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# Java 程序:查找两个数字的 GCD > 原文: [https://beginnersbook.com/2018/09/java-program-to-find-gcd-of-two-numbers/](https://beginnersbook.com/2018/09/java-program-to-find-gcd-of-two-numbers/) 两个数字的 **GCD(最大公约数)**是最大的正整数,它将两个数字整除而不留任何余数。例如。 30 和 45 的 GCD 是 15。GCD 也称为 HCF(最高公因子)。在[教程](https://beginnersbook.com/java-tutorial-for-beginners-with-examples/)中,我们将编写几个不同的 [Java 程序](https://beginnersbook.com/2017/09/java-examples/)来找出两个数字的 GCD。 ## 如何在纸上找出 GCD? 为了找出两个数字的 GCD,我们将公因子乘以如下图所示: ![Finding GCD of numbers in Java](https://img.kancloud.cn/60/b1/60b1d13ee4d6f65bf3e80017ba633d8d_600x200.jpg) ## 示例 1:使用`for`循环查找两个数字的 GCD 在这个例子中,我们使用[`for`循环](https://beginnersbook.com/2015/03/for-loop-in-java-with-example/)找到两个给定数字的 GCD。 我们正在运行一个 for 循环,从 1 到较小的数字和内部循环,我们将这两个数字除以循环计数器`i`,范围从 1 到较小的数字值。如果`i`的值除以两个数字而没有余数,那么我们将该值赋给变量`gcd`。在循环结束时,变量`gcd`将具有最大数字,该数字除以两个数字而没有余数。 ```java public class GCDExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { //Lets take two numbers 55 and 121 and find their GCD int num1 = 55, num2 = 121, gcd = 1; /* loop is running from 1 to the smallest of both numbers * In this example the loop will run from 1 to 55 because 55 * is the smaller number. All the numbers from 1 to 55 will be * checked. A number that perfectly divides both numbers would * be stored in variable "gcd". By doing this, at the end, the * variable gcd will have the largest number that divides both * numbers without remainder. */ for(int i = 1; i <= num1 && i <= num2; i++) { if(num1%i==0 && num2%i==0) gcd = i; } System.out.printf("GCD of %d and %d is: %d", num1, num2, gcd); } } ``` 输出: ```java GCD of 55 and 121 is: 11 ``` ## 示例 2:使用`while`循环查找两个数字的 GCD 让我们使用[`while`循环](https://beginnersbook.com/2015/03/while-loop-in-java-with-examples/)编写相同的程序。在这里,我们采用不同的方法来寻找 gcd。在这个程序中,我们从较大的数字中减去较小的数字,直到它们变得相同。在循环结束时,数字的值将相同,并且该值将是这些数字的 GCD。 ```java public class GCDExample2 { public static void main(String[] args) { int num1 = 55, num2 = 121; while (num1 != num2) { if(num1 > num2) num1 = num1 - num2; else num2 = num2 - num1; } System.out.printf("GCD of given numbers is: %d", num2); } } ``` 输出: ```java GCD of given numbers is: 11 ``` ## 示例 3:查找两个输入(由用户输入)数字的 GCD 在这个例子中,我们使用`Scanner`来[从用户](https://beginnersbook.com/2014/07/java-program-to-get-input-from-user/)获取输入。用户将输入两个数字的值,程序将找到这些输入数字的 GCD。 ```java import java.util.Scanner; public class GCDExample3 { public static void main(String[] args) { int num1, num2; //Reading the input numbers Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("Enter first number:"); num1 = (int)scanner.nextInt(); System.out.print("Enter second number:"); num2 = (int)scanner.nextInt(); //closing the scanner to avoid memory leaks scanner.close(); while (num1 != num2) { if(num1 > num2) num1 = num1 - num2; else num2 = num2 - num1; } //displaying the result System.out.printf("GCD of given numbers is: %d", num2); } } ``` 输出: ```java Enter first number:30 Enter second number:250 GCD of given numbers is: 10 ``` 下面是几个相关的 java 例子: 1. [Java 程序:找到 factorial 数](https://beginnersbook.com/2017/09/java-program-to-find-factorial-using-for-and-while-loop/) 2. [Java 程序:显示 Fibonacci 系列](https://beginnersbook.com/2017/09/java-program-to-display-fibonacci-series-using-loops/) 3. [Java 程序:找到三个数字中最大的数字](https://beginnersbook.com/2017/09/java-program-to-find-largest-of-three-numbers/)