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# Class **Phalcon\Version**[](# "永久链接至标题") This class allows to get the installed version of the framework ### Constants[](# "永久链接至标题") *integer***VERSION_MAJOR** *integer***VERSION_MEDIUM** *integer***VERSION_MINOR** *integer***VERSION_SPECIAL** *integer***VERSION_SPECIAL_NUMBER** ### Methods[](# "永久链接至标题") protected static **_getVersion** () Area where the version number is set. The format is as follows: ABBCCDE A - Major version B - Med version (two digits) C - Min version (two digits) D - Special release: 1 = Alpha, 2 = Beta, 3 = RC, 4 = Stable E - Special release version i.e. RC1, Beta2 etc. final protected static **_getSpecial** (*unknown* $special) Translates a number to a special release If Special release = 1 this function will return ALPHA public static **get** () Returns the active version (string) ~~~ <?php echo Phalcon\Version::get(); ~~~ public static **getId** () Returns the numeric active version ~~~ <?php echo Phalcon\Version::getId(); ~~~ public static **getPart** (*unknown* $part) Returns a specific part of the version. If the wrong parameter is passed it will return the full version ~~~ <?php echo Phalcon\Version::getPart(Phalcon\Version::VERSION_MAJOR); ~~~ | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Interface Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Url") | - [API Indice](#) »