合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
# Access log and auditing In pro edition, Seafile offers four auditing logs in system admin panel: - Login log - File access log - File update log - Permission change log The logging feature is turned off by default. See [config options for pro edition](#) for how to turn it on. ### file access log Access log (under directory logs/stats-logs) records the following information - file download via Web - file download via API (including mobile clients and cloud file browser) - file sync via desktop clients The format is: ~~~ user, operation type, ip/device, date, library, path. ~~~ ### file update log The format is: ~~~ user, date, library, path, detail ~~~ ### permission change log The format is: ~~~ user, grant to, operation, permission, library, folder, date ~~~