# Linux
#### Preparation
The following list is what you need to install on your development machine. **You should install all of them before you build seafile**.
Package names are according to Ubuntu 12.04. For other Linux distros, please find their corresponding names yourself.
- autoconf/automake/libtool
- libevent-dev ( 2.0 or later )
- libcurl4-openssl-dev (1.0.0 or later)
- libgtk2.0-dev ( 2.24 or later)
- uuid-dev
- intltool (0.40 or later)
- libsqlite3-dev (3.7 or later)
- valac (only needed if you build from git repo)
- libjansson-dev
- libqt4-dev
- valac
- cmake
- libfuse-dev (for seafile >= 2.1)
- python-simplejson (for seaf-cli)
sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool libevent-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libgtk2.0-dev uuid-dev intltool libsqlite3-dev valac libjansson-dev libqt4-dev cmake libfuse-dev
For a fresh Fedora 20 installation, the following will install all dependencies via YUM:
$ sudo yum install wget gcc libevent-devel openssl-devel gtk2-devel libuuid-devel sqlite-devel jansson-devel intltool cmake qt-devel fuse-devel libtool vala gcc-c++
#### Building
First you should get the latest source of libsearpc/ccnet/seafile/seafile-client:
Download the source tarball of the latest tag from
- [https://github.com/haiwen/libsearpc/tags](https://github.com/haiwen/libsearpc/tags) (use v3.0-latest)
- [https://github.com/haiwen/ccnet/tags](https://github.com/haiwen/ccnet/tags)
- [https://github.com/haiwen/seafile/tags](https://github.com/haiwen/seafile/tags)
- [https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-client/tags](https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-client/tags)
For example, if the latest released seafile client is 3.0.2, then just use the **v3.0.2** tags of the four projects. You should get four tarballs:
- libsearpc-v3.0-latest.tar.gz
- ccnet-3.0.2.tar.gz
- seafile-3.0.2.tar.gz
- seafile-client-3.0.2.tar.gz
export version=3.0.2
alias wget='wget --content-disposition -nc'
wget https://github.com/haiwen/libsearpc/archive/v3.0-latest.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/haiwen/ccnet/archive/v${version}.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/haiwen/seafile/archive/v${version}.tar.gz
wget https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-client/archive/v${version}.tar.gz
Now uncompress them:
tar xf libsearpc-v3.0-latest.tar.gz
tar xf ccnet-${version}.tar.gz
tar xf seafile-${version}.tar.gz
tar xf seafile-client-${version}.tar.gz
To build Seafile client, you need first build **libsearpc** and **ccnet**, **seafile**.
##### set paths
export PREFIX=/usr
export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$PATH"
##### libsearpc
cd libsearpc-${version}
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
sudo make install
##### ccnet
cd ccnet-${version}
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
sudo make install
##### seafile
cd seafile-${version}/
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --disable-gui
sudo make install
#### seafile-client
cd seafile-client-${version}
sudo make install
#### custom prefix
when installing to a custom `$PREFIX`, i.e. `/opt`, you may need a script to set the path variables correctly
cat >$PREFIX/bin/seafile-applet.sh <<END
export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$PATH"
exec seafile-applet $@
cat >$PREFIX/bin/seaf-cli.sh <<END
export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$PATH"
export PYTHONPATH=$PREFIX/lib/python2.7/site-packages
exec seaf-cli $@
chmod +x $PREFIX/bin/seafile-applet.sh $PREFIX/bin/seaf-cli.sh
you can now start the client with `$PREFIX/bin/seafile-applet.sh`.
- 介紹
- 概览
- Seafile 组件
- 研发路线图
- 常见问题解答
- 修改日志
- 我要参与
- Linux 下部署 Seafile 服务器
- 部署 Seafile 服务器(使用 SQLite)
- 部署 Seafile 服务器(使用 MySQL)
- Nginx 下配置 Seahub
- Nginx 下启用 Https
- Apache 下配置 Seahub
- Apache 下启用 Https
- Seafile LDAP 配置
- 开机启动 Seafile
- 防火墙设置
- Logrotate 管理系统日志
- 使用 Memcached
- 使用 NAT
- 非根域名下部署 Seahub
- 从 SQLite 迁移至 MySQL
- 安装常见问题
- 升级
- Windows 下部署 Seafile 服务器
- 下载安装 Windows 版 Seafile 服务器
- 安装 Seafile 为 Windows 服务
- 所用端口说明
- 升级
- 从 Windows 迁移到 Linux
- 垃圾回收
- 部署 Seafile 专业版服务器
- 下载安装 Seafile 专业版服务器
- 从社区版迁移至专业版
- 升级
- Amazon S3 下安装
- OpenStackSwift 下安装
- Ceph 下安装
- 配置选项
- 文件搜索说明
- 集群部署
- 集群中启用搜索和后台服务
- NFS 下集群安装
- 常见问题解答
- 软件许可协议
- 服务器个性化配置
- ccnet.conf
- seafile.conf
- seahub_settings.py
- 发送邮件提醒
- 个性化邮件提醒
- 用户管理
- 存储容量与文件上传/下载大小限制
- 自定义 Web
- 管理员手册
- 账户管理
- 日志
- 备份与恢复
- Seafile FSCK
- Seafile GC
- WebDAV 和 FUSE 扩展
- WebDAV 扩展
- FUSE 扩展
- 安全选项
- 安全特性
- 日志和审计
- 开发文档
- 编译 Seafile
- Linux
- Windows
- Max OS X
- Server
- 开发环境
- 编程规范
- Web API
- Python API
- 数据模型
- 服务器组件
- 同步算法