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如果一个类型路径在一个 .hx 文件中会多次用到,可以使用 import 导入来缩短它。这可以使我们省略包名来使用类型: > If a type path is used multiple times in a .hx file,it might make sense to use an import to shorten it. This allows omitting the package when using the type: ~~~ import haxe.ds.StringMap; class Main { static public function main() { // instead of: new haxe.ds.StringMap(); new StringMap(); } } ~~~ 第一行haxe.ds.StringMap被导入之后,编译器可以在main函数中解析绝对的标识符 StringMap到它的包中。 > With haxe.ds.StringMap being imported in the first line,the compiler is able to resolve the unqualified identifier StringMap in the main function to this package. The module StringMap is said to be imported into the current file. 在这个例子中,我们实际上导入了一个模块,而不只是模块中的一个类型。这意味着所有在导入的模块中定义的类型都是可用的。 > In this example, we are actually importing a module, not just a specific type within that module. This means that all types defined within the imported module are available: ~~~ import haxe.macro.Expr; class Main { static public function main() { var e:Binop = OpAdd; } } ~~~ 类型 Binop 是haxe.macro.Expr模块中一个 enum(第2.4节)声明,因此被提到的包导入之后就可用了。如果我们只要导入模块中的一个特定类型,例如,import haxe.macro.Expr.ExprDef,程序会编译失败,提示Binop类没有找到。 > The type Binop is an enum (2.4) declared in the module haxe.macro.Expr,and thus available after the import of said module. If we were to import only a specific type of that module, e.g. import haxe.macro.Expr.ExprDef, the program would fail to compile with Class not found : Binop. 关于导入有几个方面需要了解: > There are several aspects worth knowing about importing: * 最下面的导入有最高的优先级(详见 解析顺序(第3.7.3节))。 * 静态扩展(第6.3节)关键字 using 意味着 import 的效果。 * 如果一个enum被导入(直接或者作为模块的一部分导入),所有它的enum构造函数(第2.4.1节)同样也被导入(这就是在上面例子中允许 opAdd 的用法)。 > * The bottommost import takes priority (detailed in Resolution Order (Section 3.7.3)). > * The static extension (6.3) keyword using implies the effect of import. > * If an enum is imported (directly or as part of a module import), all its enum constructors (2.4.1) are also imported (this is what allows the OpAdd usage in the above example). 此外,也可以导入类的静态字段并不受限制的使用它们。 > Furthermore, it is also possible to import static fields (4) of a class and use them unqualified: ~~~ import Math.random; class Main { static public function main() { random(); } } ~~~ 必须特别注意,字段名或者局部变量名和包名的冲突:因为它们优先级高于包,一个局部变量名为haxe,会阻挡整个haxe包的使用。 > Special care has to be taken with field names or local variable names that conflict with a package name: Since they take priority over packages, a local variable named haxe blocks off usage the entire haxe package. **通配符导入**:Haxe允许使用 .* 使 import可以导入一个包中所有的模块,模块中的所有类型或者类型中的所有静态字段。理解这种导入只通过一个在下面例子中的单独级别: > **Wildcard import** Haxe allows using .* to allow import of all modules in a package, all types in a module or all static fields in a type. It is important to understand that this kind of import only crosses a single level as we can see in the following example: ~~~ import haxe.macro.*; class Main { static function main() { var expr:Expr = null; //var expr:ExprDef = null; // Class not found : ExprDef } } ~~~ 使用通配符到haxe.macro的导入,使这个包中的 Expr模块可以被访问,但是它不能使Expr模块的子类型ExprDef被访问。这个规则当一个模块被导入时也扩展到静态字段。 > Using the wildcard import on haxe.macro allows accessing Expr whichisa module in this package, but it does not allow accessing ExprDef which is a sub-type of the Expr module. This rule extends to static fields when a module is imported. 当使用通配符导入一个包,编译器并不急于处理包中的所有模块。这意味着这些模块除非被明确使用否则不会实际的被编译器发现,也不会出更为生成的输出的一部分。 > When using wildcard imports on a package the compiler does not eagerly process all modules in that package. This means that these modules are never actually seen by the compiler unless used explicitly and are then not part of the generated output. **使用别名导入** 如果一个类型或静态字段在一个导入它的模块中经常使用,可以为它引入别名为一个简短的名字。这也可以用来通过给定一个唯一的标识符来消除命名冲突。 > **Import with alias** If a type or static field is used a lot in an importing module it might help to alias it to a shorter name. This can also be used to disambiguate conflicting names by giving them a unique identifier. ~~~ import String.fromCharCode in f; class Main { static function main() { var c1 = f(65); var c2 = f(66); trace(c1 + c2); // AB } } ~~~ 这里我们导入String.fromCharCode为 f,使我们可以使用 f(65) 和 f(66)。达到和局部变量一样的使用,这个方法是编译时功能,不会有运行时开销。 > Here we import String.fromCharCode as f which allows us to use f(65) and f(66). While the same could be achieved with a local variable, this method is compile-time exclusive and guaranteed to have no run-time overhead. **从Haxe3.2.0后 ,Haxe允许使用更自然的 as 替代 in **。 > **Since Haxe 3.2.0** Haxe also allows the more natural as in place of in.