🔥码云GVP匀源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功胜区倧 支持倚语蚀、二匀方䟿 广告
## Quick Service Mode Quick Service Mode is designed for quick service shops, like KFC, Mcdonald's, bar, milktea station, etc. * * * * * 1. Run **Pudding Configuartor** ———— **Device** ———— **User Workstation**. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-04-20_57174c067b217.PNG) * * * * * 2. If you only have 1 PC, tick "Quick Service Mode" and save the modification. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/b4/f3/b4f39ad20c999aa6d8285c1c6b96763e_1011x729.png) * * * * * 3. If you have 2 or more PCs, choose the one you want, tick "Quick Service Mode" and save the modification. 4. Restart **Pudding Orders** to activate quick service. * * * * * ## Other Settings 1. Run **Sandy Configuartor** ———— **Restaurant** ———— **Restaurant Info**. ![](https://img.kancloud.cn/87/28/8728ed76e0e8755e9d452cd2f769425e_800x583.png) * * * * * 2. Set "Input Customer No." and way of sending orders to kitchen. 3. Restart **Pudding Orders** to activate quick service.