# 插件
`plugins`文件夹中的python模块将被导入, **钩子** , **操作符** , **传感器** , **宏** , **执行器**和Web **视图**将集成到Airflow的主要集合中,并可供使用。
## 做什么的?
Airflow提供了一个用于处理数据的通用工具箱。 不同的组织有不同的堆栈和不同的需求。 使用Airflow插件可以让公司定制他们的Airflow安装以反映他们的生态系统。
* 一组用于解析Hive日志和公开Hive元数据(CPU / IO /阶段/倾斜/ ...)的工具
* 异常检测框架,允许人们收集指标,设置阈值和警报
* 审计工具,帮助了解谁访问了什么
* 配置驱动的SLA监控工具,允许您设置受监控的表以及应该在何时着陆,提醒人员并公开停机的可视化
* ...
## 为什么要建立在Airflow之上?
* 可用于呈现视图的Web服务器
* 用于存储模型的元数据数据库
* 访问您的数据库,以及如何连接到它们的知识
* 应用程序可以将工作负载推送到的一组工作者
* 部署了Airflow,您可以专注于部署物流
* 基本的图表功能,底层库和抽象
## 接口
要创建插件,您需要派生`airflow.plugins_manager.AirflowPlugin`类并引用要插入Airflow的对象。 以下是您需要派生的类看起来像:
class AirflowPlugin ( object ):
# The name of your plugin (str)
name = None
# A list of class(es) derived from BaseOperator
operators = []
# A list of class(es) derived from BaseSensorOperator
sensors = []
# A list of class(es) derived from BaseHook
hooks = []
# A list of class(es) derived from BaseExecutor
executors = []
# A list of references to inject into the macros namespace
macros = []
# A list of objects created from a class derived
# from flask_admin.BaseView
admin_views = []
# A list of Blueprint object created from flask.Blueprint
flask_blueprints = []
# A list of menu links (flask_admin.base.MenuLink)
menu_links = []
您可以通过继承派生它(请参阅下面的示例)。 请注意,必须指定此类中的`name` 。
from airflow. { type , like "operators" , "sensors" } . { name specificed inside the plugin class } import *
当您编写自己的插件时,请确保您理解它们。 每种类型的插件都有一些基本属性。 例如,
* 对于`Operator`插件,必须使用`execute`方法。
* 对于`Sensor`插件,必须使用返回布尔值的`poke`方法。
## 例
# This is the class you derive to create a plugin
from airflow.plugins_manager import AirflowPlugin
from flask import Blueprint
from flask_admin import BaseView , expose
from flask_admin.base import MenuLink
# Importing base classes that we need to derive
from airflow.hooks.base_hook import BaseHook
from airflow.models import BaseOperator
from airflow.sensors.base_sensor_operator import BaseSensorOperator
from airflow.executors.base_executor import BaseExecutor
# Will show up under airflow.hooks.test_plugin.PluginHook
class PluginHook ( BaseHook ):
# Will show up under airflow.operators.test_plugin.PluginOperator
class PluginOperator ( BaseOperator ):
# Will show up under airflow.sensors.test_plugin.PluginSensorOperator
class PluginSensorOperator ( BaseSensorOperator ):
# Will show up under airflow.executors.test_plugin.PluginExecutor
class PluginExecutor ( BaseExecutor ):
# Will show up under airflow.macros.test_plugin.plugin_macro
def plugin_macro ():
# Creating a flask admin BaseView
class TestView ( BaseView ):
@expose ( '/' )
def test ( self ):
# in this example, put your test_plugin/test.html template at airflow/plugins/templates/test_plugin/test.html
return self . render ( "test_plugin/test.html" , content = "Hello galaxy!" )
v = TestView ( category = "Test Plugin" , name = "Test View" )
# Creating a flask blueprint to integrate the templates and static folder
bp = Blueprint (
"test_plugin" , __name__ ,
template_folder = 'templates' , # registers airflow/plugins/templates as a Jinja template folder
static_folder = 'static' ,
static_url_path = '/static/test_plugin' )
ml = MenuLink (
category = 'Test Plugin' ,
name = 'Test Menu Link' ,
url = 'https://airflow.incubator.apache.org/' )
# Defining the plugin class
class AirflowTestPlugin ( AirflowPlugin ):
name = "test_plugin"
operators = [ PluginOperator ]
sensors = [ PluginSensorOperator ]
hooks = [ PluginHook ]
executors = [ PluginExecutor ]
macros = [ plugin_macro ]
admin_views = [ v ]
flask_blueprints = [ bp ]
menu_links = [ ml ]