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**查看Hbase相关参数** ```sql [root@hadoop101 /]# sqoop import --help HBase arguments: --column-family <family> Sets the target column family for the import --hbase-bulkload Enables HBase bulk loading --hbase-create-table If specified, create missing HBase tables --hbase-row-key <col> Specifies which input column to use as the row key --hbase-table <table> Import to <table> in HBase ``` <br/> **示例1** <hr/> ```sql # --hbase-create-table 没有指定该参数需要先在Hbase中创建表 sqoop import \ --connect jdbc:mysql://hadoop101:3306/sqoop_db \ --driver com.mysql.jdbc.Driver \ --username root \ --password 123456 \ --table products \ --columns "product_id,product_name,product_description,product_price, product_image" \ --hbase-table products \ --column-family data \ --hbase-row-key product_id \ --hbase-create-table \ -m 3 ```