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# Java `String contains()`方法 > 原文: [https://beginnersbook.com/2017/10/java-string-contains-method/](https://beginnersbook.com/2017/10/java-string-contains-method/) Java `String contains()`方法检查特定字符序列是否是给定字符串的一部分。如果给定字符串中存在指定的字符序列,则此方法返回`true`,否则返回`false`。 **例如:** ```java String str = "Game of Thrones"; //This will print "true" because "Game" is present in the given String System.out.println(str.contains("Game")); /* This will print "false" because "aGme" is not present, the characters * must be present in the same sequence as specified in the contains method */ System.out.println(str.contains("aGme")); ``` ## `contains()`方法的语法 ```java public boolean contains(CharSequence str) ``` 返回类型是`boolean`,这意味着此方法返回`true`或`false`。当在给定字符串中找到字符序列时,此方法返回`true`,否则返回`false`。 如果`CharSequence`为`null`,则此方法抛出`NullPointerException`。 例如:像这样调用此方法会抛出`NullPointerException`。 ```java str.contains(null); ``` ## Java `String contains()`方法示例 第二个`print`语句显示为`false`,因为`contains()`方法区分大小写。 **您也可以使用`contains()`方法进行不区分大小写的检查**,我已经在本教程末尾介绍了。 ```java class Example{ public static void main(String args[]){ String str = "Do you like watching Game of Thrones"; System.out.println(str.contains("like")); /* this will print false as the contains() method is * case sensitive. Here we have mentioned letter "l" * in upper case and in the actual string we have this * letter in the lower case. */ System.out.println(str.contains("Like")); System.out.println(str.contains("Game")); System.out.println(str.contains("Game of")); } } ``` **输出:** ```java true false true true ``` ## 示例 2:在`if-else`语句中使用 Java `String contains()`方法 我们知道`contains()`方法返回一个布尔值,我们可以将此方法用作[`if-else`语句](https://beginnersbook.com/2017/08/if-else-statement-in-java/)中的条件。 ```java class JavaExample{ public static void main(String args[]){ String str = "This is an example of contains()"; /* Using the contains() method in the if-else statement, since * this method returns the boolean value, it can be used * as a condition in if-else */ if(str.contains("example")){ System.out.println("The word example is found in given string"); } else{ System.out.println("The word example is not found in the string"); } } } ``` **输出:** ![Java String contains method example](https://img.kancloud.cn/3f/7e/3f7e0387cad3884a9752ac997b8e0b61_1024x659.jpg) ## Java `String contains()`方法,用于不区分大小写的检查 我们在上面已经看到`contains()`方法区分大小写,但是通过一个小技巧,您可以使用此方法进行不区分大小写的检查。让我们举个例子来理解这个: 这里我们使用[`toLowerCase()`方法](https://beginnersbook.com/2013/12/java-string-tolowercase-method-example/)将两个字符串转换为小写,以便我们可以使用`contains()`方法执行不区分大小写的检查。我们也可以使用`toUpperCase()`方法实现同样的目的,如下例所示。 ```java class Example{ public static void main(String args[]){ String str = "Just a Simple STRING"; String str2 = "string"; //Converting both the strings to lower case for case insensitive checking System.out.println(str.toLowerCase().contains(str2.toLowerCase())); //You can also use the upper case method for the same purpose. System.out.println(str.toUpperCase().contains(str2.toUpperCase())); } } ``` 输出: ```java true true ``` #### 参考: [`String Contains()`方法 JavaDoc](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html#contains(java.lang.CharSequence))