合规国际互联网加速 OSASE为企业客户提供高速稳定SD-WAN国际加速解决方案。 广告
The menu in Pudding POS system follows this hierarchy, **Major Group**, **Secondary Group**, and **Menu Item**. Each major group should contain at least one secondary group. * * * * * ## Empty Default Menu You need to empty the default menu in order to set up your menu. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/4d/d4/4dd4eb381524486f698cae507eb2be49_800x583.png) ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/b5/b7/b5b7d37736a8143c8c7b470327bb41cf_533x398.png) * * * * * Click "Empty Menu Items" and "Empty Condiments" to clear up defauly menu and condiments. * * * * * ## Add a Group 1. Run **Pudding Configurator** ———— **Sales** ———— **Menu Item and Course**. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-04-20_57174c003cb0c.PNG) * * * * * 2. Add a new **Major Group**: The left column in black are major groups. Right click the black area and select "Add Main Menu", or click "+ Main" on the bottom to add a major group. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/c4/c0/c4c03d7be3908f65a908d67e7f4b0541_1052x1002.png) * * * * * 3. Add a new **Secondary Group**: right click on a major group and select "Add Secondary Menu", or click "+ Secondary" on the bottom to add a secondary group. Note: The name of major group contains NO., "-", and name. NO. and "-" can not be modified. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/c4/c0/c4c03d7be3908f65a908d67e7f4b0541_1052x1002.png) * * * * * ## Add a Menu Item 1. Choose a secondary group, click "Add Item" on the top. 2. Fill in the **Name**, **Price**, **Unit**, **Printer Group**, etc. of the item, and **Save** it. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/c4/c0/c4c03d7be3908f65a908d67e7f4b0541_1052x1002.png) ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/0a/59/0a596aab6c3919bfa18df756c47054e5_841x660.png) ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/72/45/72451e00f559e26f762d0ad3084efcc4_816x626.png) * * * * * ## Delete a Menu Item Choose a secondary group, and click the left-most cell to choose the the item that you want to delete, click "Recycle" to delete it from the menu. You can delete it from database permanently by clicking "Delete".