get the parent node index
int parent(int i) {
return (i - 1) / 2;
// get the left child node index
int left(int i) {
return 2 * i + 1;
// get the right child node index
int right(int i) {
return 2 * i + 2;
// build max heap
void build_max_heapify(vector<int> &nums, int heap_size) {
for (int i = heap_size / 2; i >= 0; --i) {
max_heapify(nums, i, heap_size);
print_heap(nums, heap_size);
// build min heap
void build_min_heapify(vector<int> &nums, int heap_size) {
for (int i = heap_size / 2; i >= 0; --i) {
min_heapify(nums, i, heap_size);
print_heap(nums, heap_size);
// adjust the heap to max-heap
void max_heapify(vector<int> &nums, int k, int len) {
// int len = nums.size();
while (k < len) {
int max_index = k;
// left leaf node search
int l = left(k);
if (l < len && nums[l] > nums[max_index]) {
max_index = l;
// right leaf node search
int r = right(k);
if (r < len && nums[r] > nums[max_index]) {
max_index = r;
// node after k are max-heap already
if (k == max_index) {
// keep the root node the largest
int temp = nums[k];
nums[k] = nums[max_index];
nums[max_index] = temp;
// adjust not only just current index
k = max_index;
// adjust the heap to min-heap
void min_heapify(vector<int> &nums, int k, int len) {
// int len = nums.size();
while (k < len) {
int min_index = k;
// left leaf node search
int l = left(k);
if (l < len && nums[l] < nums[min_index]) {
min_index = l;
// right leaf node search
int r = right(k);
if (r < len && nums[r] < nums[min_index]) {
min_index = r;
// node after k are min-heap already
if (k == min_index) {
// keep the root node the largest
int temp = nums[k];
nums[k] = nums[min_index];
nums[min_index] = temp;
// adjust not only just current index
k = min_index;
// heap sort
void heap_sort(vector<int> &nums) {
int len = nums.size();
// init heap structure
build_max_heapify(nums, len);
// heap sort
for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// put the largest number int the last
int temp = nums[0];
nums[0] = nums[i];
nums[i] = temp;
// reconstruct heap
build_max_heapify(nums, i);
print_heap(nums, len);
// print heap between [0, heap_size - 1]
void print_heap(vector<int> &nums, int heap_size) {
for (int i = 0; i < heap_size; ++i) {
cout << nums[i] << ", ";
cout << endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int A[] = {19, 1, 10, 14, 16, 4, 7, 9, 3, 2, 8, 5, 11};
vector<int> nums;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]); ++i) {
HeapSort sort;
sort.print_heap(nums, nums.size());
return 0;
### 复杂度分析
上述构建大根堆和小根堆都是自底向上的方法,建堆过程时间复杂度为 O(2N)O(2N)O(2N), 堆排过程中重建的时间复杂度为 O(2NlogN)O(2N \log N)O(2NlogN). 故总的时间复杂度为 O(NlogN)O(N \log N)O(NlogN).
先看看建堆的过程,画图分析(比如以8个节点为例)可知在最坏情况下,每次都需要调整之前已经成为堆的节点,那么就意味着有二分之一的节点向下比较了一次,四分之一的节点向下比较了两次,八分之一的节点比较了三次... 等差等比数列求和,具体过程可参考下面的链接。
### Reference
- [堆排序 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书](http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A0%86%E6%8E%92%E5%BA%8F)
- [Priority Queues](http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/24pq/) - Robert Sedgewick 的大作,详解了关于堆的操作。
- [经典排序算法总结与实现 | Jark's Blog](http://wuchong.me/blog/2014/02/09/algorithm-sort-summary/) - 堆排序讲的很好。
- *Algorithm* - Robert Sedgewick
- [堆排序中建堆过程时间复杂度O(n)怎么来的?](http://www.zhihu.com/question/20729324)
- [《大话数据结构》第9章 排序 9.7 堆排序(上) - 伍迷 - 博客园](http://www.cnblogs.com/cj723/archive/2011/04/21/2024261.html)
- [《大话数据结构》第9章 排序 9.7 堆排序(下) - 伍迷 - 博客园](http://www.cnblogs.com/cj723/archive/2011/04/22/2024269.html)
- Preface
- Part I - Basics
- Basics Data Structure
- String
- Linked List
- Binary Tree
- Huffman Compression
- Queue
- Heap
- Stack
- Set
- Map
- Graph
- Basics Sorting
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
- Merge Sort
- Quick Sort
- Heap Sort
- Bucket Sort
- Counting Sort
- Radix Sort
- Basics Algorithm
- Divide and Conquer
- Binary Search
- Math
- Greatest Common Divisor
- Prime
- Knapsack
- Probability
- Shuffle
- Basics Misc
- Bit Manipulation
- Part II - Coding
- String
- strStr
- Two Strings Are Anagrams
- Compare Strings
- Anagrams
- Longest Common Substring
- Rotate String
- Reverse Words in a String
- Valid Palindrome
- Longest Palindromic Substring
- Space Replacement
- Wildcard Matching
- Length of Last Word
- Count and Say
- Integer Array
- Remove Element
- Zero Sum Subarray
- Subarray Sum K
- Subarray Sum Closest
- Recover Rotated Sorted Array
- Product of Array Exclude Itself
- Partition Array
- First Missing Positive
- 2 Sum
- 3 Sum
- 3 Sum Closest
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II
- Merge Sorted Array
- Merge Sorted Array II
- Median
- Partition Array by Odd and Even
- Kth Largest Element
- Binary Search
- Binary Search
- Search Insert Position
- Search for a Range
- First Bad Version
- Search a 2D Matrix
- Search a 2D Matrix II
- Find Peak Element
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array
- Search in Rotated Sorted Array II
- Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II
- Median of two Sorted Arrays
- Sqrt x
- Wood Cut
- Math and Bit Manipulation
- Single Number
- Single Number II
- Single Number III
- O1 Check Power of 2
- Convert Integer A to Integer B
- Factorial Trailing Zeroes
- Unique Binary Search Trees
- Update Bits
- Fast Power
- Hash Function
- Count 1 in Binary
- Fibonacci
- A plus B Problem
- Print Numbers by Recursion
- Majority Number
- Majority Number II
- Majority Number III
- Digit Counts
- Ugly Number
- Plus One
- Linked List
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II
- Remove Duplicates from Unsorted List
- Partition List
- Two Lists Sum
- Two Lists Sum Advanced
- Remove Nth Node From End of List
- Linked List Cycle
- Linked List Cycle II
- Reverse Linked List
- Reverse Linked List II
- Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Merge k Sorted Lists
- Reorder List
- Copy List with Random Pointer
- Sort List
- Insertion Sort List
- Check if a singly linked list is palindrome
- Delete Node in the Middle of Singly Linked List
- Rotate List
- Swap Nodes in Pairs
- Remove Linked List Elements
- Binary Tree
- Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
- Binary Tree Inorder Traversal
- Binary Tree Postorder Traversal
- Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II
- Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
- Balanced Binary Tree
- Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum
- Lowest Common Ancestor
- Invert Binary Tree
- Diameter of a Binary Tree
- Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal
- Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal
- Subtree
- Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
- Binary Tree Serialization
- Binary Search Tree
- Insert Node in a Binary Search Tree
- Validate Binary Search Tree
- Search Range in Binary Search Tree
- Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
- Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree
- Binary Search Tree Iterator
- Exhaustive Search
- Subsets
- Unique Subsets
- Permutations
- Unique Permutations
- Next Permutation
- Previous Permuation
- Unique Binary Search Trees II
- Permutation Index
- Permutation Index II
- Permutation Sequence
- Palindrome Partitioning
- Combinations
- Combination Sum
- Combination Sum II
- Minimum Depth of Binary Tree
- Word Search
- Dynamic Programming
- Triangle
- Backpack
- Backpack II
- Minimum Path Sum
- Unique Paths
- Unique Paths II
- Climbing Stairs
- Jump Game
- Word Break
- Longest Increasing Subsequence
- Palindrome Partitioning II
- Longest Common Subsequence
- Edit Distance
- Jump Game II
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV
- Distinct Subsequences
- Interleaving String
- Maximum Subarray
- Maximum Subarray II
- Longest Increasing Continuous subsequence
- Longest Increasing Continuous subsequence II
- Graph
- Find the Connected Component in the Undirected Graph
- Route Between Two Nodes in Graph
- Topological Sorting
- Word Ladder
- Bipartial Graph Part I
- Data Structure
- Implement Queue by Two Stacks
- Min Stack
- Sliding Window Maximum
- Longest Words
- Heapify
- Problem Misc
- Nuts and Bolts Problem
- String to Integer
- Insert Interval
- Merge Intervals
- Minimum Subarray
- Matrix Zigzag Traversal
- Valid Sudoku
- Add Binary
- Reverse Integer
- Gray Code
- Find the Missing Number
- Minimum Window Substring
- Continuous Subarray Sum
- Continuous Subarray Sum II
- Longest Consecutive Sequence
- Part III - Contest
- Google APAC
- APAC 2015 Round B
- Problem A. Password Attacker
- Microsoft
- Microsoft 2015 April
- Problem A. Magic Box
- Problem B. Professor Q's Software
- Problem C. Islands Travel
- Problem D. Recruitment
- Microsoft 2015 April 2
- Problem A. Lucky Substrings
- Problem B. Numeric Keypad
- Problem C. Spring Outing
- Microsoft 2015 September 2
- Problem A. Farthest Point
- Appendix I Interview and Resume
- Interview
- Resume