🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
=== Query-Time Search-as-You-Type Leaving postcodes behind, let's take a look at how prefix matching can help with full-text queries. ((("partial matching", "query time search-as-you-type"))) Users have become accustomed to seeing search results before they have finished typing their query--so-called _instant search_, or _search-as-you-type_. ((("search-as-you-type")))((("instant search"))) Not only do users receive their search results in less time, but we can guide them toward results that actually exist in our index. For instance, if a user types in `johnnie walker bl`, we would like to show results for Johnnie Walker Black Label and Johnnie Walker Blue Label before they can finish typing their query. As always, there are more ways than one to skin a cat! We will start by looking at the way that is simplest to implement. You don't need to prepare your data in any way; you can implement _search-as-you-type_ at query time on any full-text field. In <<phrase-matching>>, we introduced the `match_phrase` query, which matches all the specified words in the same positions relative to each other. For-query time search-as-you-type, we can use a specialization of this query, called ((("prefix query", "match_phrase_prefix query")))((("match_phrase_prefix query")))the `match_phrase_prefix` query: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "match_phrase_prefix" : { "brand" : "johnnie walker bl" } } -------------------------------------------------- // SENSE: 130_Partial_Matching/20_Match_phrase_prefix.json This query behaves in the same way as the `match_phrase` query, except that it treats the last word in the query string as a prefix. In other words, the preceding example would look for the following: * `johnnie` * Followed by `walker` * Followed by words beginning with `bl` If you were to run this query through the `validate-query` API, it would produce this explanation: "johnnie walker bl*" Like the `match_phrase` query, it accepts a `slop` parameter (see <<slop>>) to make the word order and relative positions ((("slop parameter", "match_prhase_prefix query")))((("match_phrase_prefix query", "slop parameter")))somewhat less rigid: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "match_phrase_prefix" : { "brand" : { "query": "walker johnnie bl", <1> "slop": 10 } } } -------------------------------------------------- // SENSE: 130_Partial_Matching/20_Match_phrase_prefix.json <1> Even though the words are in the wrong order, the query still matches because we have set a high enough `slop` value to allow some flexibility in word positions. However, it is always only the last word in the query string that is treated as a prefix. Earlier, in <<prefix-query>>, we warned about the perils of the prefix--how `prefix` queries can be resource intensive. The same is true in this case.((("match_phrase_prefix query", "caution with"))) A prefix of `a` could match hundreds of thousands of terms. Not only would matching on this many terms be resource intensive, but it would also not be useful to the user. We can limit the impact ((("match_phrase_prefix query", "max_expansions")))((("max_expansions parameter")))of the prefix expansion by setting `max_expansions` to a reasonable number, such as 50: [source,js] -------------------------------------------------- { "match_phrase_prefix" : { "brand" : { "query": "johnnie walker bl", "max_expansions": 50 } } } -------------------------------------------------- // SENSE: 130_Partial_Matching/20_Match_phrase_prefix.json The `max_expansions` parameter controls how many terms the prefix is allowed to match. It will find the first term starting with `bl` and keep collecting terms (in alphabetical order) until it either runs out of terms with prefix `bl`, or it has more terms than `max_expansions`. Don't forget that we have to run this query every time the user types another character, so it needs to be fast. If the first set of results isn't what users are after, they'll keep typing until they get the results that they want.