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Haxe中的表达式定义了程序需要做什么。多数表达式可以在方法(第4.3节)体中找到,它们被结合来描述方法的功能。本节解释不同类型的表达式。一些定义可以提供帮助: > Expressions in Haxe define what a program does. Most expressions are found in the body of a method (4.3), where they are combined to express what that method should do. This section explains the different kinds of expressions. Some definitions help here: **Name** >[warning] 定义:Name > 一个定义通常涉及到 > * 一个类型 > * 一个局部变量 > * 一个局部函数,或者 > * 一个字段 >[warning] **Definition**: Name > A general name may refer to > * a type, > * a local variable, > * a local function or > * a field. **Identifier** >[warning] 定义:标识符 Haxe的标识符由一个下划线、一个美元符号,一个小写字母或者一个大写字母开始。后面任何数量的数字、下划线、大小写字母的组合可以使用。更多的限制受制于使用的上下文,根据类型进行检查: 类型名必须使用大写的字母或者一个下划线开始。 美元符号的开头不允许用于任何类型的名字(美元名字多数用于宏的具体化(第9.3节))。 >[warning] **Definition**: Identifier > Haxe identifiers start with an underscore _, a dollar $, a lower-case character a-z or an upper-case character A-Z. After that, any combination and number of _, A-Z, a-z and 0-9 may follow. Further limitations follow from the usage context, which are checked upon typing: > * Type names must start with an upper-case letter A-Z or an underscore _. > * Leadingdollarsarenotallowedforanykindofname(5)(dollar-namesaremostlyused for macro reification (9.3)). **Since Haxe 3.3.0** Haxe保留前置 \_hx\_ 的标识符在内部使用。这并不是强制的被解析器或者类型检查器执行。 > Haxe reserves the identifier prefix _hx_ for internal use. This is not enforced by the parser or typer. **关键字**:下面的Haxe关键字不能被使用为标识符: > **Keywords** The following Haxe keywords may not be used as identifiers: * abstract * break * case * cast * catch * class * continue * default * do * dynamic * else * enum * extends * extern * false * for * function * if * implements * import * in * inline * interface * macro * new * null * override * package * private * public * return * static * switch * this * throw * true * try * typedef * untyped * using * var * while