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今天在用DicomFile.Open(Stream s)这个接口时,遇到一个异常:    DicomIoException: Requested 132 bytes past end of fixed length stream. 具体原因我们看下源码就很清楚: public bool Require(uint count, ByteSourceCallback callback, object state) { lock (_lock) { if ((_stream.Length - _stream.Position) >= count) return true; throw new DicomIoException("Requested {0} bytes past end of fixed length stream.", count); } } 当时的Stream的Position位于流末尾,即Length-Position等于0, 因此抛出这个异常。 解决办法很简单: 首先把Stream定位到DICOM的起始位置。 类似代码如下: var stream = new MemoryStream();           using (var f = File.Open(@"", FileMode.Open))           {               f.CopyTo(stream);           }           stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);           var df = Dicom.DicomFile.Open(stream);