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# Single Number II ### Source - lintcode: [(83) Single Number II]( ~~~ Given 3*n + 1 numbers, every numbers occurs triple times except one, find it. Example Given [1,1,2,3,3,3,2,2,4,1] return 4 Challenge One-pass, constant exstra space ~~~ ### 题解 - 逐位处理 上题 Single Number 用到了二进制中异或的运算特性,这题给出的元素数目为`3*n + 1`,因此我们很自然地想到如果有种运算能满足「三三运算」为0该有多好!对于三个相同的数来说,其相加的和必然是3的倍数,仅仅使用这一个特性还不足以将单数找出来,我们再来挖掘隐含的信息。以3为例,若使用不进位加法,三个3相加的结果为: ~~~ 0011 0011 0011 ---- 0033 ~~~ 注意到其中的奥义了么?三个相同的数相加,不仅其和能被3整除,其二进制位上的每一位也能被3整除!因此我们只需要一个和`int`类型相同大小的数组记录每一位累加的结果即可。时间复杂度约为 O((3n+1)⋅sizeof(int)⋅8)O((3n+1)\cdot sizeof(int) \cdot 8)O((3n+1)⋅sizeof(int)⋅8) ### C++ bit by bit ~~~ class Solution { public: /** * @param A : An integer array * @return : An integer */ int singleNumberII(vector<int> &A) { if (A.empty()) { return 0; } int result = 0, bit_i_sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i != 8 * sizeof(int); ++i) { bit_i_sum = 0; for (int j = 0; j != A.size(); ++j) { // get the *i*th bit of A bit_i_sum += ((A[j] >> i) & 1); } // set the *i*th bit of result result |= ((bit_i_sum % 3) << i); } return result; } }; ~~~ #### 源码解析 1. 异常处理 1. 循环处理返回结果`result`的`int`类型的每一位,要么自增1,要么保持原值。注意`i`最大可取 8⋅sizeof(int)−18 \cdot sizeof(int) - 18⋅sizeof(int)−1, 字节数=>位数的转换 1. 对第`i`位处理完的结果模3后更新`result`的第`i`位,由于`result`初始化为0,故使用或操作即可完成 ### Reference [Single Number II - Leetcode Discuss]( 中抛出了这么一道扩展题: ~~~ Given an array of integers, every element appears k times except for one. Find that single one which appears l times. ~~~ @ranmocy 给出了如下经典解: We need a array `x[i]` with size `k` for saving the bits appears `i` times. For every input number a, generate the new counter by `x[j] = (x[j-1] & a) | (x[j] & ~a)`. Except `x[0] = (x[k] & a) | (x[0] & ~a)`. In the equation, the first part indicates the the carries from previous one. The second part indicates the bits not carried to next one. Then the algorithms run in `O(kn)` and the extra space `O(k)`. ### Java ~~~ public class Solution { public int singleNumber(int[] A, int k, int l) { if (A == null) return 0; int t; int[] x = new int[k]; x[0] = ~0; for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) { t = x[k-1]; for (int j = k-1; j > 0; j--) { x[j] = (x[j-1] & A[i]) | (x[j] & ~A[i]); } x[0] = (t & A[i]) | (x[0] & ~A[i]); } return x[l]; } } ~~~