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[[using-stopwords]] === Using Stopwords The removal of stopwords is ((("stopwords", "removal of")))handled by the[`stop` token filter] which can be used when ((("stop token filter")))creating a `custom` analyzer (see <<stop-token-filter>>). However, some out-of-the-box analyzers((("analyzers", "stop filter pre-integrated")))((("pattern analyzer", "stopwords and")))((("standard analyzer", "stop filter")))((("language analyzers", "stop filter pre-integrated"))) come with the `stop` filter pre-integrated:[Language analyzers]:: Each language analyzer defaults to using the appropriate stopwords list for that language. For instance, the `english` analyzer uses the `_english_` stopwords list.[`standard` analyzer]:: Defaults to the empty stopwords list: `_none_`, essentially disabling stopwords.[`pattern` analyzer]:: Defaults to `_none_`, like the `standard` analyzer. ==== Stopwords and the Standard Analyzer To use custom stopwords in conjunction with ((("standard analyzer", "stopwords and")))((("stopwords", "using with standard analyzer")))the `standard` analyzer, all we need to do is to create a configured version of the analyzer and pass in the list of `stopwords` that we require: [source,json] --------------------------------- PUT /my_index { "settings": { "analysis": { "analyzer": { "my_analyzer": { <1> "type": "standard", <2> "stopwords": [ "and", "the" ] <3> } } } } } --------------------------------- <1> This is a custom analyzer called `my_analyzer`. <2> This analyzer is the `standard` analyzer with some custom configuration. <3> The stopwords to filter out are `and` and `the`. TIP: This same technique can be used to configure custom stopword lists for any of the language analyzers. [[maintaining-positions]] ==== Maintaining Positions The output from the `analyze` API((("stopwords", "maintaining position of terms and"))) is quite interesting: [source,json] --------------------------------- GET /my_index/_analyze?analyzer=my_analyzer The quick and the dead --------------------------------- [source,json] --------------------------------- { "tokens": [ { "token": "quick", "start_offset": 4, "end_offset": 9, "type": "<ALPHANUM>", "position": 2 <1> }, { "token": "dead", "start_offset": 18, "end_offset": 22, "type": "<ALPHANUM>", "position": 5 <1> } ] } --------------------------------- <1> Note the `position` of each token. The stopwords have been filtered out, as expected, but the interesting part is that the `position` of the((("phrase matching", "stopwords and", "positions data"))) two remaining terms is unchanged: `quick` is the second word in the original sentence, and `dead` is the fifth. This is important for phrase queries--if the positions of each term had been adjusted, a phrase query for `quick dead` would have matched the preceding example incorrectly. [[specifying-stopwords]] ==== Specifying Stopwords Stopwords can be passed inline, as we did in ((("stopwords", "specifying")))the previous example, by specifying an array: [source,json] --------------------------------- "stopwords": [ "and", "the" ] --------------------------------- The default stopword list for a particular language can be specified using the `_lang_` notation: [source,json] --------------------------------- "stopwords": "_english_" --------------------------------- TIP: The predefined language-specific stopword((("languages", "predefined stopword lists for"))) lists available in Elasticsearch can be found in the[`stop` token filter] documentation. Stopwords can be disabled by ((("stopwords", "disabling")))specifying the special list: `_none_`. For instance, to use the `english` analyzer((("english analyzer", "using without stopwords"))) without stopwords, you can do the following: [source,json] --------------------------------- PUT /my_index { "settings": { "analysis": { "analyzer": { "my_english": { "type": "english", <1> "stopwords": "_none_" <2> } } } } } --------------------------------- <1> The `my_english` analyzer is based on the `english` analyzer. <2> But stopwords are disabled. Finally, stopwords can also be listed in a file with one word per line. The file must be present on all nodes in the cluster, and the path can be specified((("stopwords_path parameter"))) with the `stopwords_path` parameter: [source,json] --------------------------------- PUT /my_index { "settings": { "analysis": { "analyzer": { "my_english": { "type": "english", "stopwords_path": "stopwords/english.txt" <1> } } } } } --------------------------------- <1> The path to the stopwords file, relative to the Elasticsearch `config` directory [[stop-token-filter]] ==== Using the stop Token Filter The[`stop` token filter] can be combined with a tokenizer((("stopwords", "using stop token filter")))((("stop token filter", "using in custom analyzer"))) and other token filters when you need to create a `custom` analyzer. For instance, let's say that we wanted to ((("Spanish", "custom analyzer for")))((("light_spanish stemmer")))create a Spanish analyzer with the following: * A custom stopwords list * The `light_spanish` stemmer * The <<asciifolding-token-filter,`asciifolding` filter>> to remove diacritics We could set that up as follows: [source,json] --------------------------------- PUT /my_index { "settings": { "analysis": { "filter": { "spanish_stop": { "type": "stop", "stopwords": [ "si", "esta", "el", "la" ] <1> }, "light_spanish": { <2> "type": "stemmer", "language": "light_spanish" } }, "analyzer": { "my_spanish": { "tokenizer": "spanish", "filter": [ <3> "lowercase", "asciifolding", "spanish_stop", "light_spanish" ] } } } } } --------------------------------- <1> The `stop` token filter takes the same `stopwords` and `stopwords_path` parameters as the `standard` analyzer. <2> See <<algorithmic-stemmers>>. <3> The order of token filters is important, as explained next. We have placed the `spanish_stop` filter after the `asciifolding` filter.((("asciifolding token filter", "in custom Spanish analyzer"))) This means that `esta`, `ésta`, and ++está++ will first have their diacritics removed to become just `esta`, which will then be removed as a stopword. If, instead, we wanted to remove `esta` and `ésta`, but not ++está++, we would have to put the `spanish_stop` filter _before_ the `asciifolding` filter, and specify both words in the stopwords list. [[updating-stopwords]] ==== Updating Stopwords A few techniques can be used to update the list of stopwords used by an analyzer.((("analyzers", "stopwords list, updating")))((("stopwords", "updating list used by analyzers"))) Analyzers are instantiated at index creation time, when a node is restarted, or when a closed index is reopened. If you specify stopwords inline with the `stopwords` parameter, your only option is to close the index and update the analyzer configuration with the[update index settings API], then reopen the index. Updating stopwords is easier if you specify them in a file with the `stopwords_path` parameter.((("stopwords_path parameter"))) You can just update the file (on every node in the cluster) and then force the analyzers to be re-created by either of these actions: * Closing and reopening the index (see[open/close index]), or * Restarting each node in the cluster, one by one Of course, updating the stopwords list will not change any documents that have already been indexed. It will apply only to searches and to new or updated documents. To apply the changes to existing documents, you will need to reindex your data. See <<reindex>>.