💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、豆包、星火、月之暗面及文生图、文生视频 广告
# Class **Phalcon\Forms\Form**[](# "永久链接至标题") *extends* abstract class `Phalcon\Di\Injectable` *implements*[*Phalcon\Events\EventsAwareInterface*](#), `Phalcon\Di\InjectionAwareInterface`, Countable, Iterator, Traversable This component allows to build forms using an object-oriented interface ### Methods[](# "永久链接至标题") public **setValidation** (*unknown* $validation) ... public **getValidation** () ... public **__construct** ([*object* $entity], [*array* $userOptions]) Phalcon\Forms\Form constructor public [*Phalcon\Forms\Form*]()**setAction** (*string* $action) Sets the form's action public **getAction** () Returns the form's action public [*Phalcon\Forms\Form*]()**setUserOption** (*string* $option, *mixed* $value) Sets an option for the form public *mixed***getUserOption** (*string* $option, [*mixed* $defaultValue]) Returns the value of an option if present public **setUserOptions** (*unknown* $options) Sets options for the element public *array***getUserOptions** () Returns the options for the element public [*Phalcon\Forms\Form*]()**setEntity** (*object* $entity) Sets the entity related to the model public *object***getEntity** () Returns the entity related to the model public **getElements** () Returns the form elements added to the form public [*Phalcon\Forms\Form*]()**bind** (*array* $data, *object* $entity, [*array* $whitelist]) Binds data to the entity public *boolean***isValid** ([*array* $data], [*object* $entity]) Validates the form public **getMessages** ([*unknown* $byItemName]) Returns the messages generated in the validation public [*Phalcon\Validation\Message\Group*](#)**getMessagesFor** (*string* $name) Returns the messages generated for a specific element public *boolean***hasMessagesFor** (*string* $name) Check if messages were generated for a specific element public [*Phalcon\Forms\Form*]()**add** ([*Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface*](#) $element, [*string* $postion], [*unknown* $type]) Adds an element to the form public *string***render** (*string* $name, [*array* $attributes]) Renders a specific item in the form public **get** (*unknown* $name) Returns an element added to the form by its name public **label** (*unknown* $name, [*unknown* $attributes]) Generate the label of a element added to the form including HTML public **getLabel** (*unknown* $name) Returns a label for an element public *mixed***getValue** (*string* $name) Gets a value from the internal related entity or from the default value public **has** (*unknown* $name) Check if the form contains an element public **remove** (*unknown* $name) Removes an element from the form public [*Phalcon\Forms\Form*]()**clear** ([*array* $fields]) Clears every element in the form to its default value public **count** () Returns the number of elements in the form public **rewind** () Rewinds the internal iterator public **current** () Returns the current element in the iterator public **key** () Returns the current position/key in the iterator public **next** () Moves the internal iteration pointer to the next position public **valid** () Check if the current element in the iterator is valid public **setDI** (*unknown* $dependencyInjector) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable Sets the dependency injector public **getDI** () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable Returns the internal dependency injector public **setEventsManager** (*unknown* $eventsManager) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable Sets the event manager public **getEventsManager** () inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable Returns the internal event manager public **__get** (*unknown* $propertyName) inherited from Phalcon\Di\Injectable Magic method __get | - [索引](# "总目录") - [下一页](# "Class Phalcon\Forms\Manager") | - [上一页](# "Class Phalcon\Forms\Exception") | - [API Indice](#) »