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# Java `String split()`方法 > 原文: [https://beginnersbook.com/2013/12/java-string-split-method-example/](https://beginnersbook.com/2013/12/java-string-split-method-example/) Java [`String`](https://beginnersbook.com/2013/12/java-strings/)`split`方法用于根据给定的分隔符或[正则表达式](https://beginnersbook.com/2014/08/java-regex-tutorial/)将`String`拆分为其子串。 例如: ```java String: [email protected] Regular Expression: @ Output : {"chaitanya", "singh"} ``` ## Java 字符串拆分方法 我们在`String`类中有两种`split()`方法。 1. `String[] split(String regex)`:在根据分隔正则表达式拆分输入`String`后返回一个字符串数组。 2. `String[] split(String regex, int limit)`:当我们想要限制子串时,使用这个`String split`方法。此方法与上述方法的唯一区别在于它限制了拆分后返回的字符串数。对于例如`split("anydelimiter", 3)`将返回仅 3 个字符串的数组,即使字符串中的分隔符超过 3 次也是如此。 如果**限制为负**,则返回的数组将具有尽可能多的子串,但是当**限制为零**时,返回的数组将具有除尾随空字符串之外的所有子串。 如果指定正则表达式的语法无效,则抛出 [`PatternSyntaxException`](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/regex/PatternSyntaxException.html) 。 ## Java `String`拆分示例 ```java public class SplitExample{ public static void main(String args[]){ // This is out input String String str = new String("28/12/2013"); System.out.println("split(String regex):"); /* Here we are using first variation of java string split method * which splits the string into substring based on the regular * expression, there is no limit on the substrings */ String array1[]= str.split("/"); for (String temp: array1){ System.out.println(temp); } /* Using second variation of split method here. Since the limit is passed * as 2\. This method would only produce two substrings. */ System.out.println("split(String regex, int limit) with limit=2:"); String array2[]= str.split("/", 2); for (String temp: array2){ System.out.println(temp); } System.out.println("split(String regex, int limit) with limit=0:"); String array3[]= str.split("/", 0); for (String temp: array3){ System.out.println(temp); } /* When we pass limit as negative. The split method works same as the first variation * because negative limit says that the method returns substrings with no limit. */ System.out.println("split(String regex, int limit) with limit=-5:"); String array4[]= str.split("/", -5); for (String temp: array4){ System.out.println(temp); } } } ``` **输出:** ```java split(String regex): 28 12 2013 split(String regex, int limit) with limit=2: 28 12/2013 split(String regex, int limit) with limit=0: 28 12 2013 split(String regex, int limit) with limit=-5: 28 12 2013 ``` ## java 字符串拆分方法中零和负限制之间的差异 在上面的示例中,`split("/", 0)`和`split("/", -5)`返回相同的值,但在某些情况下,结果会有所不同。让我们通过一个例子来看看这两者之间的区别: ```java String s="bbaaccaa"; String arr1[]= s.split("a", -1); String arr2[]= s.split("a", 0); ``` 在这种情况下,`arr1`将具有`{"bb","","cc","",""}`但是`arr2`将具有`{"bb","","cc"}`,因为限制零不包括试验空字符串。 让我们看看完整的程序。 ```java public class JavaExample{ public static void main(String args[]){ // This is out input String String s = new String("bbaaccaa"); //Splitting with limit as 0 String arr2[]= s.split("a", 0); System.out.println("Zero Limit split:"); for (String str2: arr2){ System.out.println(str2); } //Splitting with negative limit String arr1[]= s.split("a", -1); System.out.println("Negative Limit split:"); for (String str: arr1){ System.out.println(str); } System.out.println("End of program"); } } ``` **输出:** ![Java String split](https://img.kancloud.cn/71/22/712225767f44ed375089578c02f3e1ac_700x1024.jpg) ## Java 带有多个分隔符(特殊字符)的字符串拆分 让我们看看我们如何在使用`split()`方法时传递多个分隔符。在这个例子中,我们基于多个特殊字符拆分输入字符串。 ```java public class JavaExample{ public static void main(String args[]){ String s = " ,ab;gh,bc;pq#kk$bb"; String[] str = s.split("[,;#$]"); //Total how many substrings? The array length System.out.println("Number of substrings: "+str.length); for (int i=0; i < str.length; i++) { System.out.println("Str["+i+"]:"+str[i]); } } } ``` **输出:** ![Java string split multiple characters, split multiple special characters](https://img.kancloud.cn/1e/3d/1e3dfeeee289b026da3eb12f3f2cd41f_1004x848.jpg) 让我们再练习几个例子: **示例:Java `String split`方法中的正则表达式** ```java public class SplitExample1 { public static void main(String args[]) { String str = "helloxyzhixyzbye"; String[] arr = str.split("xyz"); for (String s : arr) System.out.println(s); } } ``` **输出:** ```java hello hi bye ``` **示例:基于空格分割字符串** ```java public class SplitExample2 { public static void main(String args[]) { String str = "My name is Chaitanya"; //regular expression is a whitespace here String[] arr = str.split(" "); for (String s : arr) System.out.println(s); } } ``` **输出:** ```java My name is Chaitanya ```